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...this is America.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:40 pm

That's an interesting insight. And I'm sure we all know that there's probably a lot more to the story than the few minutes we saw which led to Floyd's death. Today though it seems the autopsy has revealed that CoD was the neck pressure. So Chauvin and colleagues have a bad case to answer.

I wonder what sort of policing, if any, the residents of US black ghetto areas would be willing to accept and support. The alternative seems to be anarchy and I imagine the vast majority just want an ordinary, decent life for themselves and kids.

The rioting and looting going on now remind me very much of what happened - on a much smaller scale - in the (so called) London riots in August 2011. The death of Mark Duggan, at the hands of the police, had long ceased to be the supposed motivation by the time it ended.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:42 pm

...what do you propose Ocean?

It starts with recognition and respect. The denial that has gone on for so long, has as a result left those "non-white" disadvantaged.

At Doha, had it ended differently, it would have been a step in a different direction; admitting the wrongs of the past, and doing something to change the awful situation of hundreds of millions of lives.

...but of course, some people can't see any problems, and like things just the way they are. is Trump clearing his way through Americans in Washington yesterday, at there own (legal) pursuits, for happiness; to take a picture holding a Bible in front of a Church (previously boarded up due to the pandemic).

...indeed, it is not on the streets in acts of violence that Americans will find a solution to their Problem, but through the Ballot box.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:04 pm's the gun.

Ultimately, the Police should not wear guns.

If they want respect, it is not through fear that they will get it. If they all wear guns, it is clear, their training using force, is inadequate.

...beyond that their training, to do Police work, has as a mission, what? Law and Order? To Protect and Serve? Who are the Police accountable to?

Certainly those who throw rocks at them are asking the same questions too.

You don't need G5, and tracking chips to know every individual on a street, or in a Community if, the Policemen who walk these beats take the time to know, and be known, by its citizens.

...the Police cannot hide behind their guns.

They are as much to blame for this violence as the people who choose to act in the very same way.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:51 pm Israel
This time they shot an autistic young man who was terrified and looking for shelter. His counselor Warda screamed that he was disabled, but they kept firing anyway.

“I did not think that there was an immediate threat to my life or the life of my fellow officers when I fired the shot.”, says another Policeman of another incident, three years before...

...the protests, told Al-Monitor, “When we first heard reports of the horrific murder of Iyad al-Hallak in the Old City, 200 people, Jews and Arabs alike, marched from King George Street to the police station in the Russian Compound

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:27 pm

The police are out of control and have been for a long time. They have become a criminal gang with a gun and a badge. The oath they have taken to uphold the constitution is not what they do as they not only ignore it, but they willfully try to deny it to the citizens. They believe the constitution does not apply to them and can do as they wish, and why not when the US Supreme Court has given them qualified immunity from most of their illegal actions.

These civil unrest is not just based on the murder of Floyd by the police in broad daylight, and those protesting are not just the black, but from different colour, because the police does not discriminate whose life they destroy as long as they are defenseless. Police lie, cheat, plant evidence just to put the people in jail. The police unions and the prison unions work together to arrest as many people as possible so that more prisons are built to increase their membership. A win win for the prison unions and the police unions. Not surprising US has a very large prison population.

I believe most become cops to serve the public, but they soon become corrupt and forget the oath they took to uphold the constitution. They turn into power tripping cunts because they enjoy being cunts much more than why they became cops in the first place. The truth is, they do not believe in the constitution, because if they had, they wouldn’t allow themselves to believe every person they encounter to be guilty. So much for the notion to be innocent until proven guilty. Yes there must be some good cops here and there, but overwhelmingly, vast majority are just cunts and President Trump is no better than these cunt police officers who kill and beat up hundreds of suspects every year. That’s why we have unrest today as an opportunist has emerged to tell the criminal gang police that they have had enough since just making complaints against police who violate the citizens constitutional rights every chance they get is pointless as nothing is done. Let this be a lesson to the corrupt police departments and law enforcement anywhere in the US that the citizens will fight back and not be abused in silence by these cunts.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:19 am

...take all the services New York City offers their citizens: Health, Education, Social Services, Water and Garbage; it still does not add up to the Police budget when combined.

...there is a direct correlation to Prisons, with Social Services; a Dollar in one means, not having to invest a Dollar in the other.

(prisons have been privatised, to reduce this cost, for profit; eh?)

...the issue really is, what do we want a Police Person to do, for us? (And what does "us" mean?) we (read: you) accept as a society to grow up with (y)our Privacy invaded indirectly (by powers unknown) through the machines we use, or will it be because, you will know a Police-person personally, who knows you?

...something to think about.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Oceanside50 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:24 am

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:51 am

Oceanside50 wrote:

What was her point again?

We all know America is a violent country and that there are thousands of crimes a year, thousands of killings a year.

These demonstrations are not just about Floyd’s murder by the police. It has nothing to do about what colour the victim is. It is about police brutality. The fact that proportionately blacks are more victimized and sent to jail than any other, speaks for itself.

For the most part, when those crimes happen and the criminal is caught, they are sent to jail, which the same should happen to the police when they commit crimes against the citizens by the thousands every year, but very seldom anything is done to punish them as they have been given special status to be above the law. The police protect each other whenever they can, including falsifying reports. It was reported that Floyd resisted arrest, but non of the videos showed that. Their fellow officers dare not tell on the accused cops as they will be labeled a snitch and not part of the criminal gang Thin Blue Line Brotherhood. When police commit a crime against the citizens with impunity and get away with it, it is only matter of time the same will happen to to you or someone you know. The police is out of control. They have become a bunch of criminal thugs. Always video the police.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:57 am

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:31 pm

Kikapu wrote:

So here is the story behind this video.

The cops give a high speed chase to a suspect, which the suspect then crashes into an innocent motorist almost killing him. The innocent motorist is taken to the hospital and is in intensive unit, most probably in coma. This Police officer wanted the nurse to take a blood sample from the innocent motorist to see if he had any alcohol or drugs in his system in order to shift the blame of the accident from the police department for the high speed chase to the innocent motorist fearing the police department/city will be sued. So, this cunt police officer wants to force the nurse to take a blood sample which she refuses based on the law, but the cunt officer wants to arrest her for not following his illegal order. This is how these cunt officers behave to get what they want and fuck the law, even when videoed.

There are other longer versions of this event you can see on YouTube.
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