Londonrake wrote::lol:
Only on a Chat Forum could an OP about acquiring a passport turn into a disagreement on Alexander the Great.

Only on the Cyprus Forum....mainly because some here are living in the past and wish that what is now history were different, and they fail to recognise that it is because of the actions of all parties,, including failures on the part of the GC leadership. One can play "what if" games, but like water under a bridge, once that moment had gone, the past cannot be changed. That is unless one accepts the trousers of time theory, where quite possibly the leadership of the Greek Cypriots had accepted the 1949 proposals, and in the many multiverses that flow from that in one at least Enosis is acheived.
The fact is that in 1949 and in 1956 the Greek Cypriot leadership chose to say no to what was on offer..also so I understand in 1972/3 to the deal offered that should hopefully have resolved the constitutional issue which had lead to the defacto division and creation of the Green line in 1963/4. That is what some here cannot bear to accept. Possibly because it involves iconoclastic thinking about the role of the meddlesome priest, Makarios,the Big Mak, or dirty Mak, who in my view was so polically sharp that he cut his own throat , and that of Cyprus on several occasions, leaving bloody scars that Cyprus must live with today.
gIG infact forgot that in her struggle to score personal points that Grivas and EOKA lost. They were not fighting for an independant Cyprus, but one which, playing the what if game with trousers of time thoery would have been different, and I think not what gIG would have liked when reality burst the bubble of the romanticism of enosis, found on artificial ideas of history that denies Cyprus its own unique History.
Even today there is little for the go getting Cypriots to get here, so according to press reports many plan to leave to find work. I think it wold have been worse, much much worse, if Enosis had been acheived.
Any way, I like Cyprus, warts and all, and despite gIG's predictions some years back I would be gone in two years, I am still here. Tough, little star.