GreekIslandGirl wrote:It's illegal to fire them at cats. You should be reported!

Tell that to our little cat when she gets pounced upon and screams in fear, wets herself and on one occasion s**t herself in sheer terror.

I could of course adopt the Cyprus solution and put poison out for it? That is illegal too but I have not seen it stop the indiscriminate killing of cats, dogs and other wild animals by Cypriots. Even the Griffon Vulture is on the danger list because Cypriot farmers put poison out to kill vermin.
Our little cat adopted us as a kitten some six years ago and was wild. She is still wild with strangers and will run and hide but she now lives in the house, has her own chair to sleep on and is treated every six weeks with anti-tick/anti-flea stuff. She is not destructive and is very shy and placid ...... but almost every time she goes out, this big tom attacks her. It seems to have no fear of people so maybe it belongs to some one, so I don't want to kill it ..... just give it a painful slap when it sneaks into the garden.
I have tried the hose .... it didn't work!