The road signs you posted is what tells you WHICH lane to take ......... NOT how to use it!
The Arabs are not too bright so they mark the lanes so that drivers use them correctly. Note the spiral toward the exits that I explained .... or tried to!
In Cyprus the authorities think the Cypriots are smart enough to work out how, by using common sense rather than lane markings. Note in the video how vehicles follow spiralling lanes as they transit the roundabout so that when they reach the turn off point they are in the correct lane and avoid having to turn across the path of other vehicles. This also requires the concept of yielding to others (giving-way) another thing Cypriots are not too good at.
You will have to allow for the fact that the traffic in this video drives on the left and rotates anti-clockwise.
But you drive the way you think is correct ........ like everyone else does. Having been driving in Cyprus for the last 24 years without a bump, but have seem some real humdingers over that time, I will stick with my understanding of how to use roundabouts.
BTW: Did you know the British invented roundabouts and that one of the last countries to adopt them is the USA?