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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Maximus » Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:13 pm

Londonrake wrote:The chances are you may only be able to see the intro to this. Nevertheless it should provide a search reference: ... -protests/

They will put up signs instead warning everyone that the city is one big safe space.

The money they will save on law enforcement will cover the higher costs of insurance premiums. ... ond-the-us
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:31 pm

...i cannot stress the word "values" enough. The question in American minds right now, is, what are we becoming? So too, in the rest of the world where force is used by Authority, without accountability.

...Police Forces must disarm.

If it is by example that values are determined, how can it be any other way, in America, if Americans no longer want to live in fear; that they carry guns just like the Police do, for the same reason?

...of course there is "Law and Order", criminals need to be charged and arrested, and dangerous criminals need attention quite different to the everyday citizen's needs, in relations with the Police.

But the notebook solves crime, as i will not stop repeating, not guns. To "Protect and Serve" (so too "Law and Order" actually,) is at its foundation, this notion practiced.

Facts, evidence, produced and presented correctly, testimony, are what Justice is based on in the USA, not guns: what every Police Person should learn, from working without a gun, before they learn to work with a gun.

...guns in the American psyche would have their place, not above the Law; that Americans won't feel the need to protect their guns, guns may protect Americans.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:46 pm

Maximus wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Rosa Parks name has become part of history in the US because of institutional racism back in 1955 when she said “no” to give up her seat on the bus to a white person and George Floyd will too be remembered in US history with his last words “I can’t breathe” in 2020 because of police brutality and institutional racism within the police.

He will be forgotten in a few weeks when people get distracted by the next thing that will trigger them.

People have lost their minds.....

State of Texas will introduce the “George Floyd Act” announced by the Governor of that state. :D
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:49 am

...the facts and charges, ... =838090185

...bail is set for Chauvin and others.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:01 pm

So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:07 pm

Kikapu wrote:So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D

Be careful. You are entering the O J Simpson world.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:06 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D

Be careful. You are entering the O J Simpson world.

Actually, OJ had a great defense team with a solid defense which put reasonable doubts in the prosecution’s case.

It doesn’t mean OJ did not commit the crime. It’s just meant that the prosecution could not prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.

This joker’s defense is, because the public did not stop the murder, why should the rookie cop. :D
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:02 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D

Be careful. You are entering the O J Simpson world.

Actually, OJ had a great defense team with a solid defense which put reasonable doubts in the prosecution’s case.

It doesn’t mean OJ did not commit the crime. It’s just meant that the prosecution could not prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.

This joker’s defense is, because the public did not stop the murder, why should the rookie cop. :D

Congratulations. On posting a good response without a single (unnecessary) expletive.

I don't know about you - or anybody else - but I have no personal doubt at all that OJ, in a fit or rage, killed his wife and her boyfriend. And got away with it. As you suggest though, these guys are dead men walking.

My view of OJ is not at all influenced by the fact that one of his many lawyer's 2 daughters are the epitome of "hot". :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:56 am

Kikapu wrote:So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D

Having had a lot of experience with lawyers in the past, the 2 police officers standing next to the officer who actually had his knee on the victim are probably going to get off.

The Nazis at the Nuremburg Trials tried that tactic saying they were acting under direct orders from Himmler, and Hitler. It didn't wash then because that was war and Germany was the loser so the the victor the spoils who also have the luxury of writing the history books.

But in this case, I can see at least 2 of the officers will get off. Maybe even 3 officers. The guy with the knee on the man's wind pipe though is goners.

As for the lawyers. They are doing a job defending their clients and making sure they get a fair trial and to get them off if they can. Nothing personal in law. It's a legal system not a justice system and we should always remember that. Justice is not always served.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Maximus » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:40 am

Kikapu wrote:So, this fucking lawyer representing one of the rookie police officers holding down Floyd while he was murdered is saying that the rookie couldn’t stop the murder which he took part in so he cannot be blamed or held responsible, because the public who were filming and pleading with the murdering officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck also did not help to prevent the murder. So this asshole lawyer wants to shift the murder on the public. What a dickhead. If this is the best defense he is going to put up for his client, he is dead meat. :D

there was no intent by any of them to kill George Floyd,

George Floyds death was an accident by the actions of one of the three police officers. None of them are being charged with pre-meditated intent to murder.

Now, you might say, that they are responsible too because they were there and they didnt stop it.

So Lets say you are on a bus and a man boards it and strangles the guy sitting next to you to death. Are you also responsible because you were there and didnt stop it?

Of course not, you could have done something which may have prevented the death but you are certainly not responsible for the guys death.
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