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Ghost Town, Verosha

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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Sotos » Thu May 11, 2017 3:45 pm

Lordo wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:If a united, sovereign Cyprus was accepted internationally, including by Turkey, what legimate excuse would Turkey have for invading?

We had that in 1960. An excuse was created regardless. How legitimate the excuse is doesn't seem to bother Turkey that much.

You feel safer with 40,000 Turkish troops in the north rather than than 6,000 in 2011, set to fall after that? OK.

With the 1960 agreements there were only a few 100s of Turkish troops. Did this stop Turkey from invading in 1974?

What is most important for our security is to have stability and for Turkey not to have any good excuse to invade. With a bad solution it is not only our security that will worsen but also democracy will end, and Cyprus will become a worst place overall... less European and more Turkish with Erdogan being the puppet-master of the whole island.

so if the reason for the intervention in 1974 i so weak. the overthow of a government and being replced by a known terggish cypriot murderer was a poor excuse, perhaps you can use both your brain cells and tell us what you consider a legitemate reason for terggy to intervene?

go on I dare you. tell us.

Samson didn't kill any TCs. Unlike the Turkish Generals, who made 3 coups in Turkey, and have killed 10s of thousands of Kurds and 1000s of Cypriots.
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Sotos » Thu May 11, 2017 3:57 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:If a united, sovereign Cyprus was accepted internationally, including by Turkey, what legimate excuse would Turkey have for invading?

We had that in 1960. An excuse was created regardless. How legitimate the excuse is doesn't seem to bother Turkey that much.

The Greek junta staged a coup in Cyprus on 15 July 1974 and overthrew the legitimate government. This provided Turkey with the pretext/justification to intervene under the Treaty of Guarantee. As you well know and has been discussed ad nauseum on this pathetic site.

As I already said coups happened in MANY countries, at least 3 happened in Turkey since 1960. As far as Turkey using the "Treaty of Guarantee" as an excuse to invade, the answer is: EXACTLY! The so called "Treaty of Guarantee" shouldn't exist in the first place. It existed because the 1960 agreements were made by foreigners to serve the interests of foreigners and those of a minority, and not the interests of the great majority of Cypriots. The Annan plan was more of the same crap and even worst: A foreign made plan that disregarded democracy, human rights and the interests of the majority of Cypriots.
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Lordo » Thu May 11, 2017 10:25 pm

Sotos wrote:
Lordo wrote:
Sotos wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:If a united, sovereign Cyprus was accepted internationally, including by Turkey, what legimate excuse would Turkey have for invading?

We had that in 1960. An excuse was created regardless. How legitimate the excuse is doesn't seem to bother Turkey that much.

You feel safer with 40,000 Turkish troops in the north rather than than 6,000 in 2011, set to fall after that? OK.

With the 1960 agreements there were only a few 100s of Turkish troops. Did this stop Turkey from invading in 1974?

What is most important for our security is to have stability and for Turkey not to have any good excuse to invade. With a bad solution it is not only our security that will worsen but also democracy will end, and Cyprus will become a worst place overall... less European and more Turkish with Erdogan being the puppet-master of the whole island.

so if the reason for the intervention in 1974 i so weak. the overthow of a government and being replced by a known terggish cypriot murderer was a poor excuse, perhaps you can use both your brain cells and tell us what you consider a legitemate reason for terggy to intervene?

go on I dare you. tell us.

Samson didn't kill any TCs. Unlike the Turkish Generals, who made 3 coups in Turkey, and have killed 10s of thousands of Kurds and 1000s of Cypriots.

you stupid idiot, what was he doing in kucuk kaymakli in 1964 serving tea? you ignorrant assholing swine.
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Sotos » Fri May 12, 2017 1:04 am

He was serving your ass :lol: The Turks killed millions during their recent history... millions of Armenians, millions of Greeks of Asia Minor, 100s of thousands of Assyrians, 10s of thousands of Kurds, 1000s of Cypriots. There is no Greek Cypriot that comes even close to that, so shut the fuck up. You are just trying to excuse the murder of 1000s of people and the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of others by claiming that the coupists were not the very best characters ... as if the ones who made the coups in Turkey, or indeed your whole political leadership of Erdogan and co are any better!
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Lordo » Fri May 12, 2017 1:46 pm

Sotos wrote:He was serving your ass :lol: The Turks killed millions during their recent history... millions of Armenians, millions of Greeks of Asia Minor, 100s of thousands of Assyrians, 10s of thousands of Kurds, 1000s of Cypriots. There is no Greek Cypriot that comes even close to that, so shut the fuck up. You are just trying to excuse the murder of 1000s of people and the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of others by claiming that the coupists were not the very best characters ... as if the ones who made the coups in Turkey, or indeed your whole political leadership of Erdogan and co are any better!

oh yes you stupid idiot.
them children look right terrorists right. he was brave when he was attacking innocent civiliansbut where was he in 1974.
where did he fight. was he anywhere to be seen after 20th of july i suspect not. so where was he hiding

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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Sotos » Fri May 12, 2017 5:48 pm

Innocent civilians my arse. TMT was a paramilitary organization armed by Turkey, with Turkish officers and terrorists trained in Turkey.
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby patrick jane » Sat May 13, 2017 4:22 pm

DrCyprus wrote:
patrick jane wrote:
Sotos wrote:The proper name is Varosha. The Turks keep it empty as a bargaining chip. They want to give back just that and keep everything else they took from us. If you thought that the case of Varosha is the worst you are mistaken. At least nobody lives in Varosha. In all our other cities and villages in the north, the Turkish army not only ethnically cleansed all the native population but they also brought Turkish Settlers from Turkey and gave them our homes and properties to live in.

From what I know, when discussing the matter of Turkish invasion to Cyprus, it feels like Turkish-speaking original Cypriots are not included as if we are only talking about Greek Cyprus. Before the Turks took the northern part there were both Greek and Turkish Cypriots (according to Wikipedia) and the reason behind this in the first place as I read is because the Greek government wanted to take control all over Cyprus and consider it a Greek Island or something like that, disregarding the native Turkish Cypriots. Now I am sorry if my info are misplaced , but that's what I read in every news, article and historical information related to this topic.

Thanks buddy !

Hey buddy!

Is this the typical American arrogance, where you read half a Wikipedia page and suddenly become a professor on Cypriotology?

Here, we are giving you genuine feedback, right from the Cypriot's mouth (whether the Cypriot speaks Greek or Turkish), and let you decide for yourself what you want to believe, and you response is to try to "educate us" by referencing Wikipedia?

If you want the opinions of Cypriots, well you got them.
If you want a not biased account on the Cyprus problem buy this book: ... 1859841899
If you want to tell us what we should believe or say, get lost.

or as your people put it "Check yourself, before you wreck yourself".

ain't trying to tell anybody what to think or do pal !
the reason I posted this thread is cuz I wanna learn more bout the Cypriot issue related to Varosha not be a professor on "Cypriotology " !!
please some of you are replying as if they were provoked .. but we are just talking.
At least respect yourself when writing.

this is for all of those who spoke the same way you did.

Btw, I am not an American.

Thanx :D :D
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby Sotos » Sat May 13, 2017 7:37 pm

Where are you from then? ... and why the US flag?
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 13, 2017 8:19 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Control of abandoned Turkish speaking Cypriot property in the South ...

Oh really, ImperialistDog? There's Cypriot property that speaks Turkish, now?

Is that the best you can do, be abusive with you usual pathetic epithets when I contrast the honorable way the lawful government has acted, as opposed to the thefts perpetrated by the invaders and their illegal puppet-state pseudo-regime?

Any way, if you wish to nit-pick, let's say Turkish Speaking Cypriot owned property and Greek Speaking Cypriot owned property, and have done...

Cut it out with the "Turkish Speaking Cypriot" divisive, Imperialist's language then!
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Re: Ghost Town, Verosha

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat May 13, 2017 11:15 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:Control of abandoned Turkish speaking Cypriot property in the South ...

Oh really, ImperialistDog? There's Cypriot property that speaks Turkish, now?

Is that the best you can do, be abusive with you usual pathetic epithets when I contrast the honorable way the lawful government has acted, as opposed to the thefts perpetrated by the invaders and their illegal puppet-state pseudo-regime?

Any way, if you wish to nit-pick, let's say Turkish Speaking Cypriot owned property and Greek Speaking Cypriot owned property, and have done...

Cut it out with the "Turkish Speaking Cypriot" divisive, Imperialist's language then!

No I will not. If you do not like the fact there are Cypriots whose first Language is Turkish then you have a problem, but then you do not even support the idea that there Are Cypriots who speak Greek, because you would sell the independence of Cyprus out in trice to Greece, with your own Athenocentric Imperialism.
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