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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:50 am

Londonrake wrote:
miltiades wrote:Im thinking of having a ....rave up on the beach !!
Dress optional but no fucking beards, i have seen enough bloody whiskers, sometimes , momentarily, I feel as if Im in a theocratic Islamic country. Honestly, every bloody tv presenter has an islamic beard. All started in Greece Im told, apparently they are all gay and grow a beard as a cover up, thats why lesbians are all clean shaven. Mind you those female tv presenters are bloody gorgeous. All blonde mind you !!

Do we need to bring fishing rods?

You can bring anything you like , please do make sure however that you leave all.... beards behind.
Talking sbout whiskers what the fuck is the matter with Greek and Cypriot men,are they all gay pretending they ate macho men ???
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:12 am

miltiades wrote:Im thinking of having a ....rave up on the beach !!
Dress optional but no fucking beards, i have seen enough bloody whiskers, sometimes , momentarily, I feel as if Im in a theocratic Islamic country. Honestly, every bloody tv presenter has an islamic beard. All started in Greece Im told, apparently they are all gay and grow a beard as a cover up, thats why lesbians are all clean shaven. Mind you those female tv presenters are bloody gorgeous. All blonde mind you !!

No it wasn’t. :roll: it’s a Jewish/Anglo thing. :wink: ... -questions ... or-beards/
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sat Jan 20, 2018 1:43 pm

Do you know the Greek song:
Εγώ το πλουσιοπαιδο ?
Για δες τε πως κατάντησα με...γαμημενα γενεια και....τρυπια παντελόνια!!!
Beards are unsighly dirty looking, ugly load of ...τρισιες!!
Shave it off mate !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:11 am

May I start by saying that this thread is about a Cypriot born man who after living in the UK for 56 years returns to his birth country and relates his feelings and observations about Cyprus, the island that he always loved and considered Paradise on earth.
Almost 10 months now, a very long honeymoon and a never ending one.
Since coming here i have met a number of Cypriots who had lived in the UK and now in Cyprus. In particular one 85 year old who spent 38 years in London. Would you go back I asked him. NEVER NEVER he replied quite adamant. I have found that those who spent 10 years or so wete not as contented as those who lived in the UK for more than 20 years. Some had even said that quality of life in the UK is higher than that of Cyprus. When questioned further all admitted that the financial aspect was what they considered quality of life !!!
Of course if I was a younger man with growing children, mortgage, and having to work then perhaps I might have shared their negative views on Cyprus.
Well Im not, approaching 72 and loving every single moment of my being here.
I give the UK, from a scale of 1 to 10 on life quality 3, where as I give Cyprus 7, would have been 10 but I deducted 1 for driving, 1 for graffiti and one for ....trixes, fucking beards!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:08 am

On to my 11th month on Paradise island, the honeymoon continues with the same vibrant mode as when I first came April last year.
Have seen all four seasons and I love them all, have not , as yet, used any heating and its doubtful if I would from now on.
Have noticed how much Limassol has improved, yes improved I believe in progress. In less than years from now Limassol will become the Monte Carlo of eastern med.

Im not in favour of casinos, its a mugs game, odds stuck against the punter, but I do support the idea of having Europes largest casino based right here in Limassol. Not only will it provide hundreds of jobs but will bring in much revenue.

I have now completed my personal.....scientific study on Cypriot driving and the result is exactly as it was way back to when I first wrote about it.
71% Do not use indicators
73% Do not obey speed regulations
64% disregard red lights, mostly early morning.
100% Can not take a right turn properly they just ....shoot in !!
27% of men use mobiles whilst driving
86% of women either use mobiles or do their make up.
Finally, 99.9% of ALL drivers would fail a test in the UK
How do we correct these dangerous cultural habits ???
Will tell you soon ...
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:20 am

miltiades wrote:On to my 11th month on Paradise island, the honeymoon continues with the same vibrant mode as when I first came April last year.
Have seen all four seasons and I love them all, have not , as yet, used any heating and its doubtful if I would from now on.
Have noticed how much Limassol has improved, yes improved I believe in progress. In less than years from now Limassol will become the Monte Carlo of eastern med.

Im not in favour of casinos, its a mugs game, odds stuck against the punter, but I do support the idea of having Europes largest casino based right here in Limassol. Not only will it provide hundreds of jobs but will bring in much revenue.

I have now completed my personal.....scientific study on Cypriot driving and the result is exactly as it was way back to when I first wrote about it.
71% Do not use indicators
73% Do not obey speed regulations
64% disregard red lights, mostly early morning.
100% Can not take a right turn properly they just ....shoot in !!
27% of men use mobiles whilst driving
86% of women either use mobiles or do their make up.
Finally, 99.9% of ALL drivers would fail a test in the UK
How do we correct these dangerous cultural habits ???
Will tell you soon ...

I would like a percentage breakdown of how many of these drivers were actually Cypriot and how many were Russian, and also I would like the percentage of Mecedez Drivers compared to Paphitian Diblokambina 4 by 4 pick up trucks for the Souvla with bull bars and all the good kit please!

You said these drivers were Cypriot. We need the evidence. Were they wearing a Vraka or were they kokkinogolloi;
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:47 am

For this scientific study naturally the vehicles would have to be im motion which rendered me unable to pop the question
Re koumbare pothen ise .

I did also carry out a study of benefits we received from Greece and the result is a load of fucking trishes.
Every fucker has a fucking beard looking like something out of a third world muslim village.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:50 am

miltiades wrote:For this scientific study naturally the vehicles would have to be im motion which rendered me unable to pop the question
Re koumbare pothen ise .

I did also carry out a study of benefits we received from Greece and the result is a load of fucking trishes.
Every fucker has a fucking beard looking like something out of a third world muslim village.

That's because the kokkinogolloi don't go through puberty until they are 35 and can't grow the trishes poor bastards look so feminine. Pootin only went through puberty in 2012. That's when his balls dropped! :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:33 am

I must however admitt, with the risk of being misunderstood, that I find the Greeks, men, totally unsophisticated with a very poor taste in either how they look or how they dress.contrary to all those gorgeous Greek women who are so so ...blonde elegant, classy and rather sexy. The men look a fucking mess, no class, and most Cypriots seem to emulate these first class peasants. !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:26 pm

miltiades wrote:I must however admitt, with the risk of being misunderstood, that I find the Greeks, men, totally unsophisticated with a very poor taste in either how they look or how they dress.contrary to all those gorgeous Greek women who are so so ...blonde elegant, classy and rather sexy. The men look a fucking mess, no class, and most Cypriots seem to emulate these first class peasants. !!

I got to disagree with you there.

Greek men are probably very fashionable and can be sophisticated too. Put it this way. I do not believe Cypriots or Russians are more sophisticated than Greeks.

You're making things up now.
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