Paphitis wrote:AlanwithoneL wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Alanwithonel.
Your concerns regarding the treatment of the member in question would, under normal circumstances, be viewed with similar compassion to that which you demonstrated in your post, however, were you to indeed search through his past filthy disgusting attacks upon certain members, his vile language and deliberate 'Polls' in an attempt to bring others into disrepute (whilst hoping to garner favour and sympathy for himself) you would very soon come to understand why he is so disliked.
Look no further than the first comment at the top of this (or maybe preceding ) page and DO NOT allow your young children (if you have any) to catch sight of his appallingly outrageous language and suggestions which are the main feature of so many of his ridiculous rantings.
Have a nice week-end.
Thank you for taking the time to explain things Schnauzer. You have a great weekend too.
Even though I dislike the character, I would ordinarily leave the guy alone and maybe even felt sorry for him, but unfortunately, he declared war on me a long time ago with endless personal attacks, polls, vitriolic abuse and just pure utter stupidity.
Now for him, the chooks are coming home to roost. It's rather sad, but remember, he bought this upon himself. No one would have targeted the man if he didn't commence on his endless campaign to discredit alternative viewpoints to his own, whilst trying to garner favour with other members to pump up his self esteem issues.
But, if he apologizes, then we would have no choice but to leave him alone again. We are a forgiving lot! The ball is in his court.
Why is it that he has never attacked me? Milti and I have disagreed in the past and he has admitted his replies are 'colourful' but he has never abused me. Whereas Paphitis does so on EVERY POST .........

As for this .... a real classic coming from you:
"It's rather sad, but remember, he bought this upon himself. No one would have targeted the man if he didn't commence on his endless campaign to discredit alternative viewpoints to his own, whilst trying to garner favour with other members to pump up his self esteem issues."
Are you so thick you can't see this is a description of yourself? It describes what YOU are, more than any other member of this forum.