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Slowly slowly my dear.

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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu May 04, 2017 4:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:
erolz66 wrote:GR - yes GiG has 'won' yet again, as you put it. Enjoy your forum and the victory, Pyrrhic as it may be.

You’re a bunch of silly grown men getting worked up over the only female left on the forum for sticking by her guns.

You take turns to attack and then get upset that she refuses to bow down to you.

And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

Big deal… she’s just a girl for crying out loud! :roll:

Leave her alone. Jeesh! :lol:

You forgot DrCyprus
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 04, 2017 8:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

What a shame Erolz has managed to fool you too with his straw men. My statement was about Luxembourg being debt-ridden, which it is, and I supplied the evidence for it being 10th in the world.

Erolz came along with some twisted version of a ranking unable to accept that this drunken Luxembourgian that the thread is about, and who wants Cyprus to suffer, and hasn't a leg to stand on, is wrong! But, of course, as it seems, only I have mustered that Erolz only posts when some EU official says something (unsubstantiated) bad about Cyprus and I call them out on it. Only then does Erolz come along to denigrate my suggestions so that the EU associate can carry on denigrating Cyprus supported by Erolz - Erolz is a true enemy of Cyprus if I ever saw one post here (and there have been a few!). Laughably, he posted some incomplete data bereft of numbers for Luxembourg and proceeded to make up a load of stuff of his own. Pyro picked him up on it but Erolz chose to ignore that pointer and ploughed in with his usual "Oh woe is me she's still doing this and that..."
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 04, 2017 10:29 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Get Real! wrote:And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

What a shame Erolz has managed to fool you too with his straw men. My statement was about Luxembourg being debt-ridden, which it is, and I supplied the evidence for it being 10th in the world.

Erolz came along with some twisted version of a ranking unable to accept that this drunken Luxembourgian that the thread is about, and who wants Cyprus to suffer, and hasn't a leg to stand on, is wrong! But, of course, as it seems, only I have mustered that Erolz only posts when some EU official says something (unsubstantiated) bad about Cyprus and I call them out on it. Only then does Erolz come along to denigrate my suggestions so that the EU associate can carry on denigrating Cyprus supported by Erolz - Erolz is a true enemy of Cyprus if I ever saw one post here (and there have been a few!). Laughably, he posted some incomplete data bereft of numbers for Luxembourg and proceeded to make up a load of stuff of his own. Pyro picked him up on it but Erolz chose to ignore that pointer and ploughed in with his usual "Oh woe is me she's still doing this and that..."

I am glad you replied GIG, defending yourself. As you might have noticed this self appointed advocate GR has already pleaded guilty on your behalf and went one step further to ask for mercy based on your gender LOL. :shock:

To set the record straight Erolz sent me a PM and we discussed the issue of NIIP in a friendly way. A small part was about you. I respect the privacy of PMs but I certain Erolz wouldn't object revealing a tiny part from my own reply
Quoting verbatim:
She wasn't wrong per se.

More relevant to the topic: I think Junker has always been very friendly towards Cyprus and Greece. On the contrary he was always very hostile towards Britain. Not long ago replying to Farage he said that one of the BEST decisions he ever made was his choice of the man who would lead the EU team Vs Britain in the upcoming Brexit negotiations.
The insinuation was clear :"Just wait and see how I will screw you "
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu May 04, 2017 10:53 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Or maybe you assume that by proving her wrong it’s gonna change her nationality and she’ll lose her love for Greece just because a bunch of crooked politicians screwed her country up.

Greece is NOT her Country.
She's a Cypriot expat.

Yes but I suspect she wishes Greece was her country and would sell out Cypriot independance at the drop of a hat to acheive that.....
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu May 04, 2017 11:06 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Or maybe you assume that by proving her wrong it’s gonna change her nationality and she’ll lose her love for Greece just because a bunch of crooked politicians screwed her country up.

Greece is NOT her Country.
She's a Cypriot expat.

Yes but I suspect she wishes Greece was her country and would sell out Cypriot independance at the drop of a hat to acheive that.....

That's because you want to divide and rule! Stop pretending you are ignorant of Cyprus and Greece's joint geopolitical strategically important location.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri May 05, 2017 7:44 am

You do not deny what I say but once again wilfully misrepresent my position. I am a firm beleiver in an indepedent Republic of Cyprus,, more than can be said for you.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat May 06, 2017 12:07 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:You do not deny what I say but once again wilfully misrepresent my position. I am a firm beleiver in an indepedent Republic of Cyprus,, more than can be said for you.

That's because you like the part the Imperialists drew up that says Turks have to rule around 50% of Cyprus. And that Turkey can jump in at will. Indeed, has 'jumped' in.

Do you, however, support TODAY's Republic of the EU, which strives for democracy, equality, and alliance with Europe (which includes your hated Greece)? No, I guess not.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun May 07, 2017 8:08 am

As usual you misrepresent my position on Greece, but that is what you are mostly good at, lies amd misrepresentstion, which you then accuse others of. One big difference between us is that I do not look through rose tinted blinkers at Greece. What is happening in Greece with the vicious Austerity is a tragedy for the ordinary Greek, and the possibility of Grexit remains unless and until there is serious debt relief, not rollied over borrowing as we have now.

Whether Greece's allies in the EU will agree that is a big question.

Yes i belvieve in a unified republic that strives for equality and democracy, for all Cypriots, including Turkish speaking Cypriots, and which does not have the SBA, including Aliance with Europe, including Greece.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun May 07, 2017 7:09 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:As usual you misrepresent my position on Greece, but that is what you are mostly good at, lies amd misrepresentstion, which you then accuse others of. One big difference between us is that I do not look through rose tinted blinkers at Greece. What is happening in Greece with the vicious Austerity is a tragedy for the ordinary Greek, and the possibility of Grexit remains unless and until there is serious debt relief, not rollied over borrowing as we have now.

Whether Greece's allies in the EU will agree that is a big question.

Yes i belvieve in a unified republic that strives for equality and democracy, for all Cypriots, including Turkish speaking Cypriots, and which does not have the SBA, including Aliance with Europe, including Greece.

Crystal clear.
I am wondering how GIG thought you were supporting something else.
Any clue, any link?
GIG could you help?
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun May 07, 2017 7:32 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:As usual you misrepresent my position on Greece, but that is what you are mostly good at, lies amd misrepresentstion, which you then accuse others of. One big difference between us is that I do not look through rose tinted blinkers at Greece. What is happening in Greece with the vicious Austerity is a tragedy for the ordinary Greek, and the possibility of Grexit remains unless and until there is serious debt relief, not rollied over borrowing as we have now.

Whether Greece's allies in the EU will agree that is a big question.

Yes i belvieve in a unified republic that strives for equality and democracy, for all Cypriots, including Turkish speaking Cypriots, and which does not have the SBA, including Aliance with Europe, including Greece.

Crystal clear.
I am wondering how GIG thought you were supporting something else.
Any clue, any link?
GIG could you help?

We had numerous discussions in the past where STUD showed his support of the 1960 Constitution and denigrated Makarios for wanting to modify it. I'm not sure whether he was just trying to curry favour with erolz66, though, as they were often posting in alliance.

However, since I quoted some of the declassified information that showed that British officials were discussing repatriation of TCs to Turkey, that peace would only have come to Cyprus if Britain had allowed enosis and that Britain influenced Makarios to try to make the Constitution more democratic (they realised the unfairness and seemed to regret it just a few years later), I'm hoping STUD may have become more sensible. But I notice he is still prevaricating and not actually denouncing the 1960 Constitution as unfair to GCs and incompatible with democracy.

His sentence: " .... and which does not have the SBA, including Aliance with Europe, including Greece" is either badly worded or he's saying he doesn't want Cyprus to have an " .... Aliance with Europe, including Greece". Very confusing or downright ridiculous.
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