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Miltiades's Anastasis

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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:35 am

miltiades wrote:On the contrary. I think i lemesiani are just as civilized , friendly and welcoming as any other Cypriot. As for the young lady having a pop at you maybe next time you try and keep your hands to your self!!!

Gotta take your picture off my dashboard… :?
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:38 am

You ...pervert !!!
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:26 pm

miltiades wrote:La Croissantery in Enaerios Limassol is my favourite cafe as its open 24 hours , the espresso is excellent and, for me, a location that is close to my heart. Right opposite is the car park, but way back in 1953 it was the orphanage, Pediki Steyi as it was then known, where following the earthquake of September 1953, my self and my simblings were brought to.
I have very vivid memories of the 2 years almost spent at the orphanage.

Traffic lights just ahead of the cafe , for those ....familiar of the meaning of colours, red means STOP.
Sipping my coffee yestetday morning I couldnt help noticing how many cars go through the red lights.
A group of police i got talking to, they too having an early refreshment were totally oblivious of this violation of traffic laws.
I just had to ask them why they do not take any action to stop these reckless drivers disregarding red traffic lights.
Well i got a classic answer ! ENA VALLOUME TO NOU MAS ME TOUS PELLOUS !!!
Folks this is Cyprus ..... I will not however be following these madmen and going through red lights.

Milti you have absolutely no idea how traffic lights work here in Cyprus.
LOL you do sound like having fallen from another planet!!
First of all there are 2 ways for someone to cross with red light.

A)Going straight, or having to turn left through the traffic lights: This is because everybody likes to take advantage of the time gap between yellow and red light, which in Cyprus is HUGE. This is not the fault of the citizens it's the fault f the police who adjust those lights. So in many cases they do pass through the traffic light while it already got red(in most cases past 1-2 secs). Is there any risk for that?? Absolutely NOT. Because the very same police allows for the RED lights to be RED in all 4 directions for 5+ seconds.There are reasons for that! See below.

B) Having to turn right. Again it's absolutely legal for 2-3 cars to wait in the middle of the crossing to turn right. Way too often they cannot do that because cars keep coming from the other direction. 90% of the times they have to turn right by the time it's already RED light! Neither our roads are perfect, nor our crossings, and especially after the invasion there's tremendous traffic which those roads were never designed
for. So once again the 5 secs+ Red lights adjustment in all 4 directions corrects the situation.

The other way to correct this problem is to change the traffic lights to have a turn right or left arrow. They do that too, but it causes delays to our already suffocating roads.

So stop sounding like an ignorant tourist will you? You are Cypriot after all, just forget all about England, here is Cyprus, you should know better than a plain tourist. Unless of course you want to emphasize your Charlyness :mrgreen:

Excellent espresso, excellent weather what the hell is this???
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:00 pm

The traffic lights at this juncture are left turn only. As this happens daily at early morning hours, between mostly 4am to 6 am.Drivers approach , look to the right for on coming traffic and if not go through the red lights. A very common act that happens everywhere in Limassol at any time is to jumb the lights when amber is showing. Im fully familiar with Cypriot bad driving habits having driven here for many years. The mist annoying and dangerous however is the use of a mobile regardless if the driver is negotiating a turn or a round about.
I drive carefully and have a 50 tear record if safe driving.
However this will not affect my delight and pure joy at being in my beloved island.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:40 am

Since finding George, the Yorkshire Terrier puppy I have been earnestly trying to find him a good home. As the days went by me and George developed a relationship, I managed to house train him and got him to obey to simple commands.
Not easy living in an appartment and rather restrictive on my intense desire to travel the whole island staying where ever accommodation was available.I advertised George on Bazaraki but I was determined to find him a good home.
A few people responded and also saw George.I asked wuestions and was not entirely happy with tesponses received, you see I did not want George to be taken and then to be abandoned.

A young Russian lady , late 20s, who works with my daughter took a fancy to George and I hesidently agreed to her having him, mu hesitation due to the fact that she lived in a single bed apartment and worked all day. She took George for a night bringing him back following day saying that the poor thing was crying all night and wouldn't eat.

A call came day before yesterday from an English lady living in Paphos and married to a G/C. They have a little girl 7 years old named ...Georgia !!
Her husband's name ...Yianni!!. Along he came to limassol yesterday , came to my apartment and saw George. He immediately took a liking to George and commented that George was a re reincarnation of the YT they recently lost due to old age. They lived in a house with a large garden , fenced and I could see that he really liked George.

He put George on the front seat of his Mercedes and off they went. George kept looking back, i did have a tear or two in my eyes. How delightfully happy I was when later on the lady rung to say that both she and her little 7 year old were over the moon with George and that the puppie was happy running up and down the garden playing with the little girl.

They said i could visit anytime, Yianni invited us to a bbq in a few weeks time.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:11 pm

miltiades wrote:The traffic lights at this juncture are left turn only. As this happens daily at early morning hours, between mostly 4am to 6 am.Drivers approach , look to the right for on coming traffic and if not go through the red lights. A very common act that happens everywhere in Limassol at any time is to jumb the lights when amber is showing. Im fully familiar with Cypriot bad driving habits having driven here for many years. The mist annoying and dangerous however is the use of a mobile regardless if the driver is negotiating a turn or a round about.
I drive carefully and have a 50 tear record if safe driving.
However this will not affect my delight and pure joy at being in my beloved island.

Perhaps you should know that it is PERFECTLY LEGAL in many Countries to pass through RED light in situations like this. Assuming of course you drive slowly and you make sure there are no pedestrians crossing or other cars coming.
England my friend is not the ultimate country in the world.... there are more sensible ones.
I personally do that all the time at the new (and totally stupid ) traffic lights by the old Aeroporia main road to Tseri when I want to turn left towards GSP stadium. 99% of the times nobody comes from the other direction to turn towards GSP., so why the RED light delay in waiting for nothing like a stupid donkey????
GR must know the place..
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:24 pm

miltiades wrote:Since finding George, the Yorkshire Terrier puppy I have been earnestly trying to find him a good home. As the days went by me and George developed a relationship, I managed to house train him and got him to obey to simple commands.
Not easy living in an appartment and rather restrictive on my intense desire to travel the whole island staying where ever accommodation was available.I advertised George on Bazaraki but I was determined to find him a good home.
A few people responded and also saw George.I asked wuestions and was not entirely happy with tesponses received, you see I did not want George to be taken and then to be abandoned.

A young Russian lady , late 20s, who works with my daughter took a fancy to George and I hesidently agreed to her having him, mu hesitation due to the fact that she lived in a single bed apartment and worked all day. She took George for a night bringing him back following day saying that the poor thing was crying all night and wouldn't eat.

A call came day before yesterday from an English lady living in Paphos and married to a G/C. They have a little girl 7 years old named ...Georgia !!
Her husband's name ...Yianni!!. Along he came to limassol yesterday , came to my apartment and saw George. He immediately took a liking to George and commented that George was a re reincarnation of the YT they recently lost due to old age. They lived in a house with a large garden , fenced and I could see that he really liked George.

He put George on the front seat of his Mercedes and off they went. George kept looking back, i did have a tear or two in my eyes. How delightfully happy I was when later on the lady rung to say that both she and her little 7 year old were over the moon with George and that the puppie was happy running up and down the garden playing with the little girl.

They said i could visit anytime, Yianni invited us to a bbq in a few weeks time.

Nice! Looks your George is at the same "age" as the little girl? (1 dog years=7 human years-i think)
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:34 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
miltiades wrote:The traffic lights at this juncture are left turn only. As this happens daily at early morning hours, between mostly 4am to 6 am.Drivers approach , look to the right for on coming traffic and if not go through the red lights. A very common act that happens everywhere in Limassol at any time is to jumb the lights when amber is showing. Im fully familiar with Cypriot bad driving habits having driven here for many years. The mist annoying and dangerous however is the use of a mobile regardless if the driver is negotiating a turn or a round about.
I drive carefully and have a 50 tear record if safe driving.
However this will not affect my delight and pure joy at being in my beloved island.

Perhaps you should know that it is PERFECTLY LEGAL in many Countries to pass through RED light in situations like this. Assuming of course you drive slowly and you make sure there are no pedestrians crossing or other cars comirkng.
England my friend is not the ultimate country in the world.... there are more sensible ones.
I personally do that all the time at the new (and totally stupid ) traffic lights by the old Aeroporia main road to Tseri when I want to turn left towards GSP stadium. 99% of the times nobody comes from the other direction to turn towards GSP., so why the RED light delay in waiting for nothing like a stupid donkey????
GR must know the place..

Who is discussing England or other countries? I do not think jumping a red light is legal in Cyprus...I do however think there is scope for restricted hours of operation lights, or with a "go with caution option" for less busy periods.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:05 pm

The driving in Cyprus is horrendous. Disregarding a red light because is early morning and no cars coming is a violation og traffic regulations, its also indicative of the mentality that most drivers have. No courtecy to other drivers, incessant use of fucking mobiles, and a general need to drive fast and furiusly regardless of road conditions.
I love Cyprus but i abhore the diabolical driving habits. Today i saw two crushes, just could not fathom out how the fuck could two cars collide on a main road, then again both drivers were either going fast, tbey all do, or wete on the fucking mobiles.. Mate no excuse for incompetent drivers in a hurry to get from A to G ( grave).
I can only compare cypriot driving to that that I witnessed in Accra some years back.
There is NO civilized country in the world that permits going through red lights.
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Re: Miltiades's Anastasis

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:55 pm

miltiades wrote:The driving in Cyprus is horrendous. Disregarding a red light because is early morning and no cars coming is a violation og traffic regulations, its also indicative of the mentality that most drivers have. No courtecy to other drivers, incessant use of fucking mobiles, and a general need to drive fast and furiusly regardless of road conditions.
I love Cyprus but i abhore the diabolical driving habits. Today i saw two crushes, just could not fathom out how the fuck could two cars collide on a main road, then again both drivers were either going fast, tbey all do, or wete on the fucking mobiles.. Mate no excuse for incompetent drivers in a hurry to get from A to G ( grave).
I can only compare cypriot driving to that that I witnessed in Accra some years back.
There is NO civilized country in the world that permits going through red lights.

Wait till you try a roundabout!!! The Cypriots are clueless. Where else in Europe would you find drivers going from the outside lane (closest to the roundabout centre) to turn left across two lanes of traffic and then get upset when they find a vehicle is between them and the exit? Another entertainment is watching them joining the highway...... instead of speeding up to match the speed of the traffic ..... many slow down and treat it as a road junction.

The problem in Cyprus is the very poor level of driving instruction and a very low thresh hold to pass the test! :roll: :x
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