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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 04, 2018 4:51 pm

CBBB wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I think we all know that if it wasn't for me and my views, this forum will be dead in the water.

Yes, we come to see how your delusions of grandeur are progressing.


no grand delusions here I can assure you. It is of little concern to me. I'm just making an observation, not through vanity or anything like that. And it isn't a great deal to be proud of and have grand delusions over.

it really is just a small time forum. It's only the fact that it is about Cyprus that attracts us, otherwise you can forget it. This forum is lucky that it is one of a kind.

I am also the victim of a sustained personal attack against my forum presence as you can see. Not playing the victim. I am just getting very annoyed with the vitriol and as you can see i have not been playing ball and returning serve. It seems to be relentless still.

You know, in the past, I would come to anyone's defence when things get this personal and did it for a few forumers. These personal posts are not very nice at all.

I'm good with banter, but I do not think this is banter. The goal seems to be to drive me off the forum and silence me. I defend alternative viewpoints and people's rights to have them.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Apr 04, 2018 7:06 pm

Londonrake wrote:Come on Milti. You’ve got me staring at the ceiling 3am. What happened to the ******* car?? :? : :lol: :lol:

...another time where, if there was a like button, i would have pushed it.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 05, 2018 5:30 am

At the New Theletra as I said before my self and brother visited our first cousin, her late father and ours were brothers. Her two sons with their wives and children were also there, had not seen them for many years, the younger one had converted and modernised an old house into a one bedroom apartment in old Theletra where he would spend time during the summer months, situated high up on top of a ravine, it was well secured with barriers, I once stayed there for an evening some years back and I have fond memories of the house.
My brother had hired a car and we drove there in his car, I drove, dont trust him much as he has a habit of ... speeding!!

Coming out of Lindas house the car had made a ....runner!! Stupid of you my brother said leaving the bloody key in the ignition.
Thats when my phone rung, it was my cousins son, you see he knew we were going to visit Linda, our car blocking the road he immediately recognized and rather than disturb us, saw the keys in the ignition and drove it further up about 10 metres up the road.
I left you a present he said, on the front seat. Well I couldnt believe it. As I never drink and drive, at his mothers house I opted for a sketo. They all know my love of wine. Having moved our car he popped into his apartment and came back to the car leaving me a bottle of fine red wine!!!

All and all we both had a great time full of sentimental values.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:55 am

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:31 am

That's a relief. :wink: :D
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Mon Apr 16, 2018 9:08 am


If I’m not mistaken, it’s a year ago today since you returned to Cyprus?

In which case, time now perhaps to grow that beard and start talking on the phone whilst driving................recklessly. 8)

Have a good one. :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 16, 2018 2:57 pm

Londonrake wrote:Milti.

If I’m not mistaken, it’s a year ago today since you returned to Cyprus?

In which case, time now perhaps to grow that beard and start talking on the phone whilst driving................recklessly. 8)

Have a good one. :wink:

Spot on mate !!
A year today in Paradise Island. Gone so quick, yet it has been by far the best year of my life. Never dreamed that my time here would be so rewarding, so enjoyable so full of life. Do I have any regrets? Yes, not coming earlier. Have been to many places, have seen so many long lost relatives, sometimes I find my self thinking out loud, what a terrific island Cyprus is, warts and all. I have made numerous friends, admittedly on my daily visits to Enaerios pier and the cafe opposite, the car park that brings back memories of my time in the orphanage way back in 1953. The sea that I first put my feet in , learned to swim, even the sea has become my ...friend.
I used to say I shall live to be 92, have now increased it to ....102 , mind you with being a diabetic and also with prostate cancer it would require a bloody miracle, still each year I spend in Cyprus will count as three.

Do I want to go back to the UK ? Not on your nellie. Will have to go soon to sort out a few things but only for as long as is necessary. This is truly an amazing island, always called it my Paradise Island and boy I was right.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:13 pm

Its almost a year since my car arrived in Cyprus, took it out of customs on April 27th 2017. Yet I have yet to have it registered and be given Cyprus reg numbers.
Why You may ask? Well folks, since the arrival of my car, I have complied with all regulations, I receive extensions every two months, I have insurance but can not get an MOT since the car is not yet registered.

I must state here that as an EU citizen and provided the car has been owned for more than 6 months any EU citizen can take his or her car , duty free, to any EU nation.

Let me tell you why the long delay, albeit it looks as before mid June this year my " battle" or rather my refusal to supply personal details, may come to an end.

I dont want to sound a smart ass but why the fuck do customs HQ require me to furnish UK bank statements, Cyprus bank statements along with a full list of my daily expenses from the time of my arrival here as well as a comprehensive list of my UK expenses for one year prior to my arrival.

I telephoned Nicosia HQ and asked if on my comprehensive list of daily expenses in Cyprus I should list my wine consumption, my gambling addiction, my 6 mistresses, one for each day of the week, Never On Sunday, as well as my 5 packs of fags !!!
Such bloody beaurocracy, of course I have refused to reveal personal financial details, why the fuck should I, the EU directives do not require any citizen to reveal financial information or indeed how one spends his money on a daily basis. I said bolloucks to that, im not going to do so.

However after a telephone call from Nicosia HQ a solution has, or has it not, been reached. I will present to Limassol customs only my Bank details, no statements, and my phone contract with MTN.
What audacity I thought, do they make their own rules or follow those set out by the EU.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu May 10, 2018 6:14 am

Yesterday, May the 9th, I reached, against ....all expectations, the fine young age of 72 !! Being in Cyprus has made me feel and look no more than ....49 !!
My family knows my love of wines so easy gift to present me with, all that is apart from my daughter who splashed out on a guitar !!!. She said dad your guitar looks a bit old, didn't want to tell her that the older a guitar gets and provided is cared for, it makes a fantastic sound, after all my old guitar is only 51 years old.
Had a wonderful day, my second consecutive birthday in Paradise Island and what a terrific day it was. Unfortunately I fell asleep on the dining table , after all I loved my wine so much!!
Saturday is a big day as my son and his lady are arriving for a two week break. Haven't seen them for over a year so it would be good to see them, the son is 45 , I offered him my 3 bed apartment, FOC of course but he insists on going to a hotel, he loves Apollonia. I said son, the apartment is empty, 5 minutes from the beach , you have all you need !! Dad im not doing any cooking, im on holiday and besides YOU are paying for my hotel !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Thu May 10, 2018 10:10 am

Belated birthday wishes Milti. Falling asleep on the table to acknowledge its passing has been a tradition since the days of the Vikings I believe. :wink:
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