Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Kikapu wrote:Who would in their right mind vote for Trump again unless they hate the US constitution and love fascism instead, just as Trump does.
Reading all the posts responding to the above question, I did not hear anyone stating that they love and support the US constitution, because if they had, there's no way anyone could vote or support Trump again as he has constantly violated the US constitution which he swore to protect during his inauguration. Therefore, when the Trump supporters who wave the American flag to demonstrate their patriotism, it is nothing more that pure bullshit. By definition, they are in fact anti-America and what the constitution stands for. When Trump violates the freedom of the press, violates freedom of peaceful assembly with violence, separations of State and Church with his photo op, then he can only be viewed as a fascist, which some of his generals have openly spoken against him. There's yet hope for America once Trump is gone!
I love and support the US Constitution. In my opinion, it's the best constitution in the world.
I also support Trump however, i am not a US Citizen. So that's matter of for the American people who also support the US Constitution.
You are creating a massive straw man. But that seems to be the tactic of the anti Trump forces, much like it was for the remainers during the long 4 years of BREXIT hell and which was so well described in LR's post above.
Trump has done none of that. The demonstrations were violent from the very beginning. people in the US have the right to demonstrate all they like, but assaulting police, throwing rocks at them, and burning cars and shops is illegal. There is no provision in the US Constitution to allow any of that.
So yes, the police have every right to arrest any protester who breaks the law.
No, no creation of a straw man, just Trump, who may well be a straw-man without a brain!

So you do not have a problem with peaceful demonstrators protected under the constitution being tear gassed, beaten by police batons as they are pushed back, journalist assaulted, other crowd disbursement weapons used to clear Lafayette Park on orders from Trump so that he can walk and make his photo op with a bible in his hand at the church. Really?

Does that then not qualify you as being a "fair weather" US constitution supporter?