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...this is America.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:43 am

The only Gaelic people I like are the Irish. They seem different probably because they are on their own little island and didn’t breed as much with the Brits. And the Yanks are closely related with the Irish which explain a fair bit. So too Australia which probable explains why so many Australians would pull towards the US rather the Britain.

And the Irish don’t like the Brits.

Put it this way, the Yanks and Brits are on different wavelengths. The Brits point fingers to the Yanks but perhaps they should look in the mirror.

It’s amazing when you analyse the history of USA and Australia as the 2 youngest countries in the world. Australian soldiers always felt more comfortable with the Yanks than the Brits. And vice versa too.

Even more closer to the Greeks than the Brits now figure that one out. I went to a book launch about Australian soldiers in Crete and it explained the very unique relationship between the Australian and Greek soldiers. Australian soldiers and Greek soldiers were basically 2 peas in a pod. United in their drinking habits, card games, gambling and humour. Much more united with the Greeks than the Brits.

Even when they lost the war Australia tried to evacuate as many as they could to Egypt because the Aussies wanted the Greeks by their side more than they wanted the Brits.

And after the war, Australia was pro active in saving 16 Greek Guerrillas from Papagos Death Row. They use to liken Papagos to a NAZI and a traitor and the Guerrillas as being strong in fighting The NAZIs.

Apparently Australian Officers would visit them in jail and the Australian Government would send consular officials to make sure they weren’t tortured or mistreated. And they use to send letters to Papagos all the time saying that Australia would be displeased if they were going to be executed.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:12 am

...Trump was elected to "clear the swamp", it is hard for him to demonstrate that his Administration is not worse, if it is not more of the same.

He has not united Americans either, thus, he has failed in making America Great again; they may be even more divided, in that regard. And while the economy shows positive indications now, it is fragile, by November having owned it he may regret being powerless as it appears at that time; we shall see.

...the world, and America is not a safer place. Since Trump America's credibility has been damaged, never mind the results of his having a lock on the Republican Party in the Senate, the Impeachment, Congress frozen with so many Bills (over 400 as i understand it) stalled by them, and that what he has done to change America, internally and externally, is by Presidential decree, abandoning the Kurds for example, abandoning all the world's efforts to adapt to a changing planet, abandoning alliances like NATO, or the TPPP, a trade war with China, near war with Iran; by building these walls, so to speak, America is "America", (as he defines it,) inside its walls, but it becomes isolated, an American hustle, to those outside them as well. for corruption, i am sure as you look around the aircraft you're about to fly, that it's an issue where you rely on all the other individuals and persons (read: corporations) that have worked on it before you; something to think about.

...frankly, i am still rooting for Trump because he is the kind of man who may wake up with an epiphany, that secures a great Legacy as a great Statesperson worthy of the world's highest esteem. On the other hand, i believe that Erdogan, or Putin for example, sit in the same position; how is that for Hopeful?
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:17 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...Trump was elected to "clear the swamp", it is hard for him to demonstrate that his Administration is not worse, if it is not more of the same.

He has not united Americans either, thus, he has failed in making America Great again; they may be even more divided, in that regard. And while the economy shows positive indications now, it is fragile, by November having owned it he may regret being powerless as it appears at that time; we shall see.

...the world, and America is not a safer place. Since Trump America's credibility has been damaged, never mind the results of his having a lock on the Republican Party in the Senate, the Impeachment, Congress frozen with so many Bills (over 400 as i understand it) stalled by them, and that what he has done to change America, internally and externally, is by Presidential decree, abandoning the Kurds for example, abandoning all the world's efforts to adapt to a changing planet, abandoning alliances like NATO, or the TPPP, a trade war with China, near war with Iran; by building these walls, so to speak, America is "America", (as he defines it,) inside its walls, but it becomes isolated, an American hustle, to those outside them as well. for corruption, i am sure as you look around the aircraft you're about to fly, that it's an issue where you rely on all the other individuals and persons (read: corporations) that have worked on it before you; something to think about.

...frankly, i am still rooting for Trump because he is the kind of man who may wake up with an epiphany, that secures a great Legacy as a great Statesperson worthy of the world's highest esteem. On the other hand, i believe that Erdogan, or Putin for example, sit in the same position; how is that for Hopeful?


He has cleared the swamp because he really has given it to the establishment and has also streamlined the Government.

The mere fact he is listening to the people speaks volumes. Trump is exactly the kind of guy that would criticize politicians in public and actually get in and rid Washington of the establishment chair sitters. He has done that. He listens less to the minority interest groups and more to the average American.

As for making America great again. Since Trump went into office, US Airlines are paying a 20000 USD bounty on every pilot that can be recruited. Airlines there are breaking all records. American manufacturers are returning back to America or will risk tariffs on their goods. Another 1 million jobs and tax cuts all round.

The only ones whinging now are the elites, some journalists and minority interest groups.

Trump has also increased military spending and rejuvenated the armed forces with new Nuclear Submarines and 10 new Aircraft Carriers.

If it wasn’t for Trump, the US would have started a war by now. The only thing Trump has done is send a couple of cruise missiles over to Assad and Iran. Before he took office everyone was saying he couldn’t be trusted with the Nuclear Codes. How wrong was that propaganda. He has proven to be the most stable POTUS in a long time.

Those who will judge Trump will be the American people. They will judge if their lives have been made easier or harder and from what I can see, the answer seems obvious.

When Trump said he will make America great again he meant he will look after US interests and not interest groups and that he will put America first again. He has done all that and America is going gangbusters right now. The confidence is palpable.

Even the way he treats journalists and kicks them out of press conferences is likeable. They deserve this treatment RW for their fake news. Far too long everyone was being taken for a ride.

Americans have always been quite united. In fact less than 50% bother to vote and among the people no one really cares if you are Republican or Democrat. It’s the minority groups trying to cause the issues and the MSM.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Londonrake » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:38 am

Can I recruit you? :D
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:10 am

Londonrake wrote:Can I recruit you? :D

How much you paying? :wink:

I've already made some hand shake deals with a few colleagues. If I can get them into US, we will split the $20,000USD. :wink:

Just kidding! I would never do such a thing... :D

My initial recruiter was an AA pilot, who decided he will split with someone else he knew in a rival company.

Ah America. The land of the free! 8)
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:27 am

Isn't it amazing that the only 2 EU countries with proper checks and balances are the United Kingdom and Cyprus?

Maybe the EU should go into Union with United Kingdom and Cyprus. This way, we can be sure that there are proper checks and balances not just in Aviation, but food, and also proper standards. :wink:

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri May 08, 2020 3:45 pm

...$500,000 is not enough to ring in a new era; the swamp remains.

Feds Drop Case Against Trump Adviser
President Donald Trump previously said he was thinking of pardoning former adviser Michael Flynn, fired in 2017 for lying to the FBI, but now he won't have to. Instead, the Justice Department has moved to drop the charges — despite Flynn having already pleaded guilty. It's a highly unusual move and one that's led to outcry from law enforcement and politicians. Trump called the officials prosecuting Flynn "human scum" and described their actions as "treason," while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the Justice Department's move a "cover up." The motion still needs to be approved by a judge. ... db-323673/ ... =770927049

...i never imagined a pardon for this man; so sadly, this is America too.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Tue May 26, 2020 10:11 pm

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 26, 2020 10:49 pm

CrookedRiverGuy wrote:

Most of the cops in the USA are just a another criminal street gangs with a gun and badge, paid by the tax payers.

Thank god for people exposing these criminals more and more with their phone cameras ever since Rodney King’s beating.

These criminals believe they are above the law with very little accountability.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Thu May 28, 2020 11:45 pm

The 4 coppers present were fired.

Not sure if it has happened, but they should also be charged with murder.
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