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...this is America.

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby erolz66 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:34 pm

None of these issue are black and white, binary. Claiming that racism is today no longer a material factor at all is just as mistaken in my view than claiming every issue is down to racism alone. The truth is a lot more complex than that because the universe is a lot more complex than that.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:47 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Why should we put the girl down when she’s well off with education and wealth? The black community needs more like her.. Blacks can rise to the top if they have the education and drive to do so it’s being proven night and day.. no one is excusing the murder of this man but when the culture of black Americans is to hold onto the bottom of the community and excuse their behaviors out of guilt then the top of the community are still in chains..

I did not put her down for being well off and educated. More power to her. It is when she starts preaching about things she knows nothing about because she hasn't lived long enough to have had the experience what the not so well off minorities go through economically, socially and police brutality. It is like a white person saying they have not felt any racism. How can a white person know what racism is to what minorities go through? It is no different to most privileged well off minorities as they too have no idea what racism is, because they too do live in a "white man's world". Just like men cannot relate to sexual harassment women go through every day. How can they?

Serious Question(s):

Why do Asian minorities in America not suffer the same oppression and racism?

Why aren't Asians disproportionately represented in crime statistics and prison populations?

Just wondering... :?

I think it has to do with family unity and hard working parents to educate their children to give them a good start in life. In a capitalist country like the USA, once someone falls through the cracks, it is very difficult for them to get out of it. It truly is a dog eat dog world there with very little safety nets. Everyone loves winners in the US and no place for the second best. People do not choose to be homeless, but there are thousands all across the US. People do not choose to be victim of racism, but they are all across the US. People do not choose poverty over prosperity, but there are many in poverty all across the US and poverty and crime are linked as one feeds on the other to create a vicious cycle for the poor and the societal undesirables.

There you go! :wink:

You have spoken the unspeakable but you are right. Not racism at all then....

Yes but, how does that change anything when the cause has been 500 years of slavery and discrimination working against the blacks. You can’t just say let’s them have a family unity and then everything will be just fine for those from broken homes and poverty stricken lives. It is not to say there are no broken homes and poverty in every community in our society, but some have more help than others from their extended families to help out. Where is the help when the fathers are in prison for mostly bullshit crimes where those from other class of people pay the fine and do some community service to pay their debt to society, but when the black father is in prison because he can’t pay his way out, the kids are left on their own with a pregnant mother, so the kids are on the streets and then they too get in trouble with the law in trying to make some money to survive and the vicious cycle continues.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:31 am

Kikapu.. I would agree with most of what you are saying but I saw this black man speaking in the video below and the statistics he talks about blew my mind in that the new catch phrase is systemic racism.. I think you alluded to it in your post.. I did go to school here in America and there was bussing into a predominantly white high school of black kids, here in Virginia. I would agree that bussing was a failure because even though the black kids were bussed was in, very few of them were placed in class with white kids.. nevertheless if you have time I posted the video below.. ... 9308/?vh=e
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:03 am

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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:16 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:Kikapu.. I would agree with most of what you are saying but I saw this black man speaking in the video below and the statistics he talks about blew my mind in that the new catch phrase is systemic racism.. I think you alluded to it in your post.. I did go to school here in America and there was bussing into a predominantly white high school of black kids, here in Virginia. I would agree that bussing was a failure because even though the black kids were bussed was in, very few of them were placed in class with white kids.. nevertheless if you have time I posted the video below.. ... 9308/?vh=e

I did watch the video and once again, the views are from privileged black person who does not face the same problems the average underprivileged blacks do. I do not approve of Al Sharpton’s descriptions of the treatments of the blacks as if they are kept in bondage by the whites in his usual hysterical drama sermons. At times the word “racism/racist” is overused to fit the purpose one wants it to fit into their own political agenda. That aside, racism does exist against the blacks. Discrimination does exist against the blacks. Hate does exist against the blacks.

Racism, discrimination and hate all have different definitions, although, to the average layman or a black person, they can all mean the same, “racism”, as it is very difficult to separate those words from each other as they are all negative, especially if the intent of the user of any of those words/actions, is to convey racism, then all those words/actions mean the same thing to those victimized by such racism.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:56 pm

The culture of black America hinders them.. there are blacks who have reached privileged heights. The only way to do it is to let go of old black stereotypes. How can there be racism when so many blacks have broken through. The only way to help them is to allow them to help themselves. Even when whites try and help it’s detrimental in that they face the thought that they can’t do it themselves. Racism in America is minimal. Dr King said something like this .. my dream is that the color of the skin doesn’t determine potential but rather the content of character.. Skin color doesn’t play a big enough role today in America its the character that’s being judged.. the statistics prove it. It’s come to the point that saying there’s racism,is racist.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Oceanside50 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:34 pm

Trying to equate the Cyprus issue to what’s happening in America.. how much has been gained in reliving the past.. it hinders rather then helps.. changing the paradigm changes the results
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby erolz66 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:45 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:The culture of black America hinders them.. there are blacks who have reached privileged heights. The only way to do it is to let go of old black stereotypes. How can there be racism when so many blacks have broken through. The only way to help them is to allow them to help themselves. Even when whites try and help it’s detrimental in that they face the thought that they can’t do it themselves. Racism in America is minimal. Dr King said something like this .. my dream is that the color of the skin doesn’t determine potential but rather the content of character.. Skin color doesn’t play a big enough role today in America its the character that’s being judged.. the statistics prove it. It’s come to the point that saying there’s racism,is racist.

Many gains have been achieved from the lowest base possible - slave based on skin colour. However there is still further to go. Those stats above on social economic circumstances black to white in US belie the simple argument that skin color no longer plays a significant role in the US for me. I agree that new ways to try and redress this imbalance need to be found but I can not deny the imbalance still exists.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:08 pm

...values. What does the Police force represent, in terms of American values? This must change unless Americans want to live in a state of constant fear.
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Re: ...this is America.

Postby Kikapu » Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:18 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...values. What does the Police force represent, in terms of American values? This must change unless Americans want to live in a state of constant fear.

Remove their qualified immunity and let’s see if these cunt police officers would abuse their powers again without facing financial ruins from lawsuits and prison terms.
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