B25 wrote:miltiades wrote:Thanks Robin. It def is not the battery but the charging port .
It begun playong up when the charger had to be held at an angle whilst chsrging, i tried a new charger but sttill the ssme.
In a way im not that desponded having worked with computets for years on end.
Milti, I suspect you have a broken charging socket. If you need to hold the power lead at an angle, it certainly suggests this. It is a very simple fix and I doubt very much if the part is not readily available in Cyprus as it is a pretty standard part.
Any competent computer shop can remedy this for you.
Spot on mate. At the moment Im using my phone as a computer, really havent had the time. One month today and im loving it.
I now have a full time job looking after my new found love, George , such a cute little thing, as well as the grand children, school tuns? Gymnastics etc and of course my daughters 2 doggies.
TIM. I have had my phone stolen and havent got your number. Please PM me.
2 weeks today and my Jag still not ready !!!