by repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:31 pm
...i cannot stress the word "values" enough. The question in American minds right now, is, what are we becoming? So too, in the rest of the world where force is used by Authority, without accountability.
...Police Forces must disarm.
If it is by example that values are determined, how can it be any other way, in America, if Americans no longer want to live in fear; that they carry guns just like the Police do, for the same reason?
...of course there is "Law and Order", criminals need to be charged and arrested, and dangerous criminals need attention quite different to the everyday citizen's needs, in relations with the Police.
But the notebook solves crime, as i will not stop repeating, not guns. To "Protect and Serve" (so too "Law and Order" actually,) is at its foundation, this notion practiced.
Facts, evidence, produced and presented correctly, testimony, are what Justice is based on in the USA, not guns: what every Police Person should learn, from working without a gun, before they learn to work with a gun.
...guns in the American psyche would have their place, not above the Law; that Americans won't feel the need to protect their guns, guns may protect Americans.