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The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat May 06, 2017 4:26 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Well said Pyrpolizer. I am asked my nationality frequently and hand on heart I don't remember ever saying Turk, My answer is always Cypriot. If I'm then spoken back to in Greek I add that I am a Turkish speaking Cypriot. I said it before and now I have the opportunity I'll say it again. It is the likes of you that give us Turkish speaking Cypriots hope for the future.

Could it be because i actually pushed myself to learn the truths first hand MrFromNg ?
Before that, even a simple conversation with a "Turk" of Cyprus would make me shiver in fear.
Many among us are still ignorant victims of our rotten educational system both in public and private schools.
The church and the nationalist elites prevail in both.
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat May 06, 2017 4:43 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:The British were occupiers in the past yet we live quite well with them today.

And the French, after occupation, get on quite well with the Germans today. And others with others throughout the Western World. Reason being, that the cultural expectations of French, Germans, Brits and Cypriots are very similar. Education, equality, freedom for individuals, respect for ownership and government by democracy. From what I've seen and read, these are still, to this day, not of significance to Islamic or Muslim-leaning people like Turks and by extension to TCs.

You are wrong! The TCs are not Turks more over they are mostly atheists. Among so many thousand they could not even find one, just one, TC to become an Imam, so they imported from Turkey. Their educational system is better than the GC one. LOL all you have to do is just have a look at how progressive their teacher's union is. Nearly all massive TC uprisings were initiated by them

NB. Btw you don't want to know what it means living with the Germans. Feel their contempt day in day out. They basically despise everyone. Not just the Muslims and the Jews and of course the "negros", EVERYONE. Just a bit less against the Greeks only because of their ancient history...The word "Γερμαναρας" might help.

That is a fantasist's view and not one based on reality. TCs would not have had mosques and used them if they were not Muslims nor demanded separate schooling nor followed various muslim traditions (albeit with a dishonesty that made them 'charming'). If they couldn't find an imam among the TCs it says more about their laziness and lack of leadership skills than anything you sweetly suggest. As for their education being so good, you must have been telling yourself "it's for some greater good that I say this lie". So what if they pay their teachers better? It's not the money or even better working conditions that produce the best in education - but that's a whole other topic.

Pyro, I know your intentions are good. They are the old Cypriot line of "let's treat the TCs better than we treat ourselves or our own kin otherwise we shall never have peace". If it was likely to work, I would follow that line more too. But as a realist, a pragmatist and one who prefers to treat people as equals, why should I pretend that they are better than others (especially since the TCs have proven to be shameless)?

GIG why don't you go look yourself? Their mosques are EMPTY! Very few go to pray even when it's a pray day. Compare it with our churches.
It is a known fact the TCs are mostly atheists. When I was a kid my mother would urge me to wake up on Sundays to go to church telling me "Are you a total atheist like to Turks (meaning TCs), wake up lazy boy".

Their schools are not better because their teachers are paid more than the GC ones. Actually they are paid much less. They are better because the teachers themselves are progressive. Our teachers are the worst possible example for our Kids. Just look around you, as soon as the school season starts they threaten everybody to paralyze the whole educational system with strikes. What for, isn't their super inflated salary more than enough? Our kids don't have the slightest idea of what life means out there. They think life is as easy as that of their teachers.
"φα τζιαι κνιστου δηλαδη" (rough translation "eat as much as you can and scratch your back from boredom "
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sat May 06, 2017 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Get Real! » Sat May 06, 2017 4:45 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Wait a minute… nobody should ever compare occupation by some other European peoples vs. occupation by Ottomans!

It’s like the difference between getting run over by a 2017 Nissan GT-R Nismo and a 40 year-old Mazda 323.

I don’t know about you... but I’d rather die under the wheels of the Nismo. Thanks.


You just don't understand the risk we are currently in.
These hydrocarbons are more of a risk to us to get wiped off the map, than anything else.
The Israelis are already striking deals with Turkey under our nose...
These truths will be "leaked" to the public just before the public will be asked to vote.
At that point you will truly have the option to commit suicide.

Deluded wimp... :lol:
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat May 06, 2017 4:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Wait a minute… nobody should ever compare occupation by some other European peoples vs. occupation by Ottomans!

It’s like the difference between getting run over by a 2017 Nissan GT-R Nismo and a 40 year-old Mazda 323.

I don’t know about you... but I’d rather die under the wheels of the Nismo. Thanks.


You just don't understand the risk we are currently in.
These hydrocarbons are more of a risk to us to get wiped off the map, than anything else.
The Israelis are already striking deals with Turkey under our nose...
These truths will be "leaked" to the public just before the public will be asked to vote.
At that point you will truly have the option to commit suicide.

Deluded wimp... :lol:

I really pitty you
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby MR-from-NG » Sat May 06, 2017 5:22 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Well said Pyrpolizer. I am asked my nationality frequently and hand on heart I don't remember ever saying Turk, My answer is always Cypriot. If I'm then spoken back to in Greek I add that I am a Turkish speaking Cypriot. I said it before and now I have the opportunity I'll say it again. It is the likes of you that give us Turkish speaking Cypriots hope for the future.

Could it be because i actually pushed myself to learn the truths first hand MrFromNg ?
Before that, even a simple conversation with a "Turk" of Cyprus would make me shiver in fear.
Many among us are still ignorant victims of our rotten educational system both in public and private schools.
The church and the nationalist elites prevail in both.

Deluded wimp you're not. A hero with a huge heart is what you are. Respect, massive respect, Pyrpolizer.
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 06, 2017 7:34 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:GIG why don't you go look yourself? Their mosques are EMPTY!

I'm not talking about now that they are occupying the north. Still, the RoC spends a fortune on the upkeep of their mosques. I posted a photo a while back of a Mosque in Paphos whose front yard I cleaned up from some mess/rubbish that was left there (I think some Brits had discarded their rubbish as there were so many tea bags but that's another topic). Anyway, that mosque had stacks of tiles as the roof was being seen to and it had been very recently whitewashed.

It is a known fact the TCs are mostly atheists. When I was a kid my mother would urge me to wake up on Sundays to go to church telling me "Are you a total atheist like to Turks (meaning TCs), wake up lazy boy".

Calling someone an atheist ("without God" ... i.e. meaning"without our God") is not the same as them (TCs) not identifying themselves as Muslim. I have never met a TC who has not identified with Islam - they were just too lazy to do much about it (let's face it, Islam is pretty demanding!).

They are better because the teachers themselves are progressive.

They would have to be "progressive" to revise history and make up a whole neo-geography to answer any questions about where they came from and why they are on land others are contesting (if they are ever allowed to learn such a thing in the first place). :roll:
Seriously, Pyro, you do a disservice to the TCs to make them think they are so clever, secular and progressive whilst they turn a blind eye to occupying others' property. For goodness sake, they are a behaving like a bunch of thieves and liars when all is said and done.
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 07, 2017 6:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:GIG why don't you go look yourself? Their mosques are EMPTY!

I'm not talking about now that they are occupying the north. Still, the RoC spends a fortune on the upkeep of their mosques. I posted a photo a while back of a Mosque in Paphos whose front yard I cleaned up from some mess/rubbish that was left there (I think some Brits had discarded their rubbish as there were so many tea bags but that's another topic). Anyway, that mosque had stacks of tiles as the roof was being seen to and it had been very recently whitewashed.

It is a known fact the TCs are mostly atheists. When I was a kid my mother would urge me to wake up on Sundays to go to church telling me "Are you a total atheist like to Turks (meaning TCs), wake up lazy boy".

Calling someone an atheist ("without God" ... i.e. meaning"without our God") is not the same as them (TCs) not identifying themselves as Muslim. I have never met a TC who has not identified with Islam - they were just too lazy to do much about it (let's face it, Islam is pretty demanding!).

They are better because the teachers themselves are progressive.

They would have to be "progressive" to revise history and make up a whole neo-geography to answer any questions about where they came from and why they are on land others are contesting (if they are ever allowed to learn such a thing in the first place). :roll:
Seriously, Pyro, you do a disservice to the TCs to make them think they are so clever, secular and progressive whilst they turn a blind eye to occupying others' property. For goodness sake, they are a behaving like a bunch of thieves and liars when all is said and done.

You probably haven't seen other real Muslims GIC. Spreading their rugs, praying 5 times a day. I haven't seen ANY TC doing that!
During their religious days e.g Ramazan they are supposed not to eat or drink anything during they day. Nor smoke. Those days are in August under extreme heat. I leave it to Mr-From-Ng to tell us how many TCs are such faithful Muslims to do that. Now compare that with our 50day and 40day fasting days. LOL even Macdonals serves "nisthsima" for the GCs during those days...

As for the educational system they revised all their books that could reflect hatred to GCs. They prepared their students for the day after solution for living peacefully with the GCs. There was even a suggestion to introduce basic Greek and Turkish in all Cypriot schools. Guess which side rejected the idea. And many other things. These from the times of Talat some 8 (?) years ago.

Using property that is not theirs: True. The vast majority of those I met want to give it back. Some even kept all memorabilia and other things in a room to return it to the owners. You know in Cyprus we have this tradition of helping our children before they get married, either by buying them some land or an apartment. A real TC usually refuses to buy ex-GC land for that purpose. They prefer to pay more and buy genuine TC land. Not all are the same of course but I am really surprised of the considerable percentage of TCs that are people with pride and dignity.
Just ask anyone you know. Do the vast majority TCs get extremely glad and extremely helpful every time they meet a GC who goes to the occupied??
If I am wrong on that then I am ready to accept I am wrong on everything.

NB. Quite the opposite happens when TCs visit the free areas. The poor people usually get embarrassed when they sense we understood they speak Turkish. Most of the times they prefer to hide it by talking in English. Isn't that because they somehow feel ashamed of what happened to the GCs?
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Re: The Promise: Film on one of Turkey's genocides.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 07, 2017 7:29 pm

I was a kid in the 70s. Yet I still remember many things of the relations between GCs and TCs.
Let’s take for example the possibility of a GC entering an enclave. He would never get out of it alive. I remember we were passing through Kionelli to go to Kyrenia -always escorted by the UN- That was an extremely risky journey. If any of the vehicles would happen to have a flat tire that yould mean red alarm for the whole convoy. Women would start screaming in fear. There was a risk the TCs would attack and kill someone!

What has changed?? Aren’t they the same people?? Aren’t we the same people??

I leave it upto you to answer this question.
I believe your opinion is (understandably) based on the past.
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