On entering the round about you may take the right lane and exit left on the 2nd point still holding the right lane...
and that thinking is why the Cypriots have so many accidents at roudabouts! The first part of the sentence is correct .........
but the second half is wrong, badly wrong which is why I say the Cypriots are taught to drive so badly.
As you go around the centre island you spiral outward from the outer lane toward the left so that by the time you reach your exit you can mesh with other traffic also turning left into that exit. This is also one of the reasons you do not take a roundabout on the limits of tyre adhesion as once again, many Cypriots do!
One clown doing what you suggest causes accidents. You
NEVER turn across all the inner lanes from the outside lane to take a left turn whether you are on the Highway, a main road, a side road or a roundabout. On a roundabout you spiral out ..... at a constant speed say around 30kph ...... not swing left from outside lane to left exit at 60kph+ in one action!
Try it ......... and see how upset some Cypriots get when you happen to be blocking their way whilst in the middle lane moving toward the inner lane to take the next exit.