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...this is America.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Lordo » Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:51 pm

i came accross this today and did not believe it, i had to check it out.

Residents of Pagedale, Missouri fined for growing their hedges too high and holding barbecues
Small municipality accused of treating locals as a cash cow after levying penalties for trivial offences including having mismatched curtains

you cannot make it up. but then you dig a little deeper and it begins to understand why.

<<Not surprisingly feelings are running high in Pagedale, a largely African- American town>>
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:01 pm

Afghan strike forces backed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have committed abuses "amounting to war crimes", according to a new report.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleges the troops "committed summary executions and other grave abuses without accountability".

These include extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances and attacks on healthcare facilities.

surely this could not happen under american support that bastion of freedom and democracy. like hell no.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Nov 21, 2019 3:35 am

...he agrees to testify despite so many others from the State Dept., who refused, and without the materials and records, that would make his statement more credible as well. Indeed, all of them: the President's Office, the State Dept., the National Security Council, were always kept informed of all his actions. ... stigations

...despite "Americans", America is much more than that.

...great article, and the actual testimony itself.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 22, 2019 9:01 am

Lordo wrote:Afghan strike forces backed by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have committed abuses "amounting to war crimes", according to a new report.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleges the troops "committed summary executions and other grave abuses without accountability".

These include extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances and attacks on healthcare facilities.

surely this could not happen under american support that bastion of freedom and democracy. like hell no.

It's OK! Coalition will still help the Afghan Government find its feet.

Fear not Lordo!
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Lordo » Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:49 pm

now this is good.

A woman in a domestic violence situation managed to call 911 without the perpetrator realising, by pretending to order a pizza.

Officers in Oregon city, Ohio, praised the caller's quick thinking, which led to the alleged abuser being arrested.

The unnamed woman told local media her mum was being attacked at the time.

This tactic for subtly calling the emergency services has been internet lore for years, but this is a rare confirmed case of it being effective.

But officials have previously warned that the strategy is not guaranteed to work, as dispatchers are not trained to recognise a pizza order as a genuine call for help.

The dispatcher who answered the call, Tim Teneyck, told local news station 13 ABC he initially thought the woman had dialled an incorrect number.

When she insisted she was through to the right person, he realised what was happening - partly because he had seen similar scenarios being shared on social media.

"You see it on Facebook, but it's not something that anybody has ever been trained for," Mr Teneyck said. "Other dispatchers that I've talked to would not have picked up on this. They've told me they wouldn't have picked up on this."
What did the caller say?

Here's a transcript of the conversation.

Mr Teneyck: Oregon 911

Caller: I would like to order a pizza at [address redacted].

Mr Teneyck: You called 911 to order a pizza?

Caller: Uh, yeah. Apartment [redacted].

Mr Teneyck: This is the wrong number to call for a pizza...

Caller: No, no, no. You're not understanding.

Mr Teneyck: I'm getting you now.

Later in the call, the woman found creative ways to answer Mr Teneyck's yes or no questions about how much danger she and her mother were in, and what services they needed.

Mr Teneyck: Is the other guy still there?

Caller: Yep, I need a large pizza.

Mr Teneyck: Alright. How about medical, do you need medical?

Caller: No. With pepperoni.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:44 am


...will make for an interesting election.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:57 pm

...look closer, ... _content=B

...printing American Flags, in Iran.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:04 am

repulsewarrior wrote:IS TRUMP ABOVE THE LAW? THE SUPREME COURT IS ABOUT TO DECIDE ... -to-decide

...will make for an interesting election.

This looks like a very biased anti Trump article.

But to answer your question. Trump isn't above the law. No POTUS is above the law. If a POTUS commits any offences, then they risk impeachment. It's happened before with Nixon.

In order to impeach a POTUS, they would have to however have committed some felony or violated some laws. Trump, as far as we know, how not been proven to have committed any felonies or broken the law. The so called impeachment rushed through by Congress through Pelosi and other Democrat senators was extremely flakey to say the least, and probably just wishful thinking. So the impeachment did not pass.

The impeachment was manufactured and based on a transcript of his conversation with the Ukrainian Government. Trump had made a bit of an off the cuff comment telling the Ukrainians they should investigate the conduct of some Democrat rivals. The Democrats interpret this as a request by Trump for Ukraine to interfere is US Politics which is in fact illegal. But calling it a demand or request is a very long bow. Trump said he was only joking and it wasn't a serious comment and it was The White House that released the transcript. Ukraine also denies that Trump made an official request. And the transcript itself doesn't appear to be an official request or an order.

So it comes down to this. Lots of opponents want Trump impeached. They still can't get over their election loss to him. But they don't have anything to impeach him with. He has not been proven to have done anything wrong.

And as a result, Trump will be re-elected for another 4 years.

He has been a much better POTUS than so many before him.

What we are witnessing here is a POTUS who seems to be 2 steps ahead of his opponents and he has maintained this for over 3 years now. So quite clearly, he is not the idiot that some media outlets like to portray. In fact, I would say he is far too smart for all his political opponents and the MSM which oppose him.

And the people are actually enjoying his manner and the way he treats the MSM and journalists and all other busy bodies,

The above article is written with the premise that Trump has done something wrong and should be impeached and the fact that his Congress impeachment was stopped dead in its tracks is an indication that he is above the law. However, there is NOTHING that he has done that is wrong or against the law thus far.

What is happening in the United states now is that there is a great deal of optimism, and a lot of economic and social progress. The country is clearly going gangbusters right now. Virtually zero unemployment and employment conditions seem to be improving with increases in wages and pay across all levels. The big corporates are finding it hard to find skilled people in certain key industries, so Trump has open the USA up to certain countries. It has closed the USA to certain other countries as well, and hit them with tariffs. He is free to do that. His country. His right.

Things are really looking up for the USA as well, and the people can see it too. They can feel the confidence and all of a sudden pay packets seem to be going further and everyone is getting tax cuts. All from the top corporates to the unskilled labour and now the unemployed who are getting job offers all of a sudden.

Going to be very tough to beat Trump.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:50 am corruption a viable choice of action, in business, and in Government, in America? Maybe the voters will make it clear; and their priorities, especially the youngest, may be made clear in this upcoming election as well.

...although i don't get to vote, i'll be watching the Democratic debate later tonight, American politics is interesting to say the least, and i feel that everyone in the world should be concerned about the state of American politics.

...Presidential elections kind of have a homey feeling to them, like it's for Mayor or something, the way people talk about it, how posters and flyers for candidates are hung on mail boxes and polls by volunteers, Foreign Affairs, world leadership as such has very little to do with it; maybe by that time Paphitis you will be in America to witness one for yourself.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:22 am

repulsewarrior corruption a viable choice of action, in business, and in Government, in America? Maybe the voters will make it clear; and their priorities, especially the youngest, may be made clear in this upcoming election as well.

...although i don't get to vote, i'll be watching the Democratic debate later tonight, American politics is interesting to say the least, and i feel that everyone in the world should be concerned about the state of American politics.

...Presidential elections kind of have a homey feeling to them, like it's for Mayor or something, the way people talk about it, how posters and flyers for candidates are hung on mail boxes and polls by volunteers, Foreign Affairs, world leadership as such has very little to do with it; maybe by that time Paphitis you will be in America to witness one for yourself.


What people want and is their number one priority is employment, and lower taxes and have a livable wage. That is the number 1 priority for everyone.

It's about a roof over your head and bread and butter on the table. Any politician who concentrates on these issues, will always engage the voting public. This is what the Republicans have been successful at doing and Democrats have chosen to ignore.

As for corruption. Well first you have to prove that there is corruption. I am sure there is. Governments can be corrupt. But this corruption didn't just come in with the ascendancy of Trump. It was always there if it is in fact there. I say that because the USA is still one of the most transparent and democratic countries in the world. There is no country where they lag behind as far as Democracy is concerned.

So you can't just turn around and say Trump is corrupt. He has done what every other POTUS has done. He didn't introduce the corruption if it exists.

The MSM and Democrats have been out to get trump from Day 1. And all they could muster until now was a flakey conversation with the leader of Ukraine. Something which will never stand in court. But that is all they could come up with.

What the people in NYC and other places care and worry about is their employment and being able to afford to live there and perhaps buy a terrace or condominium. This is what voters across all of the USA worry about and it is here that will decide the next 4 years and who will be POTUS. And Trump is all over that concentrating on these issues of importance. Trump is bringing US Industry back in the US and created about a million jobs.

Ordinarily, if this was Obama, there would be no issue and he would be applauded by all the critics of Trump. But because its Trump, they are just manufacturing things and this also results in Trump securing his voter base and also winning votes from the Democrats who suddenly now have a paycheck when they didn't have a pay check under Obama.

Yes I agree that US elections can be exciting. And if all goes well I will be there to witness it from the heart of NYC - Democrat Territory. I don't like their election process though. It's too long and polarizing for my liking. The entire campaigns can take a whole year. But yeh, they are definitely exciting and interesting. It’s kind of like a type of show biz.

I won't be getting to vote though as I'm not a US citizen. But hopefully I will become one for my children's sake. I really like America with all its flaws that it does have. As far as I am concerned, the fact that the US is not as much Anglo Gaelic as Australia is, and just their general attitude towards Cypriots and Southern Europeans makes me feel so comfortable. You know where you stand with Americans but not with the Anglos.

I was on the phone to the FAA and FCC last night and the switchboard menu system was in English and Spanish. So Spanish is an official language. When you add all the Latins, Italians, Jews, Greeks, Spaniards etc etc a fair chunk of them are Southern European like US, and a fair chunk are African and so on. So they don't hate or have racist feelings towards Cypriots. It's another planet. Planet America. :D

And they don’t appear to be as smug as everyone says they are. On the contrary, they are the most down to earth but they are fiercely patriotic. They do love their country so don’t go saying anything bad about America because they could get stroppy. They don’t mock other nationalities or other cultures or traditions like the Anglos do. They just feel comfortable with everyone and couldn’t care less what culture or nationality you are. They even appear to enjoy the diversity. Whilst the Anglos only pretend and seem more fake. I include the Scotts and Welsh in that too. Just terrible people.

They do talk very slow and are very easy to understand. But sometimes they tell us to slow down because we talk too fast for them. They are ok in my book.

I’ve only heard of Anglos or Australians talk badly about them but I have never heard a Yank bag others unless you are at war with them or something and that might be a different matter. I have now figured that the problem is with the Anglo Gaelics. Shouldn’t generalise but they are seedy and yeh can be awful people. Not all.

In the States it probably would be hard if you were Iranian or even Chinese. I don’t think the Yanks like Iran or China.
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