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Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passport?

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Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passport?

Postby HDP5 » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:14 pm

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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:20 pm

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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:12 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:yes!

Oh, so now you renege on calling the EOKA freedom struggle 'terrorism'? :roll:

- Grivas fought so that you can gain freedom from Britain too?

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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:36 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:yes!

Oh, so now you renege on calling the EOKA freedom struggle 'terrorism'? :roll:

- Grivas fought so that you can gain freedom from Britain too?


I have never had any issue with Cypriot Independence, and I mean Independence as sovereign state, but No I do not change my view on the EOKA campaign being one of terrorism, but then Grivas, curse him for ever, in particular for his betrayal of the Republic in the 1960's and 70's , was not just fighting for Freedom from Britain but to deny Cyprus independence and hand it over to another foreign state, which in my view would, in the long term, have been a very big disaster for Cyprus, and all based on 17th Century romantic ideals.

Cyprus would have got freedom from Britain any way: it is possible that if the 1949 arrangements had been accepted, at about the same time and on better terms than were achieved, but they were rejected. Likewise in 1956, but Dirty Mak and Grivas blew it big time, in particular on February 29th 1956, when with 19 bombs in Nicosia, concurrent with a meeting with Allan Lennox-Boyd, the Colonial Secretary, they threw away the prospect of an agreement, and what happened in 1960 is the result of that terrorist act.
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby Sotos » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:13 pm

I have never had any issue with Cypriot Independence, and I mean Independence as sovereign state...

And with what do you, a foreigner, have a problem? Why should anything that the Cypriots democratically choose for their own island be a problem to a foreigner like you? That is like me saying that the Falklands, Gibraltar or Scotland being part of the UK is a problem to me. Terrorism is what the British did in Cyprus (and many other parts of the world) when they used brute force and blackmail to exploit lands and people that did not belong to them. They keep doing it in Cyprus with the bases.
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:26 pm

To the Brits any nation , with an undeniable right , to seek independence from Britain was classed as terrorists. In doing so they, the Brits, brainwashed their own people and instilled in them that all who fought for freedom were ....terrorists. it seems that the Brits considered freedom as an exclusive right to be enjoyed by them selves only.
Mate , the struggle against British occupation was noble and the vast majority of Cypriots, same as the Falklands and Gibraltar people, had every bloody right to chart their own destiny.its time that Brits accept this
I to am British but i reject entirely the double standards that our corrupt politicians feed the naive public.
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:14 pm

Sotos wrote:
I have never had any issue with Cypriot Independence, and I mean Independence as sovereign state...

And with what do you, a foreigner, have a problem? Why should anything that the Cypriots democratically choose for their own island be a problem to a foreigner like you? That is like me saying that the Falklands, Gibraltar or Scotland being part of the UK is a problem to me. Terrorism is what the British did in Cyprus (and many other parts of the world) when they used brute force and blackmail to exploit lands and people that did not belong to them. They keep doing it in Cyprus with the bases.

And as I have stated several times that the bases are an anomaly and should as a part of a comprehensive settlement be abolished and the land come under the sovereignty of the ROC.

It is not the struggle but it was the means...and as has been observed the means used ultimately lead to the failure of the Enosis campaign: it remains my view that Big Mak and Grievous Bodily miscalculated big time.
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby Sotos » Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:46 pm

It is not the struggle but it was the means

That's a cheap excuse. We had been asking for enosis for many decades before the armed struggle. The armed struggle came only after the British declared that Cyprus would never be allowed to be free. You do know that the British empire was build with armed force, right?
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:01 pm

Sotos wrote:
It is not the struggle but it was the means

That's a cheap excuse. We had been asking for enosis for many decades before the armed struggle. The armed struggle came only after the British declared that Cyprus would never be allowed to be free. You do know that the British empire was build with armed force, right?

Of course I do, but then the Greeks were no better under Alexander and his successors....they even invaded Cyprus....
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Re: Any British born thinking of applying for Cypriot passpo

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:23 pm

If Cyprus organised similar tests to the UK for eligibility to receive a passport/citizenship then STUD would FAIL. :P

Does anyone have a cousin in the offices they can inform about this throwback imperialist dog?
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