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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:44 pm

miltiades wrote:I have always been a family man, a loyal husband and father, now of course a grand father.I took me 3 months to reach a decision, some of my family have expressed dismay at my decision but the closests are overjoyed. Difficult to judge whether it was correct or wrong.
At 71 years old I crave for peace and tranquillity even if a sacrifice is much regretted. Im really happy here more so being close tp the grand children.
Once again I find my self without my number 2 triad member, not for long though, plenty of life in the old boy yet !!

It all has to do in what you can give and what can you take.
Don't fool yourself at this age you cannot give enough to any 35 y.o blonde.
Do you know the expression:
"Kαποτε ημουν Αγγελος μα τωρα αγγελιζουν αλλοι"?

(I was an Angel once , but now others are the Angels)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:04 am

Many men my age would be mote than happy with a 35ish blonde, and why not. What one has to consider is this. Nobody owns his/ her life exclusively, unless one is either a hermit or irresponsible. There are priorities that some consider sacred. A sacrifice at times is called upon.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:31 am

It was Saturday December 2nd that I made my way to Ipsonas in order to meet a man that I immediately warmed to, a man that I never met before other than on the Cyprus forum. I found my self wondering, as the time went on, if he had forgotten our meeting. Half an hour later I decided to call him. He promptly replied and ...promptly appeared in the cafe of the supermarket that we had arranged to meet. A tall handsome man, rather distinguished and extremely friendly.
We had coffee and chatted for over an hour. I was impressed with Robin Hood, not the least pretentious, a down to earth solid looking man who still retains his youthful good looks.
We parted company expressing our wish to meet again, and we shall. Strangely enough, I never once called him a ...plonker on the Cyprus forum.

GR, you !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:57 am

miltiades wrote:It was Saturday December 2nd that I made my way to Ipsonas in order to meet a man that I immediately warmed to, a man that I never met before other than on the Cyprus forum. I found my self wondering, as the time went on, if he had forgotten our meeting. Half an hour later I decided to call him. He promptly replied and ...promptly appeared in the cafe of the supermarket that we had arranged to meet. A tall handsome man, rather distinguished and extremely friendly.

We had coffee and chatted for over an hour. I was impressed with Robin Hood, not the least pretentious, a down to earth solid looking man who still retains his youthful good looks.

We parted company expressing our wish to meet again, and we shall. Strangely enough, I never once called him a ...plonker on the Cyprus forum.

GR, you !!!

Thank you very much for the compliments ........... your little brown envelope is in the post! :roll: :D

It was a pleasure to meet you, a very pleasant way to pass an hour or so and a thoroughly enjoyable conversation with what seemed almost like an old friend. You were not a bit like I had created in my mind either physically or conversationally and until you used the mobile and mine rang ....... I didn’t think the guy sitting just just 10m from me could possibly be you.

Actually looking back I don’t think either of us has been rude to the other over the years. I have always respected ‘Milti’ as you always have a reasoned reply ..... I may disagree with you but never (I hope) in an offensive or insulting way.
We will meet again and soon I hope. It’s a pity we don’t live in the same ‘village’ as it would make the local coffee shop a lot more lively.

May I make a suggestion? :?: I will arrange to go to Tseri in the New Year to take up GR’s offer to sort out my computer for me, so, with the children on school holidays and with more time on your hands, why don’t you join me and we three meet, maybe in GR’s local coffee shop or another local venue of his choice? GR ...... would you be game for this? :?:

Milti ........ Once again thank you for the flattering comments, I very much enjoyed your company. :oops: :D
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:09 pm

Almost 8 months in Cyprus now!!!
Oh boy am I enjoying my life here !!
The weather, well its just out of this world. December now, the UK and Europe freezing their monkeys off and here we are enjoying brilliant sunshine and temperatures at over 20c.
All in all Im over the moon at my new found home on the island that I have always called my Paradise Island.
Im not a fool, I realize that no nation has total utopia but take away the driving, fucking owfull , grafitti, a bloody eyesore, islamic beards that almost all young Cypriots, influenced by the Greek peasants from Greece, sport looking like Syrian and Iraq refugees. Whats the matter with the pricks, just because third rate Greek singers and two for a penny ....stars, what a joke!!!
I say this since I associate beards on young men with Middke Eastern ....jihadis !!
Enough now. Next I will expose Cypriot TV !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:14 pm

miltiades wrote:Almost 8 months in Cyprus now!!!
Oh boy am I enjoying my life here !!
The weather, well its just out of this world. December now, the UK and Europe freezing their monkeys off and here we are enjoying brilliant sunshine and temperatures at over 20c.
All in all Im over the moon at my new found home on the island that I have always called my Paradise Island.
Im not a fool, I realize that no nation has total utopia but take away the driving, fucking owfull , grafitti, a bloody eyesore, islamic beards that almost all young Cypriots, influenced by the Greek peasants from Greece, sport looking like Syrian and Iraq refugees. Whats the matter with the pricks, just because third rate Greek singers and two for a penny ....stars, what a joke!!!
I say this since I associate beards on young men with Middke Eastern ....jihadis !!
Enough now. Next I will expose Cypriot TV !!!

Mind you I find a smart beard more presentable than a Cypriot pony-tail, especially when the idiot is bald on top and his hair is grey! Don't they know what you find under a ponies tail? .......... :roll: :lol:
Last edited by Robin Hood on Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:24 pm

Only last week I gave up my ambition to be the last person in Cyprus without a TV. Im by nature an observing type of man and I cant help noticing that without exception every TV presenter is without a clean face. Bearded, obviously its considered ....fashionable !!! Some ...women too !!

I must admit I have seen quite a few absolute crackers. Mostly blonde and dressed to kill. No casual look for Greeks and Cypriots.
I must start ...shaving !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:53 am

Time does indeed fly !! Yesterday December 16th marked the end of 8 months of my being here in Cyprus. Eight glorious, thouroughly enjoyable months. Despite some unpleasant events , family connected, everything else has been excellent.

I have mentioned before that my own assesment of life quality in Cyprus as against that of the UK is high up on a scale of 1 to 10. I have given Cyprus 7 out of 10 and London 3 out of 10. Would have given Cyprus the full 10 but have deducted 1 for the horrendously stupid driving, 1 for the widespread and equaly stupid graffiti and 1 fot the horrid dirty looking islamic beards worn by practically every yoing man in the belief that because the unsophisticated Greeks have so must they. Since succumbing to owning a TV I can see that mostly everyone on Greek TV sports a fucking beard.

Looking forward to Christmas and the family gathering , such joy to watch children excitedly unwrapping theit Xmas presents? Courtecy of , who else, Santa.
Have a great Christmas everyone and do please remember any leftovers would be greatly appreciated by the stray cats.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Paphitis » Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:07 am

I use to want to meet many people on Cyprus Forum. But I don't think it is important anymore and will now only meet with people I have things in common with.

Given the fact that I don't have ANYTHING in common with you or that Robin Hoodwinked, then its pretty pointless meeting up with plonkers.

I will however meet up with LR, DT and plonker Get Real, the rest of you just give me a wide berth please. :mrgreen:

Oh ok, I will also meet up with Kurupetos and YiaLoser for comic relief. :lol:

PS Miltiades: how much did the Blonde cost you mate? I bet your Grand Children are pleased to see the end of her mate.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Dec 17, 2017 10:20 am

Paphitis wrote:I use to want to meet many people on Cyprus Forum. But I don't think it is important anymore and will now only meet with people I have things in common with.

Given the fact that I don't have ANYTHING in common with you or that Robin Hoodwinked, then its pretty pointless meeting up with plonkers.

I will however meet up with LR, DT and plonker Get Real, the rest of you just give me a wide berth please. :mrgreen:

Oh ok, I will also meet up with Kurupetos and YiaLoser for comic relief. :lol:

{PS Miltiades: how much did the Blonde cost you mate?

What makes you think anyone on the forum would want to meet the self opinionated obnoxious and offensive lunatic you present yourself as? You may be a completely different character in private, although somehow I doubt it ..... but I for one have no desire to find out! :roll:

To every one else .... have a happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year .... well at least we stand a chance of that in Cyprus. :)
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