Get Real! wrote:Paul ZKTV wrote:Can you be more lucid in your answers ,as they are bereft of any content ??
maybe i should start off and you can follow ....
if major social platforms ie AMAZON,FACEBOOK,EBAY,PAYPAL
do not allow buying of kit and payment for services
then that will lead to people getting the service from
third party sites ....leading to thinks like the POPCORN remote control
Most people in here have no idea what you’re on about… what is this “kit” people are buying, and why should we care where they’re buying it from?

ive no idea what you like doing in the evenings ,thats up to you ,im sure there are posts on stamp collecting.deep sea fishing ,collecting milk bottle tops ,but i dont want to go and comment on them as its a subject that i know nothing about ,and i would not like to make myself looks stupid by posting ´ive no idea what you are on about ´
I also have heard that IPORTAL are closing their UK VPN upon advice it is against the new
Digital Economy Act 2017 says that using a VPN allowing people to view BBC IPLAYER
who do not have a TV licence could land the those running it in prison for up to ten years
no worth risking for 5 bucks a month ....