miltiades wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:miltiades wrote:I have supplied evidence of my permanent residence in Cyprus such as telephone and utility bills.
I will not supply bank statements since this is an infringement of my privacy neither will I supply UK bank statements.
Mobile monthly bills as well as utility bills are sufficient proof of my permanency in Cyprus. Of course they could always visit ...Cyprus Forum !!
Im confident that duty free approval will be given in the next month or so .
It's not sufficient proof. Paphitis also pays utility bills for property he owns in Cyprus.
As per "ζ" they have the right to ask for a copy of your Bank account.
Not according to EU directives
They have no right to examine my financial matters. Only a court can issue an order to my bank to disclose personal accounts.
I will never abide by illegal, as per EU, demands, to supply my personal financial matters here in Cyprus and in the UK.
I didn't say they can force you to provide a copy of your Bank account. However that's the easiest thing for you to do.
Fyi many EU directives give the option to the individual-if he wishes-to present a copy of his Bank account as evidence as for example this directive:
- Code: Select all
Sufficient proof can be proved by any available means, including bank statements or pension slips. You
cannot be obliged to show bank account extracts if you do not wish to use that means of proof.
It's clear that in your case the authorities are in a doubt as per article 6 of the relevant EU directive.
What these doubts are it's up to you to find out. I suspect they are not convinced you returned permanently, or perhaps they think your current residence is secondary.
Article 6
General rules for determining residence
1. For the purposes of this Directive, ‘normal residence’ means the place where a person usually lives, that is for at least 185 days in each calendar year, because of personal and occupational ties or, in the case of a person with no occupational ties, because of personal ties which show close links between that person and the place where he is living.
However, the normal residence of a person whose occupational ties are in a different place from his personal ties and who consequently lives in turn in different places situated in two or more Member States shall be regarded as being the place of his personal ties, provided that such person returns there regularly. This last condition need not be met where the person is living in a Member State in order to carry out a task of a definite duration. Attendance at a university or school shall not imply transfer of normal residence.
2. Individuals shall give proof of their place of normal residence by any appropriate means, such as their identity card or any other valid document.
3. Where the competent authorities of the Member State of destination have doubts as to the validity of a statement as to normal residence made in accordance with paragraph 2, or for the purpose of certain specific controls, they may ask for any information they require or for additional proof.They already gave you an option to present them a list of your expenses didn't they?

Again fyi the Banks also ask for the same thing before approving someone for a loan.