Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis we were together in RH's discussion topic on money creation.
To some extend we two agreed against some of RH's views. Yet RH's ideas were interesting and new.
I actually respect him for been an eye opener on this issue despite the fact that we two mostly agreed with each other and (at least myself partially disagreed with RH on many issues.) I haven't personally spotted any misbehavior from RH though. Perhaps because I personally don't like endless discussions that add nothing to the issue. I am sorry to say that I have personal experience with you of your not knowing where to stop.
I was away when all hell between you and RH seemingly broke loose.
When I returned I thought you left because of Milti's personal polls involving your name.
So I really can't understand all this negativity Vs RH.
My advice is just this: Put a full stop right here. It's getting more and more ridiculous while it continuous. You force RH to respond and the whole shit goes spinning in circles.
Damn, I need to go wash my shirt.

It's got nothing to do with disagreeing with me on the creation of money. Even though I think his views are fundamentally flawed on the issue, it is IRRELEVENT whether he continues to disagree with me or not or whether he maintains his views or mine. It's about his manner. His integrity, And his motives and agenda.
There are so many people who adopt his money creation views, and there are probably 1 or 2 on this forum. It's irrelevant.
It's also irrelevant whether you disagree with me or agree with me about MH370. We are still talking quite well even. You think it was an inside job, I don't. Big deal.
The difference between your train of thought and his, is that you believe out of what you perceive to be a more logical explanation for whatever reason, whilst I do not agree with your logic and hold a different view, he on the other hand has ulterior motives and an agenda to undermine the West. Also, Australian Government just re-opened the search at a cost of $200 million per year. It keeps about 500 in jobs I guess. That is what I call a Socialist Government even though it is actually a Capitalist Right Wing Government that is probably the most genuinely Socialist Government on the planet, more-so than Russia and North Korea and China even. That being said, Robin Hoodwinked should be supporting countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland etc etc.
I digress. As I said, it has nothing to do with Money Creation or Syria or MH17 or MH370. I have had disagreements with lots of people on many of those subjects, including yourself.
He is different though.
He believes the Ukrainian Government shot down MH17, not the Russians, despite all the evidence and investigation findings by the ICAO.
He believes the Americans shot down MH370 after it had deviated from its flight plan into The Indian Ocean heading for Antarctica.
He believes the West funded Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, despite this being illogical. He believes that the West also created the Syrian War through the Arab Spring.
He supports BREXIT because he wants the end of the EU, not because it is beneficial for Britain. He supported a Greek Default because he wanted to create maximum chaos against Financial Markets and the Banks, not because Greece might somehow derive some advantage from the default or some respite from the austerity.
He supports Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamaz. Any position adopted by either the EU, USA, NATO, or allies like Australia, japan, Britain, France and many others, is wrong. There is no deviation from this at all. He would support Iran against Cyprus if it came down to it since the Israelis have become a friendly country to us.
It's ok being a Socialist Pyro, even left wing. But if you are a Socialist or Left wing, then I urge everyone to look at Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, Canada, and NZ which actually just create thousands of jobs to keep people working. Everyone wants to live in Australia but not Russia. that says something to all of us.
Robin Hoodwinked is the kind of guy who would argue that the American moon Landing was a staged production and never happened for real.
He would argue that the Powers of this world or spraying chemicals over the entire population as a means of controlling the population and killing people with illness despite all the advances in medical science helping everyone to live longer.
He believes that 911 was an American False Flag. And he will provide links from all kinds of so called experts, scientists, engineers from various sites, most of which are highly questionable in terms of their credibility, to support and fuel his anti American, anti West, anti EU sentiments.
THEN of course, he will go and attack you personally. not just me, but he would do it to you too just like he did it with
Tim Drayton - and that is WHY he isn't here anymore. This isn't someone that is conducive to sensible debate Pyro. fair enough to believe in one or 2 conspiracy theories genuinely with heart in sleeve, but to believe in every single conspiracy theory and every single time to be at odds with all the Western Countries of this world, EU, NATO, USA and other allies in favour of Russia, Iran, Syria and in anything that denigrates us, is a bit rich and silly.
Fair enough to think Israel is breaking International law. That is a commonly held opinion or assessment by many. But to then say that Russia and Syria have not broken international lkaw in Syria and committed criminal acts against humanity or war crimes even is a bit rich.
And don't accuse us of being biased. just a few days ago, The Hague convicted a Croatian War Criminal before he took poison to kill himself before the court. This guy was a US puppet. Still he was convicted.
Anyway last post in this thread Pyro. happy to continue in another thread if you prefer.
Over to you Miltiades. Apologies for the detour. will take this elsewhere and leave you and your thread alone.