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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:45 pm

miltiades wrote:I feed my cats with cat food and all the fish that i catch. I have a month old kitten as well as a baby one about 2 weeks old that my grandson found abandoned. We feed him with special milk we got from the Vet using a feeding bottle. I do also give them
My meat left overs.

Unfortunately, what goes in must come out Milti so I feel that all those who feed stray cats should be responsible for what comes out their backsides… because it’s easy to forget or be unaware that they go crap at their neighbor’s houses!

I’d love to see a law enforced that makes those that feed strays license each and every one of them!

Paying a hefty sum each year would quickly make violators stop so the cats can fuck off back to nature where they belong.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:09 pm

Animals, cats included, share this planet with us humans. Animal lovers will always care for animals be it cats or dogs. They have been with us humans for thousands of years. I shall continue feeding the cats and where required will take them to the vet.
We must not be so selfish.
I live in a spacious appartment , ground level, with a garden, a rockery actually , in a large culdesac leading to a substantial size park. Daily I collect rubbish left in the park by young and old hooligans, none of my neighbours does so. Im faced with an attitude by Cypriot uncouth peasants who simply hate animals. I have made my feelings crystal clear.and will stand my ground. I will not ignore animal cruelty born out of ignorance and selfishness. The local council should be aware that cleaning a public park is their responsibility. There are lots of bushes, also a ravine that was it not for the cats could have been infested with virmin , snakes too.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:46 pm

miltiades wrote:Animals, cats included, share this planet with us humans. Animal lovers will always care for animals be it cats or dogs. They have been with us humans for thousands of years. I shall continue feeding the cats and where required will take them to the vet.

Spare me the bullshit… :) all animals have been around for the same period of time but that doesn’t mean that we are responsible for feeding them unless we lock them up in cages. Stray cats are not locked up and can therefore fend for themselves.

miltiades wrote:We must not be so selfish.

On the contrary… your irresponsible and selfish behavior is what forces others to take drastic action against stray cats.

Now read and educate yourself… ... e-cats.jpg ... 1f3492.jpg ... 783413.jpg
https://content.assets.pressassociation ... dfa003.jpg
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:50 am

For every negative note you copy and post I can post 10. Most of these note writers know fuck all about cats. I grew up knowing domestics and understanding their behaviour, most of all their daily needs.
The park opposite my appartment would have been infested with virmin, snakes too if the cats were not here.
I just love ...pussies !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:17 am

miltiades wrote:For every negative note you copy and post I can post 10. Most of these note writers know fuck all about cats. I grew up knowing domestics and understanding their behaviour, most of all their daily needs.
The park opposite my appartment would have been infested with virmin, snakes too if the cats were not here.
I just love ...pussies !!

You basically lure cats into neighborhoods with food they shouldn’t be eating and make them pests to others that often leads to poisoning, and easy targets to vehicles on the streets.

And all because you are hell-bent on proving what great “animal lovers” you are!

You’re a selfish and incorrigible old fool…

End of story.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:34 am

You despise animals just as much as you despise people. You are a nasty piece of shit and a fucking psycho. Do me a favour go fuck your self you ignorant little peasant. Enjoy !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:16 pm

miltiades wrote:You despise animals just as much as you despise people. You are a nasty piece of shit and a fucking psycho. Do me a favour go fuck your self you ignorant little peasant. Enjoy !!

I only despise uneducated idiots like you that ruin it for the rest of the community.

You’ve already had one neighbor give you a mouthful over this… there are probably more neighbors that can’t stand you but haven’t come to your door.

The bottom line is that you’ve only been in Cyprus for a little while and have already accumulated a list of anti-social behavior including:

* Car parking/accident issues
* Stray cat abusing issues
* Foreign women conning issues
* Some anti-government issues you went on about not too long ago

And God knows how many other entanglements you’ve had in Cyprus that you haven’t mentioned.

Let’s face it... you’re just BAD NEWS wherever you go Milti.

Seems to be a recurring theme... :?
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:13 pm

Im well respected here in Cyprus for not being pretentious, being fortright with a profound sense of humour.
Take you !!! Ill ....educated computer repair man, obsessed with
..speeling errors and a first class Plonker.
You are very rude and you consider your self ....educated , My ..
Kolos , peasant !
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:36 pm

miltiades wrote:Im well respected here in Cyprus...

:? But you've got people coming to your door complaining... :lol:

miltiades wrote: for not being pretentious, being fortright...

:? It’s “forthright” but anyway… the words you're looking for are “profane” and “obnoxious”.

miltiades wrote: with a profound sense of humour.

Now *this* I haven't seen yet and I've known you for over a decade... :?

Does someone else on the forum consider Miltiades to have a “profound sense of humor”? :?
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:45 pm

Sense of humour??
I have more soh in my villos than you have in your entire body. I also refrain from derogatory and obnoxious comments on anyone's family unlike you psycho who some years back you ...suggested I go and fuck my dead mother's corpse. You fucking psychopath, I can have you for breakfast lunch and dinner 7 days a week you pretentious ill educated stingy bastard !!
Lets face it, you are no match for Miltiades.
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