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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:10 pm any case, what you are alleging, is, what you are doing. If it is the readership you're writing to, let's be clear, this is the Cyprus Forum.

Whatever you may say, i am looking forward to the summer, after school is over; this is a great topic, thanks to miltiades, despite, (lol) the interruptions.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:11 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Will continue with my real life experiences just as soon as the two pests refrain from interrupting.

'Real life experiences ?', start with the bit about how you used to take sweeties from the 'Kindly old Englishwoman' in the days when the 'Brits' were adding Cyprus to their long list of territorial takeovers whilst 'True Patriots' were struggling against enormous odds to oust the bastards... How many Cypriots, loyal to their nation gave up their lives in fighting them, even though they knew that ultimately their desperate resistance would probably end in failure ?, yet.., to THIS day, their are those who cling on to the memories of those 'Heroes', some of whom were grassed up and hung by the neck (or slaughtered by other means) whilst some of their OWN countrymen turned traitor for rewards and fled their homeland for fear of reprisals.

How many of such scum I wonder, used their 'Blood Money' to start up businesses in the land of their country's enemies and adopted the lifestyle of their conquerors ?.

Tell us about the times when you were employed by the 'Brits' loading the very sand which helped with the construction of their permanent barracks, the same sand which now fills the 'Sandbags' of division across the country YOU now (after more than 50 years) seemingly have triumphantly returned to, boasting (almost) of how very pleased you are to return, almost like 'Ulysses' returning from his exploits across the raging oceans.

No Sir, I for one am completely disinterested in your whining little attempts to ingratiate yourself to those who do not know of your shady past, you expose yourself continuously as you rant and rage at those who challenge your pusillanimous platitudes, hoping that your age will bolster your position, BUT, beyond ALL that, there is the matter of 'TRUTH' and you are one which cannot face it..........understandable really, such memoirs as you now wish to impose upon us are fabrication.

Your reliance upon filth and abuse are the ONLY characteristic you possess which identifies you, I think you may have returned to Cyprus a little too early, there are still those who may question your 'Patriotism'.......I think you would be wiser to keep your head down for a while. (just a thought). 8)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:15 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Will continue with my real life experiences just as soon as the two pests refrain from interrupting.

'Real life experiences ?', start with the bit about how you used to take sweeties from the 'Kindly old Englishwoman' in the days when the 'Brits' were adding Cyprus to their long list of territorial takeovers whilst 'True Patriots' were struggling against enormous odds to oust the bastards... How many Cypriots, loyal to their nation gave up their lives in fighting them, even though they knew that ultimately their desperate resistance would probably end in failure ?, yet.., to THIS day, their are those who cling on to the memories of those 'Heroes', some of whom were grassed up and hung by the neck (or slaughtered by other means) whilst some of their OWN countrymen turned traitor for rewards and fled their homeland for fear of reprisals.

How many of such scum I wonder, used their 'Blood Money' to start up businesses in the land of their country's enemies and adopted the lifestyle of their conquerors ?.

Tell us about the times when you were employed by the 'Brits' loading the very sand which helped with the construction of their permanent barracks, the same sand which now fills the 'Sandbags' of division across the country YOU now (after more than 50 years) seemingly have triumphantly returned to, boasting (almost) of how very pleased you are to return, almost like 'Ulysses' returning from his exploits across the raging oceans.

No Sir, I for one am completely disinterested in your whining little attempts to ingratiate yourself to those who do not know of your shady past, you expose yourself continuously as you rant and rage at those who challenge your pusillanimous platitudes, hoping that your age will bolster your position, BUT, beyond ALL that, there is the matter of 'TRUTH' and you are one which cannot face it..........understandable really, such memoirs as you now wish to impose upon us are fabrication.

Your reliance upon filth and abuse are the ONLY characteristic you possess which identifies you, I think you may have returned to Cyprus a little too early, there are still those who may question your 'Patriotism'.......I think you would be wiser to keep your head down for a while. (just a thought). 8)

Pervert why dont you start by telling us how you abused a 6 year old and as a result you were incarcerated for 7 years?
You fucking pervert you have the front to come on a public forum . Fuck off you disgusting animal.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:22 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...i liked it better when you presented your fiction as your own discoveries; aren't you an archaeologist of some sort travelling around the world?

...frankly, i can't be bothered to try and remember what you called yourself, then, Schnauzer, but it made for interesting reading.

Thank you RW, I DID try to present some articles laced with (that which I would call ) levity in the hope that others may enjoy the read BUT, having borne the whip of my 'Arsolic Friend's' vitriolic insults and abuse for so long, I consider it equitable that I should retaliate since the alternative is unthinkable.

He becomes emboldened whenever he senses that his comments are acceptable and, more to my own shame, my responses have in the past impacted upon my own position on this forum..., I have, in the past, even made sport of YOUR 'Manifesto' BUT, I am sure there was never any malice intended on MY part, since I know that your intention in presenting it was to seek solutions to insurmountable problems, my apologies if you regarded them as insulting, they were presented as (possibly a clumsy attempt) to entertain and I am hopeful that they were received by you in that spirit. :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:22 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...i liked it better when you presented your fiction as your own discoveries; aren't you an archaeologist of some sort travelling around the world?

...frankly, i can't be bothered to try and remember what you called yourself, then, Schnauzer, but it made for interesting reading.

Thank you RW, I DID try to present some articles laced with (that which I would call ) levity in the hope that others may enjoy the read BUT, having borne the whip of my 'Arsolic Friend's' vitriolic insults and abuse for so long, I consider it equitable that I should retaliate since the alternative is unthinkable.

He becomes emboldened whenever he senses that his comments are acceptable and, more to my own shame, my responses have in the past impacted upon my own position on this forum..., I have, in the past, even made sport of YOUR 'Manifesto' BUT, I am sure there was never any malice intended on MY part, since I know that your intention in presenting it was to seek solutions to insurmountable problems, my apologies if you regarded them as insulting, they were presented as (possibly a clumsy attempt) to entertain and I am hopeful that they were received by you in that spirit. :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:23 pm now i am sorry i took the time to be helpful.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:43 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Will continue with my real life experiences just as soon as the two pests refrain from interrupting.

'Real life experiences ?', start with the bit about how you used to take sweeties from the 'Kindly old Englishwoman' in the days when the 'Brits' were adding Cyprus to their long list of territorial takeovers whilst 'True Patriots' were struggling against enormous odds to oust the bastards... How many Cypriots, loyal to their nation gave up their lives in fighting them, even though they knew that ultimately their desperate resistance would probably end in failure ?, yet.., to THIS day, their are those who cling on to the memories of those 'Heroes', some of whom were grassed up and hung by the neck (or slaughtered by other means) whilst some of their OWN countrymen turned traitor for rewards and fled their homeland for fear of reprisals.

How many of such scum I wonder, used their 'Blood Money' to start up businesses in the land of their country's enemies and adopted the lifestyle of their conquerors ?.

Tell us about the times when you were employed by the 'Brits' loading the very sand which helped with the construction of their permanent barracks, the same sand which now fills the 'Sandbags' of division across the country YOU now (after more than 50 years) seemingly have triumphantly returned to, boasting (almost) of how very pleased you are to return, almost like 'Ulysses' returning from his exploits across the raging oceans.

No Sir, I for one am completely disinterested in your whining little attempts to ingratiate yourself to those who do not know of your shady past, you expose yourself continuously as you rant and rage at those who challenge your pusillanimous platitudes, hoping that your age will bolster your position, BUT, beyond ALL that, there is the matter of 'TRUTH' and you are one which cannot face it..........understandable really, such memoirs as you now wish to impose upon us are fabrication.

Your reliance upon filth and abuse are the ONLY characteristic you possess which identifies you, I think you may have returned to Cyprus a little too early, there are still those who may question your 'Patriotism'.......I think you would be wiser to keep your head down for a while. (just a thought). 8)

Pervert why dont you start by telling us how you abused a 6 year old and as a result you were incarcerated for 7 years?
You fucking pervert you have the front to come on a public forum . Fuck off you disgusting animal.

Laughable as usual, one could hardly expect anything else., enjoy your little froth, it suits you admirably. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:55 pm

Will continue my story late tomorrow, will be visiting Platres and Troodos. First I will tell you about Lynda...
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:22 pm

miltiades wrote:Will continue my story late tomorrow, will be visiting Platres and Troodos. First I will tell you about Lynda...

No!!, don't do that, tell us about how you managed for more than 50 years to avoid spending enough time in Cyprus to qualify for military service.

Did you always ensure that you would only take a week every year, or did you chance a ten day or fortnight ?, I am sure we would all love to know, particularly those who (like yourself) would not venture to set foot on Cypriot soil for any extended length of time for fear of being required to do their duty.

You could be helpful here, just how long DOES one have to be resident (or in YOUR case had to be) before one becomes eligible for the dreaded prospect of training in a military environment perchance one's services should be required to defend the country ?.

You see ?, you actually COULD be of some use to others of your disposition, do them a favour, 'Spill the Beans', you know you are good at that. 8)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:18 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Will continue my story late tomorrow, will be visiting Platres and Troodos. First I will tell you about Lynda...

No!!, don't do that, tell us about how you managed for more than 50 years to avoid spending enough time in Cyprus to qualify for military service.

Did you always ensure that you would only take a week every year, or did you chance a ten day or fortnight ?, I am sure we would all love to know, particularly those who (like yourself) would not venture to set foot on Cypriot soil for any extended length of time for fear of being required to do their duty.

You could be helpful here, just how long DOES one have to be resident (or in YOUR case had to be) before one becomes eligible for the dreaded prospect of training in a military environment perchance one's services should be required to defend the country ?.

You see ?, you actually COULD be of some use to others of your disposition, do them a favour, 'Spill the Beans', you know you are good at that. 8)

He left Cyprus BEFORE the 1960 independence.
He got married in the UK and presumably got the British citizenship.
The National Guard was created in 1963. By law it was only drafting GCs turning 18. No-one of older age was obliged to serve.
Most of my uncles were about 25-30 by then. Nobody served...
Many years later they introduced a new law (i think it was in the 90s) according to which any GC expart below the age of 40 who wanted to return permanently was obliged to serve for 6 months. I remember there was a wave of 2nd generation Cypriots abandoning South Africa back then, who could not even speak the language and got trapped in this fiasco.

Perhaps you confuse the situation with what's going on in the occupied. There each and every TC expat, is oblidged to serve as soon as he returns, no matter his age or current citizenship or reason for visiting (e.g for a few days holiday).
This is the reason Kikapu returned to Cyprus, but did not dare visit his relatives in the occupied.
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