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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:05 pm

Thursday last , for the first time, i visited the Limassol Marina, knew it was there of course, had seen it from a distance, oh boy was I impressed, the place is, to day thr least, abdolutely fabulous, it somehow reminded me of the Paphos harbour only much bigger and thouroughly modern.

The occasion was the arrival im Cyprus from Australia of a nephew of mine along with his two sons. Had not seen them for years so invited along a few of my other nieces for a meal. I left the restaurant venue choice to one of my Cypriot nieces , asking only that she chooses a restaurant other than one with foreign menues as I find these type rather pretentious.

She booked our table at The Kipriakon, and I was happy arriving first to wait for my family's arrival.
The music played in the backround was appropriate, Cypriot songs and Greek without a sound of jungle music that seems to have infiltrated the Greek music scene, you know the type, i think its called rapping, or is it!!

We chose meze and I was delighted that so many delicasies were included, thouroughly enjoyed the whole meal, the ambiance and the Marina. Good to see children also having a good time.

Today , my 133rd day in Paradise island and utterly enjoying every single day, give or take a few moans about the horrendous driving, the horrid noice of both motor bikes and cars, trying to ignore the morons behind a wheel. It reminds me of a restaurant i took my late wife some years back on one of our many wedding anniversaries. It was in Park Lane, an exquisitely fine restaurant at the top of the Hilton hotel . All was fabulous, fantastic meal lovely views and goid old fashion live music.
Just about finished our meal when a party of
...peasants arrived, very loud and all smoking, it was allowed then, all swearing as well ad burbing , one actually was picking his nose !!!.Here you are in a wonderful and quintisentially English Restaurant and these fucking idiots made it there mission to spoil it all and for all. A bit like the excessive motor bike and car nauseating noice generated by our very own yobs.

I fish every day and getting bettet at it, locals have eagerly given me usefull tips and have been realy helpful.
I look forward to my next 133 days round about Xmas !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:22 am

Over the many years of visiting Limassol I visited the Limassol wine festival perhaps once or twice so since I'm now here permanently I thought i pay it a visit last evening.
Disappointed is an understatement !!.
Got my ticket at 5 euros, reasonable , and in I went in search of the main star of the festival, wine of course.

I approached one of the pavilions offering free wine out of huge barrels and politely asked for a glass of red. Do you have a glass the attendant asked. Well if course not I responded. I have in past attended wine festivals in Bordeaux France and had the pleasure of being offered a number of different chataue bottled wines so naturally I presumed that the same order would apply at the Limassol wine festival.

You can get a glass , the attendant said, and a bottle at the entrance. So I trotted down and a stall displayed plastic bottles and glass glasses. The plastic bottle costs 1.50 euros and a small glass a further 1.50. Ok so what, at least I will get to taste some Real Cypriot wine. I was given a receipt for my purchased which I disposed off in the nearest no.

Off I go back to the ....Free wine pavilion with my glass and the tatty looking plastic bottle. May I please do asked? Have you got your ticket the attendant asked. What bloody ticket I responded. The receipt for your bottle and glass purchase, through it away I said. Without that you can't have any wine he replied.Re koumbare lalo you peripezis mas tora ? Exchanged a few words and he relented filling my bottleband my glass. Since i fancied Resi, haven't had it for years I wentblooking for it and soon found it. Got my self a serving found an empty bench and sat down for a ...gastronomic dinner. Well the Resi, 3.50 euros a tub , was ok and then I tasted the red wine. Well piss water more likely , the most disgustic red wine i have ever had, and i have had quote a few bottles in my life. The area was full of burger; kebab, souvla joints but no The whole event is a village panairi , dissappointed i left taking my full bottle back to the pavilion and telling them what to do with it. Will not attend again.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:19 pm

miltiades wrote:Thursday last , for the first time, i visited the Limassol Marina, knew it was there of course, had seen it from a distance, oh boy was I impressed, the place is, to day thr least, abdolutely fabulous, it somehow reminded me of the Paphos harbour only much bigger and thouroughly modern.

The occasion was the arrival im Cyprus from Australia of a nephew of mine along with his two sons. Had not seen them for years so invited along a few of my other nieces for a meal. I left the restaurant venue choice to one of my Cypriot nieces , asking only that she chooses a restaurant other than one with foreign menues as I find these type rather pretentious.

She booked our table at The Kipriakon, and I was happy arriving first to wait for my family's arrival.
The music played in the backround was appropriate, Cypriot songs and Greek without a sound of jungle music that seems to have infiltrated the Greek music scene, you know the type, i think its called rapping, or is it!!

We chose meze and I was delighted that so many delicasies were included, thouroughly enjoyed the whole meal, the ambiance and the Marina. Good to see children also having a good time.

Today , my 133rd day in Paradise island and utterly enjoying every single day, give or take a few moans about the horrendous driving, the horrid noice of both motor bikes and cars, trying to ignore the morons behind a wheel. It reminds me of a restaurant i took my late wife some years back on one of our many wedding anniversaries. It was in Park Lane, an exquisitely fine restaurant at the top of the Hilton hotel . All was fabulous, fantastic meal lovely views and goid old fashion live music.
Just about finished our meal when a party of
...peasants arrived, very loud and all smoking, it was allowed then, all swearing as well ad burbing , one actually was picking his nose !!!.Here you are in a wonderful and quintisentially English Restaurant and these fucking idiots made it there mission to spoil it all and for all. A bit like the excessive motor bike and car nauseating noice generated by our very own yobs.

I fish every day and getting bettet at it, locals have eagerly given me usefull tips and have been realy helpful.
I look forward to my next 133 days round about Xmas !!

We normally go to a taverna at Governor's beach for lunch on a Wednesday. At this time of year though it tends to be absolutely packed with tourists and Cypriot families on holiday. So, we decided instead to go to the marina. We ended up having a huge restaurant (The Fish Market) literally to ourselves. The food we ordered was superb and the service exemplary.

BTW. The Steak Restaurant - which you mentioned quite some time ago was also superb, albeit quite expensive. We went there for our anniversary. Perhaps you know but before you order they do a presentation on the different types of steak and how it's prepared and cooked. (they do the same thing for the desserts). As it was a special occasion we ordered the Chateaubriand and I have to say, despite the fact I have had it many times in many places around the world, it was the best I have ever tasted. Absolutely melt-in-the-mouth. They must have noticed us toasting each other for the occasion because, despite the fact that we didn't order any dessert, they brought us a superb, large plate full of tasty treats - topped with a lighted candle. :D
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:12 am

Firstly let me congratulate you on your recent
anniversary and wish you have lots more to come.
I have not as yet dined at the Fish restaurant in the Marina , as I have fish almost daily depending on the day's catch.
Mostly I catch Kourkounes , a fish i did not know before and my favourite one, far tastier than other fish that i have thus far caught and a little fighter too.
The Steak house was indeed a superb restaurant, a little , as you say expensive but well worth the cost bearing in mind the superb position it occupies.
I must visit Governons beach soon, haven't been there for years

Off to Paphos and to the village this coming Saturday, will stay the night in Paphos and journey up to Stroumbi on Sunday September 10th, the 64 anniversary of the earthquake that killed my mother way back in 1953.
I always enjoy the village and derive so much pleasure in meeting some ...old timers , boys I grew up with, now in their 70s.
I also get to buy a few bottles of village Zivania the reddish type which I first tasted and loved a few months back.

I must say that i have now mastered the Cypriot rather colourful language !! My daughter keeps telling me off but as they say you can not teach an old dog new tricks.!!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Londonrake » Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:39 pm

One point you made brings back a memory.

Christmas time at a hotel in Platres. Probably 1997.

I'm sat at the bar talking to the owner and ready for a drink. He looks shiftily in both directions and says in a hushed tone "You wanna try some of this?". Then producing an unlabelled bottle of Zivania.

Those were the days! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:06 pm

I love Zivania, didn't know that there is a new type with a reddish colour, tried it and absolutely loved it.Sunday I shall get a bottle or two at my village where is produced.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:13 pm

Saturday will mark 5 whole months on Paradise Island. It's a thoroughly long honeymoon, a few distractions here and there but the quality of life here bears no comparison to that of London. It's no wonder so many Brits, Russians and others have made Cyprus their home. Each day is enjoyable , something new, something old, memories rejuvanated, places I have not seen for years, a reminder of a childhood, new friends almost daily, new colourful Cypriot words I forgot existed.

To anyone considering a move to Cyprus I say this. Get your flight ticket now, you are missing so much.

I have now been upgraded to class 2 by the local anglers as I progress almost daily Now begun freezing my catch for a rainy day. Kourkouna is my favourite fish not only to eat but to hook too, such a little fighter.
Can't wait for the ...karaolos season to start, love the little beasts so nice with Zivania.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:42 pm

Today marks 5 months in Cyprus. What an absolute delight to have had 5 whole months of gorgeous weather, what a sharp contrast to the London weather, what a blazing summer we have had and are still having. Never regretted for a second my return to paradise island warts and all.

Some of you may, understandably , find my ramblings a little tedious, my apologies.

I have never in my 71 years felt so good deliriously happy to be back in Cyprus after more than half a century.
I still consider the UK as my Other homeland, the country I grew up in , married had children and worked for so many years. It saddens me so much to see our country facing so many problems with disgusting virus infected bastards who target at random innocent people all in the name of a filthy ideology, an ideology that as yet the West has not exposed for its demonic views.

I shall be more outspoken in the future and will not cower from expressing views that some may find offensive.

Have achieved one major task since coming to Cyprus and will soon reveal.
Again I urge anyone considering a move to Cyprus to go ahead full speed and get here, you are missing so much.
I always referred to Cyprus as My Paradise Island and by being here I have proven to my self, apart from the criminal driving that gets on my tits, to have been absolutely right.

I shall soon publish my own scientifically researched findings on the standards of driving in Limassol. Wait for it, and if I were you I would invest in a ...donkey or two, prices will go through the roof !!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:30 pm


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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Kikapu » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:12 pm

Milti, see if you can find me a small boat yard out of the way from main areas where one can take out their boat to work on. That would be great if you come across any. Thanks.
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