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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:56 pm

Until the Cypriot driver begins to understand the basics of driving a motorised vehicle no fines will cure the problem. Why the fuck do most idiots do not indicate either when making a turn or pulling out. Frankly I'm appalled by this blatantly stupid behaviour excibited by the vast majority of drivers which I refer to as donkey riders. Why the fuck does anyone have to go through Ted lights ? In a hurry or just plain stupid. I hate when I see drivers using their fucking mobile in such a casual fashion as if a mobile is an essential part of driving. Many in Limassol have received my colourful comments when I witness blatant stupidity.
Basically in my opinion, unless a Cypriot has had a lengthy driving experience in Eurooe, Greece and Italy exempted, will never become a safe driver with common road sense. Most are bloodt donkey riders.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:23 pm

miltiades wrote:Until the Cypriot driver begins to understand the basics of driving a motorised vehicle no fines will cure the problem. Why the fuck do most idiots do not indicate either when making a turn or pulling out. Frankly I'm appalled by this blatantly stupid behaviour excibited by the vast majority of drivers which I refer to as donkey riders. Why the fuck does anyone have to go through Ted lights ? In a hurry or just plain stupid. I hate when I see drivers using their fucking mobile in such a casual fashion as if a mobile is an essential part of driving. Many in Limassol have received my colourful comments when I witness blatant stupidity.
Basically in my opinion, unless a Cypriot has had a lengthy driving experience in Eurooe, Greece and Italy exempted, will never become a safe driver with common road sense. Most are bloodt donkey riders.

What a disgusting, potty-mouthed illiterate old man you are... I wish I hadn't bothered logging-in and replying to be honest... :roll:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:17 pm

A typical peasant such as you should not interact with a .. sophisticated and highly ...intelligent man. In short, Plonker , do me a favour, fuck off !! By the way, were you born stupid or did you take a course in stupidity. What a fucking Plonker !
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 09, 2019 1:27 pm

2 years and 4 months now on Paradise island, my love for this island has continued to thrive,more so after visiting Platres and the nearby villages. Particularly impressed by Agia Mavri and relaxing by the cafe over the river, the old tree, 800 years old, still looks robust and was pleased to know that is a protected tree.
Before visiting Agia Mavri, I stopped for lunch at Mandria, had a meal at a wonderful restaurant, not only was the food exceptional but also such a clean looking eaterie. Across the table there sat two elderly couples I was flabbergasted when an old boy came up to me offering me his hand and asking me how I was.
Way back in the early 60s I used to work at an Angus Steak House restaurant in Leicester square. I was working evenings as a cashier.
Do you remember me he asked, leaning on his walking stick
The blank look on my face must have given him a negative answer.
I was a waiter he said, you were the young boy cashier. Good God, that was over 50 years ago !! How on earth could he recognize me !! Well, Chris, used to play the guitar and was rather good at it too. He taught me much. That's when it clicked when he asked if I still played the guitar.
An amazing guy, terrific memory and just as pleasant as he was back then in the early 60s.
I asked him how on earth did he remember me let alone recognize me. I never forget a face he told me, yes I said it half a century later? It's the way you spoke to the young waitress he replied with a smile on his face!!
He is in his early 80s. What a guy.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:24 pm

It's been a long time since I added anything on this thread, what with Brexit, and a Clown as the PM , almost forgot that there is life " outside" Brexit.
When I first came back to Cyprus in April 2017, almost daily I would take a walk on the Enaerios pier, watch the magnificent sunrises and chat to the many anglers.
There was one occasion that caused me a little distress when an angler, his name is Nikos but known to all as Maliaros, due to his long hair. A charmingly friendly guy, and a damn good angler caught a largish fish, I watched him pull it up and on landing the fish on the pier took a large knife from his kit and stabbed the poor thing viciously ,.now and then he would stomp his foot on the fish, then with his knife slit open the fish and threw it back into the sea.
I thought, how cruel, wanted to say something but being the kid on the block I resisted, but was rather upset to have witnessed such cruelty.

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:36 pm

The human propensity for irrational violence has been the undoing of hundreds of millions - since the beginning of our time I think. What was going on in his head? And countless others? :?
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:13 pm

I had no idea what that fish was and why such cruelty by this angler. The following day another angler caught the same fish, I asked him what name is the fish, a Kounellos he responded, a Puffer fish. He explained that this type of fish only recently arrived in our waters, from the Suez Canal he added , Its poisonous, he told me citing that sometime back a Russian lady and her son caught some and ate them. I believe the mother died as a result and the son was kept in intensive care unit for some time, eventually recovering.
They are a pest he told me, not only do they eat other fish but also break our lines as well as our fishing rods at times. We absolutely hate them he added with a serious look on his face.
It was in mid may 2017 when I ventured into fishing, bought my gear and off I went !!
A guy called Andreas, in his early 60s, a charming down to earth man schooled me in the of fishing, he is now known as Daskalos- teacher.

We now go forward to October 2019, now Im almost an expert in catching fish, and on one or two occasions other .....goodies too. Needless to say I have caught many bloody Kounellous, most just break the line and thus far two of my rods too.
Well in mid October I was fishing when.....
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:18 pm

Ahh! Well, on reflection, I suppose that's a reasonable motivation. Thanks for the warning about the arrival of puffer fish. I will be more careful what arrives on my plate from now on. :D :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:30 pm

Apparently the Japanese consider the Puffer as a delicacy, the chefs have to undertake extensive training in order to master the act of cleaning the fish and removing the poisonous parts
They call it Fougou, they even farm the fish.
Another point to make is that if this fish was to bite you you would lose at least one finger, recently an angler on the pier put a can of coke into the mouth of one he caught and the fish just tore the can in two.
Well will continue soon with my story.....
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:31 am

It soon became apparent to me that this Kounellos is indeed more of a pest than a fish. On a number of occasions I had my line snapped, rather annoying at 5am in the morning when you have to change line, hook etc. I begun to detest this pest, after all I just sling my hook and can't choose what fish will bite.

It was in mid October when at around 7.30 am I caught a monster. By that time I started using a branded line , on recommendation, and thus I was able to pull the fish up, usually with an angler helping by getting hold of the line and pulling the fish

On landing the pest, I had noticed that a young blonde was showing interest in the action coming close to me and watching the action. Oblivious to her presence I took hold of my knife and stabbed the pest, slitting its underbelly whilst calling it a few names. The young lady let out a shriek , I had to explain the type of fish and assured her that I'm not usually a cruel guy.
Well what happened next was rather interesting.....
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