Pyrpolizer wrote:Kikapu wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:If I 'd learned something from this topic what that would be?
subjective opinions
I am totally puzzled from what I 've heard here regarding:
1)Cypriots violating Red traffic.
2)Cypriots having absolutely no clue how to use the round abouts.
3)Cypriots getting their driving license through bribe.
4)Cypriots speeding, or using the mobile phones while driving, while the police does not enforce the laws.
Is this the factual REALITY here in Cyprus??
Then why did I just yesterday paid a 50 Euro fine plus 2 penalty points on my driving license (10 penalty points and it gets suspended) for driving at 70kmh in a 2 way/4 lane road (between Melkonian high school and Unicars) where the speed limit was supposed to be 50 Kmh? Bad Cyprus, spoiled Cypriots....

Pyro, Pyro, are you still getting into trouble with your driving?
Last time we talked about your driving skills few years ago, you had backed your car into a concrete pillar low to the ground in a parking lot.
No, I haven't forgotten!

Did I really write that!?
The fact is it's true, those idiots left that pillar (was used to mount an Electricity pole) in an abandoned parking place! It was night and total darkness. Gone full speed with the rear gear and boooom

I have a fantastic memory actually, so how can I forget what you have written, even after 10 years already.
Here, see it for yourself, Pyro.
Papadopoulous and Talat Comedy Act......"The Report"T : Can we keep the Flags on the Mountain.
P : No you cannot. Do you know the number of times Pyro complained to me about the lights effecting his night driving from the flashing lights. The fact that he is a bad driver is beside the point. We got Global Warming Mehmet. We can’t be wasting electricity for Nationalistic symbols man.
cyprus13198.htmlPyrpolizer wrote :Excellent!! Superb!!! Amazing Kikapu.
And with great sense of humor, you are the man, you never lost your humor in here.
I lost it unfortunately. Since yesterdays meeting I am depressed.
Thanks Kikapu, I really laughed with all my heart 2-3 times reading it.
Kikapu wrote:I know you can take a joke.
Lets see how many others will do the same.
We'll know who has a Sense of Humour or not really fast.
by Pyrpolizer » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:55 am But you were right...
3 days ago while doing reverse I hit my car on an electricity pole in the parking lot. The whole back of the car from the bumper to the boot has a hollow shaft image now... The service man said never saw something like that...
Can they place electricity poles in the middle of parking lots without any signs? Shit it was totally invisible at night. I just heard a booooom and I thought I crashed another car, hell it was the damn pole
More that 1000 pounds damage....