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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:21 pm

RichardB wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I use to want to meet many people on Cyprus Forum. But I don't think it is important anymore and will now only meet with people I have things in common with.

Given the fact that I don't have ANYTHING in common with you or that Robin Hoodwinked, then its pretty pointless meeting up with plonkers.

I will however meet up with LR, DT and plonker Get Real, the rest of you just give me a wide berth please. :mrgreen:

Oh ok, I will also meet up with Kurupetos and YiaLoser for comic relief. :lol:

PS Miltiades: how much did the Blonde cost you mate? I bet your Grand Children are pleased to see the end of her mate.

Cheers bud. What have i done to upset you

Nothing mate. You're all good.

And would love to meet you. The only problem I have, is I only visit Cyprus for a few days at a time, and thus usually haven't been able to meet anyone as there is barely enough time to catch up with my wife's relatives. I only have a few but my wife side seems to be the entire friggin island. :roll:
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:26 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

Yes I can just imagine how the meeting with Robin Hoodwinked would have went (gone?).

Miltiades would have fallen asleep after 5 minutes

Your English is bad! :roll:

We spent over an hour just chatting .... and we both stayed awake. I enjoyed his company and I think, by his comments, the feeling was mutual. Mind you I was surprised he didn't recognise me as I sat there at a table waiting for him ...... long white socks with sandals, knotted handkerchief on head, Union Jack T shirt and baggy below the knee, jungle green shorts with bright red braces. :roll: :D

I don't profess to have the best English.

My mind is more mathematical and scientific.

The only way miltiades would have stayed awake for more than 5 minutes is if he took one of those blue pills he's addicted to. :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:26 pm

Mathematic !!!!
You got your ....numbers wrong so many times mate , as for scientific knowledge please answer this.
Which member ..
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:17 am


I also wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you sort out your little issue as best as possible.

My Father use to tell me, “if you hang with Turkey’s, you suddenly become one”.

No issue with LR as I personally know him and he is stand up but Robin Hoodwinked is a Turkey.

And watch out for wolves in sheep clothing. He is as anti Cypriot as he is anti his very own country which is Britain. When it comes to Russia, Iran and any other who are against the West, including North Korea, then he would have no issue with seeing The Iranian Republican Guard completely crush and destroy The Cyprus National Guard and kill all our Cypriot Service Personnel. Just the other week he was mocking Israeli and Cypriot conscripts to the “battle hardened” Islamic Republic of Iran Republican Guard and Hezbollah.

This guy is anti EU because he wants Britain destroyed but not just Britain. He wants the EU destroyed because he believes this will destroy the USA, Japan and other Capitalist countries. LR is against the EU because he believes Britain is better off.

Wake up! :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:10 am

Paphitis wrote:Miltiades,

I also wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you sort out your little issue as best as possible.

My Father use to tell me, “if you hang with Turkey’s, you suddenly become one”.

No issue with LR as I personally know him and he is stand up but Robin Hoodwinked is a Turkey.

But you have never met me .... so I assume crystal ball gazing is another one of your endless talents. Pity the realms of reality eludes you! :lol: :lol:

And watch out for wolves in sheep clothing. He is as anti Cypriot as he is anti his very own country which is Britain. When it comes to Russia, Iran and any other who are against the West, including North Korea, then he would have no issue with seeing The Iranian Republican Guard completely crush and destroy The Cyprus National Guard and kill all our Cypriot Service Personnel. Just the other week he was mocking Israeli and Cypriot conscripts to the “battle hardened” Islamic Republic of Iran Republican Guard and Hezbollah.

FYI: ......Battle hardened they are ....... CNG/IDF are not ...... simple fact of life ....... that is a reality.

This guy is anti EU because he wants Britain destroyed but not just Britain. He wants the EU destroyed because he believes this will destroy the USA, Japan and other Capitalist countries. LR is against the EU because he believes Britain is better off.

I think you will find that LR and myself are singing from the same hymn sheet on that one!

Wake up! :wink:

Well Milti ......... he seems to have high-jacked your thread and turned it into his personal platform to launch a tirade of abuse against me. He is best ignored as, apart from the obvious entertainment value he has nothing to offer in the way of intelligent dialogue. :roll: I have to say it brightens my day having him back and reading his daily ranting's is like a shot of adrenalin for the forum!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:31 am

Robin this thread will continue regardless of any attempt to derail it. The thread , boring to some no doubt, deals with the feelings of a Cypriot born man who after almost 60 years away has returned to his birth land in the twilight of his life.
I hope that other Cypriot born men and women considering a return derive some benefit from my own observations.

I love Cyprus, Im also highly critical of some aspects of life here already mentioned. I do not look at life here from outside but from within. Utopia does not exist anywhere in the world.
Im critical but responsible in my critiques.
I ought to mention too that I consider quality of life on the forefront of happiness. I stated before that money is by ni means the main ingredient of happiness but merely one of many contributory elements.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:23 am

miltiades wrote: I stated before that money is by ni means the main ingredient of happiness but merely one of many contributory elements.

That settles it then Milt. The next bottle is on you! Image Image
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:33 am

miltiades wrote:Robin this thread will continue regardless of any attempt to derail it. The thread , boring to some no doubt, deals with the feelings of a Cypriot born man who after almost 60 years away has returned to his birth land in the twilight of his life.
I hope that other Cypriot born men and women considering a return derive some benefit from my own observations.

I love Cyprus, Im also highly critical of some aspects of life here already mentioned. I do not look at life here from outside but from within. Utopia does not exist anywhere in the world.
Im critical but responsible in my critiques.
I ought to mention too that I consider quality of life on the forefront of happiness. I stated before that money is by ni means the main ingredient of happiness but merely one of many contributory elements.

I enjoy the content of your thread and can empathise with most of what you talk about. We differ on our views on The EU and the monetary system but on an informed level, rather than resorting to personal abuse.

Keep posting the 'Cyprus Daily Diary' and let's hope The Koala doesn't ruin it. :wink: :D
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Dec 18, 2017 2:23 pm

Paphitis has always been a difficult personality for me to form a solid opinion of.
I would expect him after such a long period of absence to come back really calm and matured.
What the hell is all this "i would like to meet with XX, XY, XZ but I won't meet OX OY OZ".
First of all who cares?? This is a discussion forum not a beauty contest!

On Milti's topic: I read it when I log in. Interesting. I have some positive and some negative evaluations of the things he says.
I actually have a lot of negative ones. But why should I disturb the man? Let him speak freely. He doesn't insult anybody, he does everything in good will. And like every Charlie (Paphitis included) he talks a lot of highly personal things that local Cypriots would never tell.

The best thing I admire on Milti is his ability to socialize with EVERYONE. Proven fact. :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Kikapu » Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:08 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have always been a family man, a loyal husband and father, now of course a grand father.I took me 3 months to reach a decision, some of my family have expressed dismay at my decision but the closests are overjoyed. Difficult to judge whether it was correct or wrong.
At 71 years old I crave for peace and tranquillity even if a sacrifice is much regretted. Im really happy here more so being close tp the grand children.
Once again I find my self without my number 2 triad member, not for long though, plenty of life in the old boy yet !!

It all has to do in what you can give and what can you take.
Don't fool yourself at this age you cannot give enough to any 35 y.o blonde.
Do you know the expression:
"Kαποτε ημουν Αγγελος μα τωρα αγγελιζουν αλλοι"?

(I was an Angel once , but now others are the Angels)

As a fellow hot blooded Cypriot man, I for one is/was very happy for Milti for having had the opportunity to have gotten himself a young lady to share his life with, despite it all coming to an and now. I'm sure some of us have been there, done that and would do it again. It is better to have loved than none at all, I say. There are never guarantees in life, other than taxes and death, but just the life's journey until there's no more. The day we stop looking and yearning for sharing specially moments with the woman you find it to be very desirable, regardless of ones and her age, is the day we are dead, perhaps not in the ground just yet, but pretty damn close. So, anyone taking shots at Milti for the events in his private life with his young lady (not you, Pyro), are just jealous that he was able to have a happy encounter with a young woman because he had the charm and wits to have won her over. Lucky bastard! :D
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