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...this is America.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby erolz66 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:28 pm

if you want the best 'truth' we currently have to date, which clearly you do not, then the answer to your questions as far as the specific protesters concerned are as follows

Paphitis wrote:So how many cars did they upturn before hand,


Paphitis wrote:or how many shops did they loot


Paphitis wrote:and how many rocks did they throw at the police?


Paphitis wrote:How many police officers have been assaulted in this hysteria?

Lots but none by the peaceful protesters attacked by police , nat guard and USSS in this specific incident.

Paphitis wrote:Don't tell me that the narrative is that the police attacked peaceful protesters because that's not the case.

Which is the problem in regards to you Paphitis. It does not matter what the facts or evidence are, if it is something that you do not want to hear or believe, then you can not be told anything, including the truth.

Paphitis wrote:I have no problem at all with peaceful protesters,

When you just claim over and over that people who were standing in a public place doing nothing other than holding banners outside of any curfew, were burning cars, looting and burning building and throwing missiles at Police, when they were doing none of these things then clearly you DO have a problem.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:29 pm

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:01 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:

Another murder committed by the criminal police gang by shooting the man in the back as he is running away. :evil:
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:15 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No I don't have any problem with peaceful protesters.

For that statement to have any meaning it has to go hand in hand with an ability to determine who and what are peaceful protesters. The example of those at Lafayette square when Trump went for his campaigning photo op, shows that you lack such an ability and thus your claims of having no problem with peaceful protesters is worth exactly nothing.

Peaceful protesters mean just that. people marching, with their banners and posters, in the streets, and not harming the public, police, or destroying private property.

They had their chance Kikapu.

Now trump has announced the curfew to restore order, so yeh, if they are going to violate that, the police have every right to move them on.

the USG has every right to declare a state of Emergency because that is exactly what it had to do. And in addition, ordinary citizens would be forced to practice social distancing by the police. Why are they contravening that in the face of a Chy-na Virus emergency which in the States is extremely bad?

I'm sorry, Paphitis, but you cannot use the "curfew card" to justify the police brutality on peaceful demonstrators, because the protestors were attacked before the curfew at 19:00, and even if you wanted to use the curfew card, it still wouldn't be valid because Trump and most of his clowns from the White House were also out past 19:00. Surely you are not saying the curfew and social distancing does not apply to them, because if you did, then we really do have bunch of fascists in the White House where they think they are above the law, then you wonder why the police murder citizens at will!

es I can use the curfew card against the brutal violence, and looting of the protesters.

Ot's perfectly legitimate, because of the authorities allow this nonsense to continue, it's a dereliction of duty to the rest of suicide and a total loss of law and order.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:17 am

erolz66 wrote:if you want the best 'truth' we currently have to date, which clearly you do not, then the answer to your questions as far as the specific protesters concerned are as follows

Paphitis wrote:So how many cars did they upturn before hand,


Paphitis wrote:or how many shops did they loot


Paphitis wrote:and how many rocks did they throw at the police?


Paphitis wrote:How many police officers have been assaulted in this hysteria?

Lots but none by the peaceful protesters attacked by police , nat guard and USSS in this specific incident.

Paphitis wrote:Don't tell me that the narrative is that the police attacked peaceful protesters because that's not the case.

Which is the problem in regards to you Paphitis. It does not matter what the facts or evidence are, if it is something that you do not want to hear or believe, then you can not be told anything, including the truth.

Paphitis wrote:I have no problem at all with peaceful protesters,

When you just claim over and over that people who were standing in a public place doing nothing other than holding banners outside of any curfew, were burning cars, looting and burning building and throwing missiles at Police, when they were doing none of these things then clearly you DO have a problem.


I can post videos of vandalism and also, the POTUS isn't going for a walk among Antifa protesters who did cause violence and looting in many demonstrations. They are agitators.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:04 am

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No I don't have any problem with peaceful protesters.

For that statement to have any meaning it has to go hand in hand with an ability to determine who and what are peaceful protesters. The example of those at Lafayette square when Trump went for his campaigning photo op, shows that you lack such an ability and thus your claims of having no problem with peaceful protesters is worth exactly nothing.

Peaceful protesters mean just that. people marching, with their banners and posters, in the streets, and not harming the public, police, or destroying private property.

They had their chance Kikapu.

Now trump has announced the curfew to restore order, so yeh, if they are going to violate that, the police have every right to move them on.

the USG has every right to declare a state of Emergency because that is exactly what it had to do. And in addition, ordinary citizens would be forced to practice social distancing by the police. Why are they contravening that in the face of a Chy-na Virus emergency which in the States is extremely bad?

I'm sorry, Paphitis, but you cannot use the "curfew card" to justify the police brutality on peaceful demonstrators, because the protestors were attacked before the curfew at 19:00, and even if you wanted to use the curfew card, it still wouldn't be valid because Trump and most of his clowns from the White House were also out past 19:00. Surely you are not saying the curfew and social distancing does not apply to them, because if you did, then we really do have bunch of fascists in the White House where they think they are above the law, then you wonder why the police murder citizens at will!

es I can use the curfew card against the brutal violence, and looting of the protesters.

Ot's perfectly legitimate, because of the authorities allow this nonsense to continue, it's a dereliction of duty to the rest of suicide and a total loss of law and order.

No, you are incorrect! :D
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:02 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No I don't have any problem with peaceful protesters.

For that statement to have any meaning it has to go hand in hand with an ability to determine who and what are peaceful protesters. The example of those at Lafayette square when Trump went for his campaigning photo op, shows that you lack such an ability and thus your claims of having no problem with peaceful protesters is worth exactly nothing.

Peaceful protesters mean just that. people marching, with their banners and posters, in the streets, and not harming the public, police, or destroying private property.

They had their chance Kikapu.

Now trump has announced the curfew to restore order, so yeh, if they are going to violate that, the police have every right to move them on.

the USG has every right to declare a state of Emergency because that is exactly what it had to do. And in addition, ordinary citizens would be forced to practice social distancing by the police. Why are they contravening that in the face of a Chy-na Virus emergency which in the States is extremely bad?

I'm sorry, Paphitis, but you cannot use the "curfew card" to justify the police brutality on peaceful demonstrators, because the protestors were attacked before the curfew at 19:00, and even if you wanted to use the curfew card, it still wouldn't be valid because Trump and most of his clowns from the White House were also out past 19:00. Surely you are not saying the curfew and social distancing does not apply to them, because if you did, then we really do have bunch of fascists in the White House where they think they are above the law, then you wonder why the police murder citizens at will!

es I can use the curfew card against the brutal violence, and looting of the protesters.

Ot's perfectly legitimate, because of the authorities allow this nonsense to continue, it's a dereliction of duty to the rest of suicide and a total loss of law and order.

No, you are incorrect! :D

What's incorrect about it? These protesters have always gone violent especially after dark. Every news outlet has reported on all the violence.

The USG has declared a curfew. Perfectly within their rights to restore law and order. If the protests refuse to abide by the curfew restrictions, they get moved on. Simple as that.

Protesters do not have the right to defy laws, loot, destroy property, monuments or assault police and they have done plenty of all of the above.

These protests are politically motivated by anarchists and antifa to bring down Trump. They have a right to protest, but they have no right violating any laws and when they do, they will be arrested and that serves them right. It's about time some heavy jail terms were handed out to these trouble makers.

The protesters have undermined themselves and caused a lot of damage to their movement. Some of us don't really know what that movement is as the 4 police officers involved in the Floyd death have been dismissed and charged.

There were similar protests in Australia. Everything is done on a false premise. In Australia they claimed that 432 Aborigines were killed in custody from 1991 till today. However, that is incorrect as most actually died from natural causes. Some died from suicide.

The Australian protests were mostly peaceful unlike the ones in America but there were a couple of instances of violence and property destruction and the police acted and arrested them.

Also 5 police officers were assaulted and 2 were taken to hospital. Not really fair to assault police officers carrying out their duty. If someone was killed by police doesn't give us the right to start assaulting police who are innocent and done no wrong and who are just doing their job.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby boomerang » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:59 am

here is a video that sums the ugly side of the demonstrators...

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby erolz66 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:46 am

Paphitis wrote:
erolz66 wrote:if you want the best 'truth' we currently have to date, which clearly you do not, then the answer to your questions as far as the specific protesters concerned are as follows

Paphitis wrote:So how many cars did they upturn before hand,


Paphitis wrote:or how many shops did they loot


Paphitis wrote:and how many rocks did they throw at the police?


Paphitis wrote:How many police officers have been assaulted in this hysteria?

Lots but none by the peaceful protesters attacked by police , nat guard and USSS in this specific incident.

Paphitis wrote:Don't tell me that the narrative is that the police attacked peaceful protesters because that's not the case.

Which is the problem in regards to you Paphitis. It does not matter what the facts or evidence are, if it is something that you do not want to hear or believe, then you can not be told anything, including the truth.

Paphitis wrote:I have no problem at all with peaceful protesters,

When you just claim over and over that people who were standing in a public place doing nothing other than holding banners outside of any curfew, were burning cars, looting and burning building and throwing missiles at Police, when they were doing none of these things then clearly you DO have a problem.


I can post videos of vandalism and also, the POTUS isn't going for a walk among Antifa protesters who did cause violence and looting in many demonstrations. They are agitators.

No you can not post videos of THOSE protesters doing these things because they were protesting peacefully. When you say you have no problem with peaceful protesters you are full of shit. They were peaceful protesters and their only 'crime' was to be in the way of Trump's photo Op.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Maximus » Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:25 am

The not so obvious agenda behind these protests.

An exclusive investigation by The Gateway Pundit revealed that all international donations to Black Lives Matter go to the US Democratic Party.

Thus, generous wallets from around the world, without knowing it, sponsor political power. ... ing-scheme

Those that donated, have succumbed to a guilt trip and in my opinion have been scammed.
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