miltiades wrote:Met this ...young old boy yesterday on the Enaerios pier fishing. Being the type who engages easisy with conversation and seing that the young old boy was responsive I introduced my self and also told him that i had returned to Cyprus a few weeks back. Me too he responded. I spent 40 years in the UK and came back 27 years ago !!. I do not regret a moment he told me. We naturally concured on this. He looked just a touch older than I so I told him I was 71. Your just a mere ....kid he replied. How old are you i asked. I was 85 he replied on ....May the 9th.!!!
My birthday !!! You look very good for your age i told him, what is the secret of your youthfulness. SEX he replied chuckling !!!
How often I asked . Mondays, wednesdays and Fridays he replied with a mischievous grin on his face !! Why these days i asked, well he said on these days i eat fasolia and raw garlic. Are you not botheted with excessive ...flatulence i asked. No he said the garlic sees to that.
Curious to find out more I asked if his wife eats the same. Oh no he responds, its not with my wife but mian shrilanguan !!!!
So boys, remember Fasolia and raw garlic, i had some today !!!
miltiades wrote:Firstly I would like to thank LR for sharing a bottle or two of my, and his,
favourite beverage . Had a lovely time and a good chat.
As for the statistical figures provided by Plzr
All that i can say, if i have interpreted correctly, is that this 71 year old still retains a healthy interest in the opposite sex, more so since i have started eating fasolia and raw garlic.....
miltiades wrote:Firstly I would like to thank LR for sharing a bottle or two of my, and his,
favourite beverage . Had a lovely time and a good chat.
As for the statistical figures provided by Plzr
All that i can say, if i have interpreted correctly, is that this 71 year old still retains a healthy interest in the opposite sex, more so since i have started eating fasolia and raw garlic.....
Get Real! wrote:Sotos wrote:But now I can get what I want from even a 1.2 ltr. car...
You mean like getting blown off the freeway like a kite?
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