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Postby fig head » Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:24 pm

tsukoui wrote:What happened to Fig Head? There seemed to be so many more estranged cousins on the forum at that time.

Alive and well, much older and strangely wiser ☺, I see nothing changed here, same ol same ol!
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:41 pm

fig head wrote:
tsukoui wrote:What happened to Fig Head? There seemed to be so many more estranged cousins on the forum at that time.

Alive and well, much older and strangely wiser ☺, I see nothing changed here, same ol same ol!

:D :D :D :D Welcome back...
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Postby fig head » Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:06 pm

Thank you, I've long been cured from my C.F addiction though.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:43 am

Robin Hood wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:This site is now as exciting as watching paint dry. Nobody posts anything of interest anymore. It has now become a forum for arguing about Cyprus Problems and very little else. OK, so it is a Cyprus based site but if only Cyprus matters are to be discussed .... why not change the forum language to Greek (Cypriot Greek) ? :( :( :(

Don't worry... one day Paphitis will return...

I would look forward to his return. :P I vehemently disagreed with his views, mainly on Syria and the monetary system but at least he put up an argument! :roll:

Who would of thought it the smallest pet (Robin from the hood) would turn out to be such a big bully. :evil: Poor Paphitis turned to the booze, gone walk about.

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Postby Londonrake » Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:05 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:As usual boring posters that have nothing to say. The only one who contributed to learning of things we didn't know (taking names from this topic only) is RH and to a lesser extend Sotos. Zilch from the rest.
Milti offers everyone free tickets in learning about his personal matters.Still that's better than nothing.
We discuss to learn...

I'm interested in many aspects of events in today's world. The trouble is, if you don't support an "approved" view on this Forum, you tend to get attacked. So, why bother?
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:43 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:As usual boring posters that have nothing to say. The only one who contributed to learning of things we didn't know (taking names from this topic only) is RH and to a lesser extend Sotos. Zilch from the rest.
Milti offers everyone free tickets in learning about his personal matters.Still that's better than nothing.
We discuss to learn...

I'm interested in many aspects of events in today's world. The trouble is, if you don't support an "approved" view on this Forum, you tend to get attacked. So, why bother?

That may well be true but can you honestly say you have not been just as guilty of that ? ........ by that I mean that you can honestly say that you have never been guilty of attacking the messenger rather than questioning the message?

Without support in the form of credible evidence, then any view is no more than a personal opinion.
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Postby Londonrake » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:13 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:As usual boring posters that have nothing to say. The only one who contributed to learning of things we didn't know (taking names from this topic only) is RH and to a lesser extend Sotos. Zilch from the rest.
Milti offers everyone free tickets in learning about his personal matters.Still that's better than nothing.
We discuss to learn...

I'm interested in many aspects of events in today's world. The trouble is, if you don't support an "approved" view on this Forum, you tend to get attacked. So, why bother?

That may well be true but can you honestly say you have not been just as guilty of that ? ........ by that I mean that you can honestly say that you have never been guilty of attacking the messenger rather than questioning the message?

Without support in the form of credible evidence, then any view is no more than a personal opinion.

That's something you've never seemed to have been able to take on board. Surely, the whole point of Forums is for people to express their opinions and for others to consider them and, if they disagree, express theirs in opposition? Otherwise, aren't we just reduced to firing links from partisan sites at each other?

Even then, you "back up" many of your posts with links to articles, usually from rampantly left-wing biased fringe sites, which are nothing more than the opinions of their authors, arguing though that they are "authorative".That is, and never has been, "credible evidence". Neither is your penchant for posting articles from the likes of RT/Sputnik (nothing more than Russian State propaganda outlets) which come up with total rubbish to demonstrate how it's "somebody else's fault" or the likes of "there is no plan to site nuclear missiles in Cuba" within hours of catastrophic events. Useful idiots.

You yourself constantly express your opinions and, let's be honest, on the net, anybody could find "credible evidence" to "prove" the Earth's flat, the moon landings were faked, the US did 9/11. Etc,etc,etc.

Your providing links to support selective views doesn't necessarily substantiate them. You should try expressing your own opinions, now and then, rather than spotting a nice globalresearch article, which neatly backs up your personal prejudices, then cut and pasting it in, defying anyone to disagree, as though it were some sort of definitive tome.
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Postby Robin Hood » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:36 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:As usual boring posters that have nothing to say. The only one who contributed to learning of things we didn't know (taking names from this topic only) is RH and to a lesser extend Sotos. Zilch from the rest.
Milti offers everyone free tickets in learning about his personal matters.Still that's better than nothing.
We discuss to learn...

I'm interested in many aspects of events in today's world. The trouble is, if you don't support an "approved" view on this Forum, you tend to get attacked. So, why bother?

That may well be true but can you honestly say you have not been just as guilty of that ? ........ by that I mean that you can honestly say that you have never been guilty of attacking the messenger rather than questioning the message?

Without support in the form of credible evidence, then any view is no more than a personal opinion.

That's something you've never seemed to have been able to take on board. Surely, the whole point of Forums is for people to express their opinions and for others to consider them and, if they disagree, express theirs in opposition? Otherwise, aren't we just reduced to firing links from partisan sites at each other?

Even then, you "back up" many of your posts with links to articles, usually from rampantly left-wing biased fringe sites, which are nothing more than the opinions of their authors, arguing though that they are "authorative".That is, and never has been, "credible evidence". Neither is your penchant for posting articles from the likes of RT/Sputnik (nothing more than Russian State propaganda outlets) which come up with total rubbish to demonstrate how it's "somebody else's fault" or the likes of "there is no plan to site nuclear missiles in Cuba" within hours of catastrophic events. Useful idiots.

You yourself constantly express your opinions and, let's be honest, on the net, anybody could find "credible evidence" to "prove" the Earth's flat, the moon landings were faked, the US did 9/11. Etc,etc,etc.

Your providing links to support selective views doesn't necessarily substantiate them. You should try expressing your own opinions, now and then, rather than spotting a nice globalresearch article, which neatly backs up your personal prejudices, then cut and pasting it in, defying anyone to disagree, as though it were some sort of definitive tome.

That post says it all, no need for my comments :roll: ....... you are always right according to YOUR favourite sites but of course unlike my sources, yours are 100% to be believed. :roll:

Yes .... 'useful idiots' sums it up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Londonrake » Wed Aug 02, 2017 8:56 pm

Robin Hood wrote:That post says it all, no need for my comments :roll: ....... you are always right according to YOUR favourite sites but of course unlike my sources, yours are 100% to be believed. :roll:

Yes .... 'useful idiots' sums it up! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't tend to refer much to sited articles TBH - but you know that. Contrarily you seem to regard your frequently used pet ones, Globalresearch/Blacklistednews, et al, as being on a par with the Bible/Koran.

As far as "always right" is concerned, once again you seem to be oblivious to your invariable habit of rank hypocrisy. Nobody I have ever encountered on internet forums is as "always right" as you.

I do though appreciate your expression of a personal opinion - for a rare change.

Anyway, I've absolutely no intention of becoming a Paphitis replacement. Should it have slipped your mind, he's yet another long term member of a Forum who has packed it in because of your obnoxious manner. You and your internet persona are toxic, as absolutely anybody who takes the trouble to engage with you (the vast majority avoid it like the plague) eventually comes to find out. I sincerely hope that one day one of the people you sit there and blithely lambast, from the perceived safety of your keyboard, will catch up with you. It's gotta happen.

Frankly, on this matter I suspect I agree for once with GR - you can go fish, or, as Paphitis apparently said, Piss off.
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Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:59 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:As usual boring posters that have nothing to say. The only one who contributed to learning of things we didn't know (taking names from this topic only) is RH and to a lesser extend Sotos. Zilch from the rest.
Milti offers everyone free tickets in learning about his personal matters.Still that's better than nothing.
We discuss to learn...

I'm interested in many aspects of events in today's world. The trouble is, if you don't support an "approved" view on this Forum, you tend to get attacked. So, why bother?

It's not about a view. It's about something new, something interesting, something triggering.

Who e.g ever knew anything about the money creation process initiated by RH? After some thought I didn't quite agree with him on many aspects but we did spend tons of virtual ink writing about it.

Not that I am any better than the rest of you in this section of the forum. But I did have shocking views and research results on the CY problem section white it was active and there were enough posters around... As for example the constant lie served at every opportunity both by TCs and their leadership that there was a genocide against them from 1960 to 1974.The truth is that the number of their casualties based on their own very detailed record , was less than those killed in road accidents every year. Mind you the GCs had more casualties...

The TC case in mostly based on over inflated half truths, tons of lies, and intentionally promoted fear.
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