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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:35 am

Paphitis wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Alanwithonel.

Your concerns regarding the treatment of the member in question would, under normal circumstances, be viewed with similar compassion to that which you demonstrated in your post, however, were you to indeed search through his past filthy disgusting attacks upon certain members, his vile language and deliberate 'Polls' in an attempt to bring others into disrepute (whilst hoping to garner favour and sympathy for himself) you would very soon come to understand why he is so disliked.

Look no further than the first comment at the top of this (or maybe preceding ) page and DO NOT allow your young children (if you have any) to catch sight of his appallingly outrageous language and suggestions which are the main feature of so many of his ridiculous rantings.

Have a nice week-end. :wink:

Thank you for taking the time to explain things Schnauzer. You have a great weekend too.

Even though I dislike the character, I would ordinarily leave the guy alone and maybe even felt sorry for him, but unfortunately, he declared war on me a long time ago with endless personal attacks, polls, vitriolic abuse and just pure utter stupidity.

Now for him, the chooks are coming home to roost. It's rather sad, but remember, he bought this upon himself. No one would have targeted the man if he didn't commence on his endless campaign to discredit alternative viewpoints to his own, whilst trying to garner favour with other members to pump up his self esteem issues.

But, if he apologizes, then we would have no choice but to leave him alone again. We are a forgiving lot! The ball is in his court.

Why is it that he has never attacked me? Milti and I have disagreed in the past and he has admitted his replies are 'colourful' but he has never abused me. Whereas Paphitis does so on EVERY POST ......... :roll:

As for this .... a real classic coming from you:

"It's rather sad, but remember, he bought this upon himself. No one would have targeted the man if he didn't commence on his endless campaign to discredit alternative viewpoints to his own, whilst trying to garner favour with other members to pump up his self esteem issues."

Are you so thick you can't see this is a description of yourself? It describes what YOU are, more than any other member of this forum. :roll:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:32 am

AlanwithoneL wrote:That's jolly decent and big of you Paphitis. Again, my 2 cents worth and for what it's worth I would say that would be the best resolution to this unpleasant exchange of insults and bitterness toward one another. Go for it gentlemen, apologise, shake hands and a big group hug please :idea:
and relentless

They did that in the past and started all over again in a few days.
I asked Milti why, and he said Paphitis was sending him insulting PMs. Go figure :roll:

As for Schnauzer who identifies himself as homophobic, he did mention he would like to see gays be thrown down from the roof, I asked him what would he do if his own child or grandchild was gay. He never replied...
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:48 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
AlanwithoneL wrote:That's jolly decent and big of you Paphitis. Again, my 2 cents worth and for what it's worth I would say that would be the best resolution to this unpleasant exchange of insults and bitterness toward one another. Go for it gentlemen, apologise, shake hands and a big group hug please :idea:
and relentless

They did that in the past and started all over again in a few days.
I asked Milti why, and he said Paphitis was sending him insulting PMs. Go figure :roll:

As for Schnauzer who identifies himself as homophobic, he did mention he would like to see gays be thrown down from the roof, I asked him what would he do if his own child or grandchild was gay. He never replied...

There is a perfectly reasonable reason for why I failed to answer your question Pyrpolizer BUT, first I will recreate the post which prompted it.

IS has declared war on the "Poofters", the punishment for their disgusting unholy habits is cheap and effective:-

Take 'em on to the roof of a high building and "Sling 'em orf".

They have a choice and if they don't take it, that's their own fault, the choice is a simple one:-

Get out of the country and go and live in some place like America or UK where they can even marry each other, well, if the practice is good enough for the Clergy, Politicians and even Royalty in those places, it's good enough for everyone else who lives there.

It is NOT acceptable in the Holy and respectable lands under the protection of Allah the merciful, it's just not on you see. 8


At the time (when this post was submitted) the focus was upon the activities of IS and quite naturally there was much controversy surrounding the manner in which they were applying their doctrine to any of those areas in which they found themselves to be in control of.
Clearly, 'Homosexuality' was NOT tolerated in THEIR society and, in accordance with THEIR principles they administered punishment/justice in a manner which THEY believed appropriate and acceptable in order to protect the integrity of THEIR envisaged pure society.

NOT before they gave the offenders (as THEY saw them) the choice of departing elsewhere.................a fair choice in my OWN opinion.

Now to the reason for why I did not answer your question :- Such a prospect as you suggested is quite beyond my comprehension, I DID struggle to formulate an answer since absolute dismissal might seem impolite and the alternative quite harsh, however, under the terms offered by IS (at THAT time) and having now considered the framework of your question, I feel obliged to confront it and inform you that YES (since I AM absolutely 'Homophobic') I would have to accept the loss of my offspring and allow them to make their own choice.

Failure to do so would require that 'I' would have to accept something which I consider to be an abomination........not my style I fear. 8)

Footnote:- Which does not mean that I am either a 'Muslim' or an 'IS' sympathizer (for the benefit of you know who)_ :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:18 pm

Schnauzer wrote:I would have to accept the loss of my offspring and allow them to make their own choice.

Failure to do so would require that 'I' would have to accept something which I consider to be an abomination........not my style I fear. 8)

Footnote:- Which does not mean that I am either a 'Muslim' or an 'IS' sympathizer (for the benefit of you know who)_ :lol:

Ok fair enough.
Problem is some people are born like that, so they don't really have a choice. So who's to blame the creator himself??
Notice I lived and worked in a Muslim country in the Gulf for a couple of years. Homosexuality there is the only sexual outlet, because women are not available unless you get married. I think half the Arabs have been penetrated at some stage of their lives.
Anyway I guess we should discuss all these things in a separate topic.
Thanks for been honest about your views.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:45 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
They did that in the past and started all over again in a few days.
I asked Milti why, and he said Paphitis was sending him insulting PMs. Go figure :roll:

he said that? :roll:

Well that is a friggin lie. I have never sent him any insulting PMs. He did converse with me on 1 or 2 occasions, and it was fairly polite and I conversed with him on one occasion quite politely to bury the hatchet and to get him to cease with the personal threads. That was also a polite convo.

Unfortunately, he really isn't a man of his word and starts with all the usual personal crap all over again because he can't stomach views contrary to his owmn.

I don't sent people insulting PMs. That's not me at all.

This is actually quite slanderous. :roll:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:01 pm


Unfortunately, he really isn't a man of his word and starts with all the usual personal crap all over again because he can't stomach views contrary to his owmn.

Mirror, mirror on the wall ........... :lol: :lol:

I don't sent people insulting PMs. That's not me at all.

Really ...... Mirror, mirror on the wall ........ :lol:

This is actually quite slanderous. :roll:

People who live in glass houses .... and all that! :lol:

I've always maintained you had entertainment value if nothing else! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:41 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:I would have to accept the loss of my offspring and allow them to make their own choice.

Failure to do so would require that 'I' would have to accept something which I consider to be an abomination........not my style I fear. 8)

Footnote:- Which does not mean that I am either a 'Muslim' or an 'IS' sympathizer (for the benefit of you know who)_ :lol:

Ok fair enough.
Problem is some people are born like that, so they don't really have a choice. So who's to blame the creator himself??
Notice I lived and worked in a Muslim country in the Gulf for a couple of years. Homosexuality there is the only sexual outlet, because women are not available unless you get married. I think half the Arabs have been penetrated at some stage of their lives.
Anyway I guess we should discuss all these things in a separate topic.
Thanks for been honest about your views.

I can readily accept your points, perfectly reasonable in an overall sense and (in the case of birth form) possibly a situation which is beyond adjustment BUT, when one is (Like myself) apt to view such 'Gender' issues with abhorrence, it is not helpful that the position of acceptance in society has reached levels where it has almost become 'Fashionable' to be 'Gay' and, even worse, that the 'Gayness' is now thrust upon us to such a degree that it is now unlawful to criticize it.

I believe (personally) that the rot set in when 'Jeremy Thorpe' (a Liberal Politician') was involved in a case of murder among his homosexual counterparts, the result of the legal action which followed his arrest, culminated in a more 'OPEN' appraisal of 'Gayness' and the society we now live in has suffered as a consequence of it (imho).

Back 'In the Closet' with such individuals would be MY ruling on the matter, I liked it better in the days prior to the 'PC' rulings which have now expanded to such a degree that it is unlawful to 'Call a Spade, a Spade' and a host of other like nonsensical restrictions upon honest folk.

Let those who consider themselves to be 'Worldly and Tolerant' continue with their 'Led by the Nose' existences if such be their desire BUT, not for one such as those who (such as I) consider that there are far more serious issues facing our nations than the rights of 'Multi=Gender' individuals prancing through our streets posing the problem of 'Who does what to whom' ?.

Suddenly, 'The Rooftops' do not seem to be such a bad idea after all, quite frankly, I am sick and tired of the whole issue. (as are many others I am sure) 8)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:43 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Now to the reason for why I did not answer your question :- Such a prospect as you suggested is quite beyond my comprehension, I DID struggle to formulate an answer since absolute dismissal might seem impolite and the alternative quite harsh, however, under the terms offered by IS (at THAT time) and having now considered the framework of your question, I feel obliged to confront it and inform you that YES (since I AM absolutely 'Homophobic') I would have to accept the loss of my offspring and allow them to make their own choice.

Failure to do so would require that 'I' would have to accept something which I consider to be an abomination........not my style I fear. 8)

Footnote:- Which does not mean that I am either a 'Muslim' or an 'IS' sympathizer (for the benefit of you know who)_ :lol:

Yep, I think I would be the same as you.

I could not accept such an abomination either.

I must be homophobic too.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:47 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:I would have to accept the loss of my offspring and allow them to make their own choice.

Failure to do so would require that 'I' would have to accept something which I consider to be an abomination........not my style I fear. 8)

Footnote:- Which does not mean that I am either a 'Muslim' or an 'IS' sympathizer (for the benefit of you know who)_ :lol:

Ok fair enough.
Problem is some people are born like that, so they don't really have a choice. So who's to blame the creator himself??
Notice I lived and worked in a Muslim country in the Gulf for a couple of years. Homosexuality there is the only sexual outlet, because women are not available unless you get married. I think half the Arabs have been penetrated at some stage of their lives.
Anyway I guess we should discuss all these things in a separate topic.
Thanks for been honest about your views.

I can readily accept your points, perfectly reasonable in an overall sense and (in the case of birth form) possibly a situation which is beyond adjustment BUT, when one is (Like myself) apt to view such 'Gender' issues with abhorrence, it is not helpful that the position of acceptance in society has reached levels where it has almost become 'Fashionable' to be 'Gay' and, even worse, that the 'Gayness' is now thrust upon us to such a degree that it is now unlawful to criticize it.

I believe (personally) that the rot set in when 'Jeremy Thorpe' (a Liberal Politician') was involved in a case of murder among his homosexual counterparts, the result of the legal action which followed his arrest, culminated in a more 'OPEN' appraisal of 'Gayness' and the society we now live in has suffered as a consequence of it (imho).

Back 'In the Closet' with such individuals would be MY ruling on the matter, I liked it better in the days prior to the 'PC' rulings which have now expanded to such a degree that it is unlawful to 'Call a Spade, a Spade' and a host of other like nonsensical restrictions upon honest folk.

Let those who consider themselves to be 'Worldly and Tolerant' continue with their 'Led by the Nose' existences if such be their desire BUT, not for one such as those who (such as I) consider that there are far more serious issues facing our nations than the rights of 'Multi=Gender' individuals prancing through our streets posing the problem of 'Who does what to whom' ?.

Suddenly, 'The Rooftops' do not seem to be such a bad idea after all, quite frankly, I am sick and tired of the whole issue. (as are many others I am sure) 8)

Yes I got to admit that I am a simple guy and struggle with gender issues myself. :lol:

Society is indeed being led by the nose. It's just become trendy to be gay, or be genderless. It's really getting ridiculous and the PC brigade forbid calling a spade a spade.

There is one country bucking the trend though. The United States of America, has enshrined people's rights from the Founding Fathers and still to this day includes the right to bear arms. :lol:

They will never wind back people's right to call a spade a spade in the USA. :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:06 pm

Out of deference to Miltiades, I am of the opinion that perhaps we should not continue this discussion on his thread, there is now an opening for a more 'In Depth' look at the issues raised here and I am going to open a thread on those in the hope that we may attract some 'Heartfelt comments, beyond those required by the 'PC' brigade.

Lay it on the line and 'Billy be Damned', after all, we do not have to be grateful to those in power for our rights to express our opinions for fear that we may offend a few of those who (seemingly) are licensed to offend us. 8)
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