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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 29, 2017 11:03 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:If I 'd learned something from this topic what that would be?

People's subjective opinions

I am totally puzzled from what I 've heard here regarding:

1)Cypriots violating Red traffic.
2)Cypriots having absolutely no clue how to use the round abouts.
3)Cypriots getting their driving license through bribe.
4)Cypriots speeding, or using the mobile phones while driving, while the police does not enforce the laws.

Is this the factual REALITY here in Cyprus??
Then why did I just yesterday paid a 50 Euro fine plus 2 penalty points on my driving license (10 penalty points and it gets suspended) for driving at 70kmh in a 2 way/4 lane road (between Melkonian high school and Unicars) where the speed limit was supposed to be 50 Kmh? Bad Cyprus, spoiled Cypriots.... :shock:

Pyro, Pyro, are you still getting into trouble with your driving? :shock:

Last time we talked about your driving skills few years ago, you had backed your car into a concrete pillar low to the ground in a parking lot. :wink:

No, I haven't forgotten! :lol:
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:44 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:If I 'd learned something from this topic what that would be?

People's subjective opinions

I am totally puzzled from what I 've heard here regarding:

1)Cypriots violating Red traffic.
2)Cypriots having absolutely no clue how to use the round abouts.
3)Cypriots getting their driving license through bribe.
4)Cypriots speeding, or using the mobile phones while driving, while the police does not enforce the laws.

Is this the factual REALITY here in Cyprus??
Then why did I just yesterday paid a 50 Euro fine plus 2 penalty points on my driving license (10 penalty points and it gets suspended) for driving at 70kmh in a 2 way/4 lane road (between Melkonian high school and Unicars) where the speed limit was supposed to be 50 Kmh? Bad Cyprus, spoiled Cypriots.... :shock:

Pyro, Pyro, are you still getting into trouble with your driving? :shock:

Last time we talked about your driving skills few years ago, you had backed your car into a concrete pillar low to the ground in a parking lot. :wink:

No, I haven't forgotten! :lol:

IMPRESSED! :!: :!:

Did I really write that!?
The fact is it's true, those idiots left that pillar (was used to mount an Electricity pole) in an abandoned parking place! It was night and total darkness. Gone full speed with the rear gear and boooom :o
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:18 pm

A scientific study carried out in Italy some years back showed that mem who drive fast do so as a result of being frustrated, sexualy, and lousy lovers. They take their frustration out by reckless driving as they erroneously believe that in doing so they are ....excellent ...fuckers !!!!

They need to take it easy, nice and and slow and bang bang thank you ma,am !!!!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:04 am

Last night I saw someone riding a motorcycle beast, carrying a sexy chick on the back seat, wearing hot pants.
She had such a beautiful smooth ass while the back seat being at higher level compared to the front made it even more passionate
It was red lights so I kept watching until it turned green and the guy speeded up like a rocket.
I kept watching the young girl holding him tight while he was accelerating, and I told myself OK for the guy it's his adrenaline , what the hell is it for the girl? Why do girls get attracted to such guys?
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:37 am

I think the Italian research of a few years ago proves the point in that inadequate men , in bed, consider reckless speed as an ...antitode to their frustrated sex life.Motorcyclists think that by riding at high speeds and doing a wheelie or two whilst creating as much noise as possible somehow enhances their ....libido. mate take it from an old timer, slow, pay attention to the job in hand and nice and easy.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:19 am

Enough said about Cypriot driving, i have decided ti remain entirely unaffected by it and continue my everlasting honeymoon on Paradise Island. Each day is invigorating, makes me feel at least 30 years younger, the beauties, women that is, add to the overall sensation of being in Cyprus away from the vrikolakes i daily encountered back in London. Yes , i still admire and the complexity of a beautiful woman, just as wine lifts ones spirit so do women lift another....spirit !

Fishing again this morning and had my first hit, 2 in all tiny fish that i offered to a cat that rushed to feed her kittens. Watched this cat before, whilst i was chatting to Tommy, a guy i met at the apovathra, who told me that when this cat is given a fish she walks into the rocks and feeds her babies. Goes to show that maternal instincts are not just in humans but animals to. So many cats near rhe pier, all appear to be well fed, some kindly folks.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Kikapu » Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:30 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:If I 'd learned something from this topic what that would be?

People's subjective opinions

I am totally puzzled from what I 've heard here regarding:

1)Cypriots violating Red traffic.
2)Cypriots having absolutely no clue how to use the round abouts.
3)Cypriots getting their driving license through bribe.
4)Cypriots speeding, or using the mobile phones while driving, while the police does not enforce the laws.

Is this the factual REALITY here in Cyprus??
Then why did I just yesterday paid a 50 Euro fine plus 2 penalty points on my driving license (10 penalty points and it gets suspended) for driving at 70kmh in a 2 way/4 lane road (between Melkonian high school and Unicars) where the speed limit was supposed to be 50 Kmh? Bad Cyprus, spoiled Cypriots.... :shock:

Pyro, Pyro, are you still getting into trouble with your driving? :shock:

Last time we talked about your driving skills few years ago, you had backed your car into a concrete pillar low to the ground in a parking lot. :wink:

No, I haven't forgotten! :lol:

IMPRESSED! :!: :!:

Did I really write that!?
The fact is it's true, those idiots left that pillar (was used to mount an Electricity pole) in an abandoned parking place! It was night and total darkness. Gone full speed with the rear gear and boooom :o

I have a fantastic memory actually, so how can I forget what you have written, even after 10 years already.

Here, see it for yourself, Pyro.

Papadopoulous and Talat Comedy Act......"The Report"

T : Can we keep the Flags on the Mountain.

P : No you cannot. Do you know the number of times Pyro complained to me about the lights effecting his night driving from the flashing lights. The fact that he is a bad driver is beside the point. We got Global Warming Mehmet. We can’t be wasting electricity for Nationalistic symbols man.


Pyrpolizer wrote

:Excellent!! Superb!!! Amazing Kikapu.
And with great sense of humor, you are the man, you never lost your humor in here.

I lost it unfortunately. Since yesterdays meeting I am depressed.

Thanks Kikapu, I really laughed with all my heart 2-3 times reading it.

Kikapu wrote:

I know you can take a joke.

Lets see how many others will do the same.

We'll know who has a Sense of Humour or not really fast.

by Pyrpolizer » Fri Sep 07, 2007 10:55 am

But you were right...

3 days ago while doing reverse I hit my car on an electricity pole in the parking lot. The whole back of the car from the bumper to the boot has a hollow shaft image now... The service man said never saw something like that...

Can they place electricity poles in the middle of parking lots without any signs? Shit it was totally invisible at night. I just heard a booooom and I thought I crashed another car, hell it was the damn pole

More that 1000 pounds damage....
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:12 pm

Kikapu wrote:I have a fantastic memory actually, so how can I forget what you have written, even after 10 years already.

Admin should upgrade his buggy search function with the Kikakopoulos Data Retrieval System. 8)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Mon Jul 03, 2017 3:11 am

As I enter my 12th week on Paradise Island I cant help but reflect on my last 78 glorious days even allowing for the crash that deprived me from driving my Jaguar for a whole month. Have come to terms now with driving conditions after all there is absolutely nothing that I can do to improve standards, I just exercise a far greater deal of care more so in approaching lights or cross roads.

Well into fishing now , not catching much but enjoying the early mornings awaiting for that majestic sun rise.
Not having to work its a huge bonus after all I did my share for more than half a century, 6 days a week, more than 60 hours.
I have not used my PC since coming to Cyprus , a promise i had made my self prior to my retirement keeping instead to my mobile, same i know but it somehow feels different to my PC which meant work!!

Aim to do a little charity work, first target Ayios Stephanos , home for the mentally dissadvantaged children, some are adults but through no fault of their own children in mind. Im not religious, not the least, but one phrase, Makarii i ptohi to pnevmati, meets with my 100% approval.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:23 am

Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I have a fantastic memory actually, so how can I forget what you have written, even after 10 years already.

Admin should upgrade his buggy search function with the Kikakopoulos Data Retrieval System. 8)

Absolutely, GR. Processing it might be a little slow these days, but the memory bank is fully accessible! :D
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