miltiades wrote:Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:Strange that the more religious one is the more likely that he or she hates cats and dogs !!
Perfect example our very own psychopath !!.
Contemplate this you little 4ft 8” shit… *YOU* are the one who has been boasting for the last decade that you can buy and sell me and so forth… yet you probably live in an apartment; for you couldn’t even park the Jaguar out of harm’s way for crying out loud, while I can accommodate about 8 Jaguars in my private parking area!

Once a fucking psychopath always a fucking psychopath. Yes i do live in an apartment which has its own garage. On the evening of the crash i did not garage it. I bet you have a mortgage and debt ridden too. Well I do not have either . Im now enjoyong my modest ayatha and will soon embark on exploring the entire island but not before i fly to belarus for a week or two.
You ate the most disgusting fucking piece of shit i have ever come across, so just go fuck your self psycho.
Care to meet me you puece of shit then you will find out how tall iam.
Had I lived close by I swear I’d lend you a bay out of pity, but alas…
3-4 times a year when my next door neighbor throws one of his famous outdoor parties he just parks his car into one of my bays so he can lay out his tables more comfortably in his driveway.
I granted him that right ages ago with the only rule being not to ask me each time. In return, he does little things for me like a few months ago when I rung…
“George, there’s a cat with her bunch of kittens in my wheelbarrow… get rid of them!”
We have the perfect relationship.