repulsewarrior corruption a viable choice of action, in business, and in Government, in America? Maybe the voters will make it clear; and their priorities, especially the youngest, may be made clear in this upcoming election as well.
...although i don't get to vote, i'll be watching the Democratic debate later tonight, American politics is interesting to say the least, and i feel that everyone in the world should be concerned about the state of American politics.
...Presidential elections kind of have a homey feeling to them, like it's for Mayor or something, the way people talk about it, how posters and flyers for candidates are hung on mail boxes and polls by volunteers, Foreign Affairs, world leadership as such has very little to do with it; maybe by that time Paphitis you will be in America to witness one for yourself.
What people want and is their number one priority is employment, and lower taxes and have a livable wage. That is the number 1 priority for everyone.
It's about a roof over your head and bread and butter on the table. Any politician who concentrates on these issues, will always engage the voting public. This is what the Republicans have been successful at doing and Democrats have chosen to ignore.
As for corruption. Well first you have to prove that there is corruption. I am sure there is. Governments can be corrupt. But this corruption didn't just come in with the ascendancy of Trump. It was always there if it is in fact there. I say that because the USA is still one of the most transparent and democratic countries in the world. There is no country where they lag behind as far as Democracy is concerned.
So you can't just turn around and say Trump is corrupt. He has done what every other POTUS has done. He didn't introduce the corruption if it exists.
The MSM and Democrats have been out to get trump from Day 1. And all they could muster until now was a flakey conversation with the leader of Ukraine. Something which will never stand in court. But that is all they could come up with.
What the people in NYC and other places care and worry about is their employment and being able to afford to live there and perhaps buy a terrace or condominium. This is what voters across all of the USA worry about and it is here that will decide the next 4 years and who will be POTUS. And Trump is all over that concentrating on these issues of importance. Trump is bringing US Industry back in the US and created about a million jobs.
Ordinarily, if this was Obama, there would be no issue and he would be applauded by all the critics of Trump. But because its Trump, they are just manufacturing things and this also results in Trump securing his voter base and also winning votes from the Democrats who suddenly now have a paycheck when they didn't have a pay check under Obama.
Yes I agree that US elections can be exciting. And if all goes well I will be there to witness it from the heart of NYC - Democrat Territory. I don't like their election process though. It's too long and polarizing for my liking. The entire campaigns can take a whole year. But yeh, they are definitely exciting and interesting. It’s kind of like a type of show biz.
I won't be getting to vote though as I'm not a US citizen. But hopefully I will become one for my children's sake. I really like America with all its flaws that it does have. As far as I am concerned, the fact that the US is not as much Anglo Gaelic as Australia is, and just their general attitude towards Cypriots and Southern Europeans makes me feel so comfortable. You know where you stand with Americans but not with the Anglos.
I was on the phone to the FAA and FCC last night and the switchboard menu system was in English and Spanish. So Spanish is an official language. When you add all the Latins, Italians, Jews, Greeks, Spaniards etc etc a fair chunk of them are Southern European like US, and a fair chunk are African and so on. So they don't hate or have racist feelings towards Cypriots. It's another planet. Planet America.

And they don’t appear to be as smug as everyone says they are. On the contrary, they are the most down to earth but they are fiercely patriotic. They do love their country so don’t go saying anything bad about America because they could get stroppy. They don’t mock other nationalities or other cultures or traditions like the Anglos do. They just feel comfortable with everyone and couldn’t care less what culture or nationality you are. They even appear to enjoy the diversity. Whilst the Anglos only pretend and seem more fake. I include the Scotts and Welsh in that too. Just terrible people.
They do talk very slow and are very easy to understand. But sometimes they tell us to slow down because we talk too fast for them. They are ok in my book.
I’ve only heard of Anglos or Australians talk badly about them but I have never heard a Yank bag others unless you are at war with them or something and that might be a different matter. I have now figured that the problem is with the Anglo Gaelics. Shouldn’t generalise but they are seedy and yeh can be awful people. Not all.
In the States it probably would be hard if you were Iranian or even Chinese. I don’t think the Yanks like Iran or China.