Pyrpolizer wrote:Paphitis has always been a difficult personality for me to form a solid opinion of.
I would expect him after such a long period of absence to come back really calm and matured.
What the hell is all this "i would like to meet with XX, XY, XZ but I won't meet OX OY OZ".
First of all who cares?? This is a discussion forum not a beauty contest!
On Milti's topic: I read it when I log in. Interesting. I have some positive and some negative evaluations of the things he says.
I actually have a lot of negative ones. But why should I disturb the man? Let him speak freely. He doesn't insult anybody, he does everything in good will. And like every Charlie (Paphitis included) he talks a lot of highly personal things that local Cypriots would never tell.
The best thing I admire on Milti is his ability to socialize with EVERYONE. Proven fact.

It's just Robin Hoodwinked I particularly take issue with. I don't think that can ever change because I actually know a lot about him and he is a disgusting person. It's not even because he disagrees with me. There are MANY forumers who disagree with me completely and yet that is ok and quite acceptable.
However, Robin Hoodwinked is a different person altogether. He isn't a member that merely just disagree with me on oh let's say the merits of Capitalism Vs Socialism, Banking, the Syrian Conflict or because of the USA and Russia. He is a vindictive person. He has no friends. He is a hermit.
He for instance argued that Greece should default, not because he cares about Greece, but because he believes in maximum chaos against the EU. He supports BREXIT not because he thinks Britain is better off, but because it too would cause maximum chaos against the EU and the West in general, in particular, the USA. He couldn't give a stuff about Greece or Britain.
He supports Russia no questions asked, even against the EU, his own country and USA in particular. he supports Iran and hezbollah and would even support them in a war against Israel and if it came down to it, Cyprus too.
He would support Turkey if Turkey is a Russian ally. He would support Turkey over Cyprus if Turkey continues to fall out with Israel, and hence the USA.
He would support North Korea against Japan, South Korea and Australia. Go figure that one out and when you do, explain the logic please.
He believes that 911 was a US/Israeli false flag.
He also believes in chem-trails and that the Moon landing didn't occur and was a Hollywood staged production.
He is quite the unit really. And I was warning Miltiades about this person. Just because someone smiles and talks nicely to you doesn't make that person a nice person. His personal attacks against myself were disgusting. His personal attacks against Tim Drayton were also disgusting. Anyone who argues against him is faced with a barrage of Fake News and personal insults.
There are a lot more people than just Tim Drayton or I who disagree with him on virtually everything including Syria. Lot's do, but they chose to not engage him because they know who he is personally and from another forum. there are MANY forumers who have met Robin Hoodwinked including one of my best forum mates here.
I am just warning people like Miltiades, to be very careful. This guy isn't nice at all. I however, AM a nice guy as there is nothing I wouldn't do for people I consider to be my friends. I usually bend over backwards, even to my detriment. And I don't expect anything in return. Anyway, I don't wish to blow my own trumpet because who cares anyway?
Just be very careful. There are people here who know who he is, I included. You should be careful too, and if you don't believe me, then PM me and I can elaborate more and point you in the right direction. If for instance you disagree with him on Russia, Banking, Syria and argue with him and debunk his sources with logical discussion, then eventually you will be targeted with vitriol and abuse resulting in my departure.
Tim Drayton departed for the same reason as me. He departed because of Robin Hoodwinked. So this forum is dieing because of Hoodwinked, not because of me or Tim Drayton or anyone else. People were avoiding the other forum whilst he was posting there as well. He is as popular as a poke in the eye.
Hoodwinked is the death of CF, literally.
I too actually got drawn in by his politeness but all that started to wear thin when I virtually disagreed on everything the guy stood for. He was trying to convince me and convert me to his line of thinking on touchy subjects such as Banking, money creation, Ukraine, Syria, Israel and some other subjects. There was never even a "let's agree to disagree". it got to the point where he started to play the poster rather than the content and his argument was ALWAYS supported with dubious misinformation, fake news and propaganda sites not known for their subjectivity at all.
As I said, just because someone smiles at you or talks politely to you doesn't make them nice. You need to know what makes the person tick.
I recommend no one even bother with debating him, whether you agree or disagree. Just don't do it. The guy is VERY bent and quite bitter and nasty.
It's Not as simple as saying I don't like him because I disgaree with him. NO! That isn't true. I don't like him because he is a nasty individual.
Tim Drayton for instance disagrees with me about so many things. I don't dislike him for disagreeing with me. On the contrary! I actually like Time Drayton a lot because he is a stand up nice person and an intelligent person too. I actually miss his presence on this forum a lot. He is a Good Man! Robin Hoodwinked isn't good.