miltiades wrote:Will continue with my real life experiences just as soon as the two pests refrain from interrupting.
'Real life experiences ?', start with the bit about how you used to take sweeties from the 'Kindly old Englishwoman' in the days when the 'Brits' were adding Cyprus to their long list of territorial takeovers whilst 'True Patriots' were struggling against enormous odds to oust the bastards... How many Cypriots, loyal to their nation gave up their lives in fighting them, even though they knew that ultimately their desperate resistance would probably end in failure ?, yet.., to THIS day, their are those who cling on to the memories of those 'Heroes', some of whom were grassed up and hung by the neck (or slaughtered by other means) whilst some of their OWN countrymen turned traitor for rewards and fled their homeland for fear of reprisals.
How many of such scum I wonder, used their 'Blood Money' to start up businesses in the land of their country's enemies and adopted the lifestyle of their conquerors ?.
Tell us about the times when you were employed by the 'Brits' loading the very sand which helped with the construction of their permanent barracks, the same sand which now fills the 'Sandbags' of division across the country YOU now (after more than 50 years) seemingly have triumphantly returned to, boasting (almost) of how very pleased you are to return, almost like 'Ulysses' returning from his exploits across the raging oceans.
No Sir, I for one am completely disinterested in your whining little attempts to ingratiate yourself to those who do not know of your shady past, you expose yourself continuously as you rant and rage at those who challenge your pusillanimous platitudes, hoping that your age will bolster your position, BUT, beyond ALL that, there is the matter of 'TRUTH' and you are one which cannot face it..........understandable really, such memoirs as you now wish to impose upon us are fabrication.
Your reliance upon filth and abuse are the ONLY characteristic you possess which identifies you, I think you may have returned to Cyprus a little too early, there are still those who may question your 'Patriotism'.......I think you would be wiser to keep your head down for a while. (just a thought).