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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri May 29, 2020 9:39 pm

About a week before I received a call from Chrisostomos Sofianou, some of you might remember him from his days as the Minister of Education during the Makarios era. I kept in touch with him over the years although the last time I saw him was around 16 years ago when he came to my daughters wedding. His family and mine were very close and mutual respect was at a high level. CS has written a number of books and he is now working on a book covering the 1953 earthquake that struck our village. As he told me, once we older men and women ...depart there will be no-one around to describe that horrid event of September 10th 1953. He wanted my "take" on the events of that day. I now know that he spoke to Kokos and told him that Akis was around hense the call from my childhood mate. Im sentimental and I love my childhood memories apart if course from the tragic day of the earthquake.
Back then communities interacted much more than they do today after all there was no tv, radio, phones and all other occupational interests that we have today.
Children played simple games one such was climbing a tree or hide and seek, marbles, ligri, scatoullika and other .
We were happy just doing that, i wouldn't change it for the world. My father was a master tailor, a disciplinarian, never swore and was a well respected member of the community although he was one of the very few communists. He was imprisoned in the late 30s by the British as communism was then a criminal offence. He served 18 months of his 3 year sentence sharing a cell with Tefkros Anthias , a well known Cypriot poet.
As one gets older one naturally reminisces and develops interests that he or she previously did not have.
May I add that I still have interest in areas that I always have had one being my red and the other ....... :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:19 pm

Following my very first visit to a Cypriot doctor on Friday last I must say Im so so pleasantly surprised at the exemplary way I was examined by this wonderful doctor.
I was asked to have a blood test which I did
earlier today and once again I must say Im full of admiration at the high level of professionalism shown. I was merely asked for my name and ID number and promptly my name and doctors request was displayed on their computer.
A young looking medic took my blood and I was told that the results would be with my doctor the very same day !!
Back in the UK it was normal for the results to take at least 10 days !!
On Thursday I'm to see my doctor and naturally be prescribed my medical requirements. Needless to say that the blood tests which I was told were very comprehensive cost a mere 16 euros, far cheaper than a flight to London !!

I have always thought of Cyprus as my Paradise Island and thus far I have been proved right beyond all expectations.
Im full of admiration so far of the treatment I have received. The newly established Cypriot NHS is undoubtedly on to an encouraging start and Im certain in time it will be seen as the best health service available to all citizens of this great nation
with many private clinics joining GESI.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:55 pm

I can tell you the result of your blood test Milti. Could have saved you €16. It will come back "Cabernet Sauvignon". :lol: :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:32 am

Mind over matter !! Its true what they say !!
Just back from my Doctor's and feeling exuberant!! My contract has now been extended by 4 whole years !! Comprehensive blood tests have shown that my 3 years thus far in Cyprus have considerably enhanced my health.
My diabetes is the best it has ever been in spite of developing a sweet tooth for some of my childhood favourites !!
The best news however is that my PSA, ( prostate ) not only has it not increased but down to 6.5 , 0.4 lower than when diagnosed 6 years ago.. !! All in all it proves, to me at least, that mind does win over matter.
My tablets for diabetes have been reduced greatly, only need one tablet 3 times a day instead of previously 3 different tablets 3 times a day.
My wine works wonders for me but above all is the fact that I have no stress whatsoever and hav3 3 gorgeous grand kids that make me so happy.
Long live CYPRUS
Long live ......MILTIADES :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:31 am

No stress?? You mean all Paphitis‘s efforts have been in vain? :(

:lol: :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:54 pm

Londonrake wrote:No stress?? You mean all Paphitis‘s efforts have been in vain? :(

:lol: :wink:

Over the years i developed antibodies effectively dealing with idiots !!
Coupled with my favourite beverage a wall has been erected deflecting virulus comments and stupidities !! I mean Chy- nrarse for fs.!!
What a Plonker.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:41 am

Today, April 16th 2021, marks four years since my retirement on Paradise Island. Four years that I have enjoyed immensely,
gone so quickly. I have met and made friends with loads of Cypriots, caught hundreds of , drunk load of wine, watched almost a thousand sunrises. There has NEVER been a day when my fascination of this beautiful island hasn't overwhelmed me. Having the grandchildren around keeps me young and focused on " real" happiness.
Utopia doesn't exist anywhere on the planet but for me it almost does on Cyprus, if you ignore the driving about the only aspect that I find annoying.
Back in October last year I had my health issues, now fully recovered and feeling like a ....young man. I will be 75 years young in early May. I do not get involved in politics other than steadfastly retaining my Cypriot credentials and believing that Cyprus is my only motherland.
I watch very little TV as I find both the Cypriot and Greek tv and shows utterly unsophisticated full of ....bearded men and narcistic women, but who wants tv when life has so much to offer.
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