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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby CrookedRiverGuy » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:49 pm

miltiades wrote:You will find that the survey is based on economics and NOT on quality og life. Such precious entity has been on a slow decline in the UK, aided by successive governments hell bent on the so called political correctness incorporating multi "culturalism ".
Quality of life is what Cyprus has.

You're blinded by the light after returning, mixing up your own situation with that of the poorer Cypriot, but by all means read it the way you like.

Noted that 1,6 years less healthy life expectancy after 60y AND a 20% chance of not being granted a pension means "Quality of life" to you.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:24 pm

Of course im referring to quality of life for me and for the many thousands of Brits who have made Cyprus their home. Im referring to the weather, the outdoor activities for young and old, the almost absence of traffic wardens, the free spirit of Cyprus, the friendliness of the locals, the complete absence of the so called political correctness, the freedom to walk alone without the fear of being struck down by a Cypriot borne islamist. Yes, the quality of life here is far superior to that of the UK. In fact there is no comparison, in Cyprus i live twice a day, I wake up each morning knowing that the weather is great.
Of course i realize that im a 71 year old, no mortgage, no children to bring up, no worries about my daily needs and wants.

I also like the mostly "European " mix of people, have yet to spot a woman covered from head to toes, what i see are pleasant to the eye not a bloody eyesore . I would love it even more was it not for the diabolical driving standards.
Saw something this morning that i have never previously witnessed. A woman driver making a right turn on to the wrong side of the road whilst holding a mirror and applying ...make up!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:09 am

Almost 4 months now of living in Cyprus, some if my family said at the start that the honeymoon will come to an end in a matter of weeks !!! Well it hasn't, on the contrary it has intensified, taking years of my life, each day is a wonderfull enjoyable day, each day i witness the rombustious sun rise, they do say watching the King rise rejuvanates one and reaches the parts mostly in need of an ...overhaul.

Fishing every day, twice in fact and eating fish every day!!

Over the many years of visiting Cyprus I did a lot of driving, mostly lasting just a few days. Now its almost 4 months, have come to accept that the driving here is diabolical, really bad to a new comer not used to seeing such terrible driving.
Most drivers do not indicate, most use excessive speed, most use mobile phones and some ladies do their make up whilst driving. Really guys , dtiving standards are not that higher from thise of an African nation.

Why, why, do motor cyclists make so much noise, agreesive angry stupid behaviour.

Im considering purchasing a Garos from Stroumbi, well known for excellent donkeys.
After my first major crash, a week ago whilst negotiating a round about, a young woman took a fancy to my cars rear lights and decided to ....kiss them. Stupid cow. You stopped she said after going forwards. Isnt this what you do at a round about, wait for a clearway and gi.

I had a go at this young, and rather ugly i may add, cow when I spotted her mobile on her lap. Told her in Greek that next time she approaches a round about to instead of being on her mobile to use her make up instead, might improve your ugly face I said !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:30 am

After my first major crash, a week ago whilst negotiating a round about, a young woman took a fancy to my cars rear lights and decided to ....kiss them. Stupid cow. You stopped she said after going forwards. Isnt this what you do at a round about, wait for a clearway and gi.

I had a go at this young, and rather ugly i may add, cow when I spotted her mobile on her lap. Told her in Greek that next time she approaches a round about to instead of being on her mobile to use her make up instead, might improve your ugly face I said !!!

I told you roundabouts were dangerous! When we had the Jaguar XJ6 here, there were no roundabouts in Limassol and the highway didn't exist but the number of near misses we had, due exclusively to Cypriots bad driving, made us drive very defensively. We avoided any crashes but we got a lot of dents where the Cypriots parked alongside and opened their door straight into the body work.

In 2001 we swapped the Jag for a new Mitsubishi L-200 truck with a cabin on the back so it looked a bit more like a car. We still have the truck and we still drive defensively. It is now 16 years old, had it re-sprayed about two years ago as the sun destroyed the paint (common problem here) other than that it was in excellent condition and still is. So no accidents in all those years and having a heavy fender and a bloody great tow bar sticking out of the back, is a great deterrent against people who 'want to kiss my ass'! :roll: :wink:

Be very careful about confrontations ...... a Cypriot friend of ours got into an argument with another Cypriot on a roundabout and, although he has not gone into any detail, it frightened him and he now carries a very large knife in the door pocket. It is definitely illegal ..... but he is worried the guy who made threats, will try to trace him down and he lives in a remote location and feels vulnerable. :shock:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:21 am

You can not, as the saying goes, teach an old dog new tricks !
Im not , i must admit, the least reserved. I do speak my mind and do not even for a second consider consequences. Of course , as you may know, speak Cypriot as well as Greek pretty fluently. These parasites spoil the beauty of this island and im not going to waiver from giving the idiots a peace of mind. I did tell a taxi driver to go and fuck himself and called him a malaka because whilst i was a pedestrian crossing the road on a zebra., this fucking idiot decided to go over the zebras , when the lights were red.
Most do this rather annoying practice of crawling forward at red lights.its my Island, my birth place and cant just ignore this bloody stupid and habitual tendency.
Apart from this and bloody graffiti i have no qualms what so ever.
The island is my paradise on earth but you do of course encounter spoilers. Fucking idiots.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:40 pm

...the roads, getting from here to there.

Never mind the roads, talk Cyprus, what about the roadsidetreats; where you are going to is really not my business unless you care for it to be, but, along the way there must be a cool limonatha ximo, bad drivers are everywhere.

...mahalabi, (it would be nice to know someone still makes a living selling it as something you slurp in a bowl with rosewater).
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:23 pm

Strange you mentioned mahalepi, i have been fancying it since coming here, doesn't seem to be around, maybe someone living in Limassol might know where to find it.
Also fancy Resi, i think that soon at the Limassol wine festival will find both. There is also the Dyonisos wine festival in Stroumbi towards the end of this month, mustn't miss it.

Planning a trip to the Troodos area next weekend staying the night at Platres. Look forward to that.
In meantime is fishing dayly and loving it. My daily record dtill stands at 17, aiming to break it soon. Now i eat fish everu day.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:52 pm

Fishing on the pier today, as I do every day, could not help noticing 2 women, one was middle age and the other youngish. Both very very ...ugly, suddenly both jumped in the sea fully clothed. Even their heads were covered up. I thought
Milti, this is your time, jump in save them. I shouted out to an angler near by help save the women.
Ate re he said, they are Allahies !!!
With due respect to all adherents to this comical sect, how the fuck can a woman go swimming fully clothed!!!!
Time to rename this sect with an appropriate name. The Lunies !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:32 am

miltiades wrote:Fishing on the pier today, as I do every day, could not help noticing 2 women, one was middle age and the other youngish. Both very very ...ugly, suddenly both jumped in the sea fully clothed. Even their heads were covered up. I thought
Milti, this is your time, jump in save them. I shouted out to an angler near by help save the women.
Ate re he said, they are Allahies !!!
With due respect to all adherents to this comical sect, how the fuck can a woman go swimming fully clothed!!!!
Time to rename this sect with an appropriate name. The Lunies !!!

Mind you some 90 years ago Cypriot women would only get in the sea fully clothed, just to wet their feet to their knees at the most. :!:
The Allah-ies are still about 200 years behind so I guess we have to give them some time :mrgreen:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:08 pm

We, Cypriots, are a progressive race, we adapt to changing trends on the whole we endeavour to blend in with different cultures that we find appealing and interesting, hence the reason we are thw ....Best !!!!

UK Cypriots are a good example for instance, you are not likely to see a Cypriot parading himself dressed in vraka and boines unlike a large percentage of Allahies who continue dressing in 16th century clothing sporting horrid dirty looking whiskers, having said this i have not seen many clean shaven Cypriots, it seems , apparently, ...fashionable to have beards..

By the way I now self declare my self a fully fledged Cypriot.
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