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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:34 am

I bet GR is NOT straight.
No doubt he drinks a cheap whisky mixed with coke !!
I like scotch, I do however tenf to avoid it since I tend to drink it in the same manner as I drink wine. Im rather fond of Vodca which incidentally is good for diabetics, also zivania , it goes rather well with karaolous as well as ameledita.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby RichardB » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:12 pm

miltiades wrote:I bet GR is NOT straight.
No doubt he drinks a cheap whisky mixed with coke !!
I like scotch, I do however tenf to avoid it since I tend to drink it in the same manner as I drink wine. Im rather fond of Vodca which incidentally is good for diabetics, also zivania , it goes rather well with karaolous as well as ameledita.

I sense a challenge here
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:32 pm

miltiades wrote:I bet GR is NOT straight.
No doubt he drinks a cheap whisky mixed with coke !!
I like scotch, I do however tenf to avoid it since I tend to drink it in the same manner as I drink wine. Im rather fond of Vodca which incidentally is good for diabetics, also zivania , it goes rather well with karaolous as well as ameledita.

I drink most whiskeys… from the single to the multi-malts unless they’re made in the US in which case its bourbon which I don’t like.

But no, I don’t add anything but a cube of ice… max two if they’re small ones.

The bottle of wine I can drink like water before the whiskey drinking begins… by which time you will probably be snoring.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:05 pm

One of the nicest whiskies I ever tasted was "Bookers", a single cask (cask strength) American Bourbon. Smooth and Rounded flavour, with no burn, despite the high alcohol content - 53% ABV if I recall.
It was a revelation, that something from the USA could be as good as a good Scottish Single Malt.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:40 pm

To fully appreciate scotch you NEVER add anything to it. Not even ice. It should be enjoyed in its pure form.
For me Glenfidish , any age is superb, the 15 year old my favourite.

By the way, it looks as if the long awaited rain may come over the next few days. Anxiously awaiting to go karaolous picking. My zivania and Vodca allready in the freezer.
Talking about food I have gone mad on koutsia me lahana, Louvi mavromati with kolokoui and oh boy have i feasted on ...mahalepi, have not had it for donkeys years, diabetes just have to take a back seat.

Twice a week i have freshly caught fish, delicious abd !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Cp279 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:18 pm

miltiades wrote:Not sure what is meant by your comment concerning loss of appeal of my posts.

Milti, sorry for the late reply.

I meant this forum ,not your posts , which I think has lost its appeal. :oops:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:21 pm

Cp279 wrote:
miltiades wrote:Not sure what is meant by your comment concerning loss of appeal of my posts.

Milti, sorry for the late reply.

I meant this forum ,not your posts , which I think has lost its appeal. :oops:

Thank you for clarification, in fact i realized what you meant on reading your post again.

November 1st marks 200 days of sheer bliss and total contentment leaving on my beloved Cyprus. Thouroughly enjoyed the very first rains the other day, couldnt wait to go snail picking with my grandson and my brother's one.
Picked very many close by in Ayios Athanasios, after cleaning them for a day I cooked them yesterday and had a real feast.

Fishing continues daily but not many fish about, still I manage 2 or 3, the sheer pleasure of being on the pier early morning and waiting for the King's arrival , the majestic Sun that is, is a pleaure beyond comparison.

Settled nicely in my new apartment, tending the rockery daily deriving so much enjoyment.
I have reached a firm conclusion that anyone bored with Cyprus is def bored with life. It is, for ame, The Paradise island
The locals I find such a unique sort of people, I have made numerous friends, have been invided to their homes, and gave gotten to know some quite well. The other day Savvas came to my apartment , a jolly happy go lucky chap, and helped me to put some of my paintings up on the wall.
I offered to give him some money but brushed me aside !!
Another guy, Pantelis, brought my dining table and chairs up from my other apartment to my new one. These guys I never knew before.

I mentioned to one that im very fond of Kolokasi, join us on Sunday next he said, I will ask the wife to make some !!

By the way, Im still waiting for an invo from ....GR
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:16 am

Firstly I will apologize to any one who may find my personal feelings and experiences boring at finding my self , after more than half a century, in Cyprus. My feelings are real, genuine beyond a shadow of a doubt, informative at least to any other Cypriot living away from Cyprus and may be considering a return back home.

It is often said by some UK Cypriots visiting Cyprus that it aint what it used to be, that people have changed, life is expensive
Etc etc. Well let me put these views to sleep.
Of course Cyprus has changed, no longer do Cypriots wear crakas and ride donkeys neither do Cypriots drive old bangers, Mercs, BMWs , Masseratis, Range Rovers Porches and quality cars.
The UK has changed also, alas not for the best but the absolute worst, perfect example a British judge describing the killer of Lee Rigsby as ....charismatic FFS.
Britain has lost its way more so since the ludicrous decision to leave the EU.

Today I have completed 200 days on this wonderfull island, not a single day of boredom not a moment of regrett for coming back. On the contrary each day each moment is cherished, enjoyed, living as I have never lived before, enjoying so much the start of a new season, loving immensely something I never dreamed I would enjoy. Rain.
Winter is just round the corner but Im still wearing my shorts
That inciden
tally go rather well with ...white socks and sandals.!!!!

I look forward to my next 200 days, 200 weeks 200 months and around....100 years.
Long live Cyprus, my Paradise on earth, ...yours too...
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Nov 02, 2017 1:00 pm

Milti, a breath fresh air, for me at least...
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:53 pm

I would love to post a few clips that some of you may find of interest, alas my mobile does not somehow allow me to upload either a photo or a video. If somebody who has the know how and has either viber or whatsup could possibly be kind enough to pm me with his/her number I would send by either viber or whatsup so that he or she can upload for me.
I think GR might just .....oblige !!!!
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