Back then communities interacted much more than they do today after all there was no tv, radio, phones and all other occupational interests that we have today.
Children played simple games one such was climbing a tree or hide and seek, marbles, ligri, scatoullika and other .
We were happy just doing that, i wouldn't change it for the world. My father was a master tailor, a disciplinarian, never swore and was a well respected member of the community although he was one of the very few communists. He was imprisoned in the late 30s by the British as communism was then a criminal offence. He served 18 months of his 3 year sentence sharing a cell with Tefkros Anthias , a well known Cypriot poet.
As one gets older one naturally reminisces and develops interests that he or she previously did not have.
May I add that I still have interest in areas that I always have had one being my red and the other .......