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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 12, 2017 5:41 am

Thursday 10th my daughter asked to borrow my Jag in order to collect her oldest daughter from Triathlon, it was aroind 7pm and approaching my bed time.
Shorty aftetwards she called me. Dad she said, I have had a crash !!! Are you ok I asked, we are fine she replied only the Jag is badly damaged, drivers front and side.

I got to the scene of the crash and once again I found my self asking how the fuck can someone have a crash at the lights!!

Whose fault, well 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other, yoi see my daighter has all the traits associated with Cypriot driving.
Once again my Jag is out of action.

I have , over the last 7 months or so learned to cope with driving in Limassol
I treat ALL drivers as children in charge of vehicles, Yes children, therefore I take great cate in dealing with kids. I do NOT take green lights as safe to go in case a little kid in a BMW ignores the lights and goes through.

I ought to add that in seven months of driving in Cyprus I have witnessed far far more crashes than I did in the UK in 50 years.
Im earnestly trying to source a sturdy siergas from my village
A two seater of course and perfectly suitable for the driving conditions in Cyprus.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:54 am

miltiades wrote:Thursday 10th my daughter asked to borrow my Jag in order to collect her oldest daughter from Triathlon, it was aroind 7pm and approaching my bed time.
Shorty aftetwards she called me. Dad she said, I have had a crash !!! Are you ok I asked, we are fine she replied only the Jag is badly damaged, drivers front and side.

I got to the scene of the crash and once again I found my self asking how the fuck can someone have a crash at the lights!!

Whose fault, well 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other, yoi see my daighter has all the traits associated with Cypriot driving.
Once again my Jag is out of action.

I have , over the last 7 months or so learned to cope with driving in Limassol
I treat ALL drivers as children in charge of vehicles, Yes children, therefore I take great cate in dealing with kids. I do NOT take green lights as safe to go in case a little kid in a BMW ignores the lights and goes through.

I ought to add that in seven months of driving in Cyprus I have witnessed far far more crashes than I did in the UK in 50 years.
Im earnestly trying to source a sturdy siergas from my village
A two seater of course and perfectly suitable for the driving conditions in Cyprus.

Gave up my XJ6 in 2001 and went for a new truck. Mitsubishi L-200 with an Alpha cab on the back. The most practical vehicle to have here. I have never had a bang as, like you, I treat ALL other drivers as idiots. The sun ruined the paint so rather than buy something else, I got it re-sprayed. 200k (Miles) on the clock, regularly serviced and can be called on to tackle anything. Choose the right tool for the job! :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:31 am

A slight correction
It was Friday 10th Not Thursday.

Im now looking for a small run around car and just keep the Jag for !!
The cost of petrol for the Jag is about 60 euros a week , and it is mainly used for taking kids back and forth to school and their numerous other out of school activities, English, Maths, Triathlon and other ....mandadory outings.

Life in Cyprus could not be better, still having plenty of sun still wearing shorts with ....white socks !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:06 am

miltiades wrote:A slight correction
It was Friday 10th Not Thursday.

Im now looking for a small run around car and just keep the Jag for !!
The cost of petrol for the Jag is about 60 euros a week , and it is mainly used for taking kids back and forth to school and their numerous other out of school activities, English, Maths, Triathlon and other ....mandadory outings.

Life in Cyprus could not be better, still having plenty of sun still wearing shorts with ....white socks !!!

In a small car you are much more vulnerable than in a truck! In Cyprus, as you have obviously realised, you are surrounded by morons. A truck is much higher off the road and has a steel chassis. Most 'small', in fact most cars now, are a monocoque(?) construction and have no main chassis, the stresses on impact are distributed and the 'box' bends. :roll:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:38 am

Might just do this, a truck maybe usrful also in transporting a variety of garden plants, rockery stones from the village and other light goods.

I picked up a lovely set of gatden/ patio furniture the other day, Dirt cheap and brand new for 85 euros? The lady bought but has no space so she asked if I wanted them, cost I asked? Never mind she said just give me a few euros !! I had 85 on me and she gladly accepted. Need to collect from kolossi so trying to sort out a Kashia to transport to Limassol
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:21 pm

miltiades wrote:Might just do this, a truck maybe usrful also in transporting a variety of garden plants, rockery stones from the village and other light goods.

I picked up a lovely set of gatden/ patio furniture the other day, Dirt cheap and brand new for 85 euros? The lady bought but has no space so she asked if I wanted them, cost I asked? Never mind she said just give me a few euros !! I had 85 on me and she gladly accepted. Need to collect from kolossi so trying to sort out a Kashia to transport to Limassol

I have PM'd you an offer. :wink:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:22 pm

Thanks RH
Will give you a call Friday.
We will have that coffee, no political discussions will be on the ...agenda. So much to talk about, so many wonderful aspects of Cypriot life.
By the way I now know that my next door neighbour hates dogs so last night I knocked on his door and gave him a ....milti treatment!!! Anything happens to my dogs, I told him, and you better mive back to Australia !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Cp279 » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:52 am

If anything happens to your dogs Milti, send him(her) to a forced exile as the neighbour of Get Real.
That is about enough punishment for him !
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:37 pm

This guy really hates dogs, many do in Cyprus but i just stick 2 fingers up and bluntly tell them to fuck off.
I bet he goes to church an!d praises god for all of HIS wonderful creations!!!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Cp279 » Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:05 pm

Btw, Milti, maybe you'd better consider RH's suggestion about buying either a truck or an SUV. It may come in particularly handy, if you have a lot of gardening tasks like carrying soil, fertilizers,etc.

Besides some of these (not all) have strong chassis, so having a useful deterrent for those who might slam into your vehicle after all would not be such a bad idea ! :wink:
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