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Slowly slowly my dear.

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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed May 03, 2017 11:47 pm

RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I stand corrected... it's not a Cypriot salami but an Italian mortadella. :? :lol:

I look forward to the day when you actually manage to compile more than one sentence in expressing a worthwhile and sensible view on some subject or other. As opposed to - just like your bosom buddy GIG - just posting what you regard as a witty one liner put-down for most of your "contributions". Or, alternatively, a series of drunken, racist rants. Well, we can only hope.

You’ve come here a few years too late… for our in-depth analysis days are over having discussed pretty much everything to death.

Now we just spot-check the forum to see if a drama queen like you appears so we can have a laugh. :)

Got to agree with GR on this...I remember hours of painstaking research in the old days just to make sure I got facts right otherwise I would have been blown away by more Knowledgeable members of the forum. As GR said just about every aspect of the Cyprus Problem has been already discussed.
The forum now is less of a cyprus forum and more of a general any thing goes forum with few threads actually related to Cyprus.
Also I can assure you GR is certainly not racist or anti Brit per se ...just anti bullshit

GR uses this idiotic method of the boldest personal remarks against people, separates forumers in groups according to his weird idiosyncratic tastes, doesn't listen to arguments and never presents any convincing evidence of whatever he might claim.

He sounds like a senile person to me who threatens everyone waving his stick.It might be funny watching him, until the day comes that he would wave it at YOU and pass on to you insulting remarks about salamis and mortadellas....
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 04, 2017 12:12 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:GR uses this idiotic method of the boldest personal remarks against people, separates forumers in groups according to his weird idiosyncratic tastes, doesn't listen to arguments and never presents any convincing evidence of whatever he might claim.

He sounds like a senile person to me who threatens everyone waving his stick.It might be funny watching him, until the day comes that he would wave it at YOU and pass on to you insulting remarks about salamis and mortadellas....

You just can’t get over the fact that I placed you in the “never understood them” group.

You got really hurt by that didn’t you? :lol:
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 04, 2017 12:15 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yup, Londonrake does not know how lucky he is to have arrived now. He wouldn't have lasted an evening in the old days! :D

All he ever does is complain about all these imaginary hurdles that inhibit his posting on the forum. :?
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 04, 2017 1:19 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
erolz66 wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote: If you convert it per capita, Cyprus and Greece are nestled with the countries that consider themselves as being among the most powerful.

Luxembourg still does not appear in the list at all,

Yes, already stated the page states some nations have not submitted figures. Perhaps those with most to hide ...

Though many do, a large portion of nations do not report data to the IMF.

But, as always, selective where it suits you and your propaganda.

And so it goes on , same as ever.

The reason why Luxembourg is not on wikipedia's "List of debtor nations by net international investment position per capita" is not because it has not submitted figures but simply because it is NOT a debtor nation by NIIP. It is on wikipedia's "List of creditor nations by net international investment position per capita" because it is a creditor nation by NIIP and the figures that show this have been 'submitted' as EU law requires them to be and as audited by Eurostat and as is prerequisite for them to be on the list at all.

This simple and plain truth is irrelevant however, for GiG will just continue on and on and on ignoring all logic, all reason , all evidence and come back with distortion on top of distortion, relentlessly, all while claiming that I am the one being 'selective' to suit my 'propaganda' and any other attacks as suits. This is what she does, it is what she has always done for year after dreary, boring year after year. This behaviour is a major reason I personally no longer post here to any degree and why I will not be wasting any more time on this specific discussion after this post, if I am in any way able to control myself.

STUD I admire your stamina and stubbornness in standing up for truth and reason and logic in the face of GiG's decade plus long relentless decimation of such ideals but I no longer have the stomach for the sheer stupidity of the 'game'.

GR - yes GiG has 'won' yet again, as you put it. Enjoy your forum and the victory, Pyrrhic as it may be.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 04, 2017 10:40 am

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:GR uses this idiotic method of the boldest personal remarks against people, separates forumers in groups according to his weird idiosyncratic tastes, doesn't listen to arguments and never presents any convincing evidence of whatever he might claim.

He sounds like a senile person to me who threatens everyone waving his stick.It might be funny watching him, until the day comes that he would wave it at YOU and pass on to you insulting remarks about salamis and mortadellas....

You just can’t get over the fact that I placed you in the “never understood them” group.

You got really hurt by that didn’t you? :lol:

No not really. I just concluded you are a genuine "μαννουϊ".
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 04, 2017 10:58 am

erolz66 wrote:GR - yes GiG has 'won' yet again, as you put it. Enjoy your forum and the victory, Pyrrhic as it may be.

You’re a bunch of silly grown men getting worked up over the only female left on the forum for sticking by her guns.

You take turns to attack and then get upset that she refuses to bow down to you.

And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

Big deal… she’s just a girl for crying out loud! :roll:

Leave her alone. Jeesh! :lol:
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 04, 2017 12:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:Big deal… she’s just a girl for crying out loud! :roll:

You may be proud of your condescending sexism but not everyone holds such anachronistic views. The gender of posters is to me entirely irrelevant.

Get Real! wrote:And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

This is nothing to do with making mistakes in statements. It is to do with the systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent, over years and hundreds and hundreds of threads and discussions and the systematic attempts to vilify those who challenge such behaviour.

To claim that Luxembourg is a 'debt ridden' nation by simply taking it's external liabilities out of all context of it's external assets and out of the wider context of what those number actually mean and show is meaningless and no different from claiming Apple is a 'debt ridden company' because it's 2016 balance sheet lists liabilities of 180 odd billion USD. Apple is not in any meaningful sense a debt ridden company and Luxembourg is not in any meaningful sense a debt ridden nation. Greece is in a meaningful sense a debt ridden nation.

You may be unable, or more likely unwilling, to acknowledge how such systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent over a decade or more combined with the systematic attempt to vilify those who challenge such, significantly undermines the potential for this forum to be a place where discussion of worth and value can take place but that does not mean that everyone should do likewise. You may, as seems to be the case, even admire such relentless systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent but for those of us for whom concepts like understanding, reason, evidence, rationality and truth have worth and meaning such behaviour is not only not admirable but demands challenge.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Get Real! » Thu May 04, 2017 1:30 pm

erolz66 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Big deal… she’s just a girl for crying out loud! :roll:

You may be proud of your condescending sexism but not everyone holds such anachronistic views. The gender of posters is to me entirely irrelevant.

Yeah well we happen to be living in Cyprus where this level of sexism is the norm. That’s how we protect women here. I need not explain the Cypriot culture to you.

Get Real! wrote:And so what if she makes a mistake or two in her statements?

This is nothing to do with making mistakes in statements. It is to do with the systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent, over years and hundreds and hundreds of threads and discussions and the systematic attempts to vilify those who challenge such behaviour.

To claim that Luxembourg is a 'debt ridden' nation by simply taking it's external liabilities out of all context of it's external assets and out of the wider context of what those number actually mean and show is meaningless and no different from claiming Apple is a 'debt ridden company' because it's 2016 balance sheet lists liabilities of 180 odd billion USD. Apple is not in any meaningful sense a debt ridden company and Luxembourg is not in any meaningful sense a debt ridden nation. Greece is in a meaningful sense a debt ridden nation.

You may be unable, or more likely unwilling, to acknowledge how such systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent over a decade or more combined with the systematic attempt to vilify those who challenge such, significantly undermines the potential for this forum to be a place where discussion of worth and value can take place but that does not mean that everyone should do likewise. You may, as seems to be the case, even admire such relentless systematic wilful distortion of objective reality with intent but for those of us for whom concepts like understanding, reason, evidence, rationality and truth have worth and meaning such behaviour is not only not admirable but demands challenge.

We all know that Greece is financially screwed; for at least the near future, but there’s no need to beat Oracle over the head with it day in and day out! :roll:

Or maybe you assume that by proving her wrong it’s gonna change her nationality and she’ll lose her love for Greece just because a bunch of crooked politicians screwed her country up.

It’ll never happen… Oracle will always be Greek no matter what, GR will always be Cypriot, and Erol will always be the 1/3 Brit, 1/3 Turkish, and 1/3 Cypriot… square peg in a round hole! :lol:

People don’t change just because they get beat in a debate or two… I’ve noticed that if anything they get even more defensive! :)

Let's cut Oracle some slack...

Anyway, I'm done with this issue... gotta get back to my programming.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby erolz66 » Thu May 04, 2017 3:36 pm

Get Real! wrote:Or maybe you assume that by proving her wrong it’s gonna change her nationality and she’ll lose her love for Greece just because a bunch of crooked politicians screwed her country up.

For me the point of discussion is not to seek to 'defeat' an 'enemy' by any means fair or foul. For me the point of discussion is a means to seek to improve and develop my own ability for 'critical thinking'.

Get Real! wrote:It’ll never happen… Oracle will always be Greek no matter what, .....

People don’t change just because they get beat in a debate or two… I’ve noticed that if anything they get even more defensive! :)

To have love for one's country ,or a culture, does not require you to therefore have to suspend all effort to 'think critically'. Imo no one could seriously doubt Yanis Varoufakis' passionate love for Greece yet such passionate love for Greece does not require him to have to suspend his undoubted considerable ability to think critically. He routinely shows both passionate love for his country and displays the highest levels of critical thinking.
The issue here is not that GiG lacks the ability to 'think critically' , because she is 'just a girl' or because she 'loves Greece so much' as you seem to suggest. The issue is that she systematically tries to use her undoubted intelligence to actively pervert the very fundamentals of critical thinking in herself and to relentlessly attack those who do not do so. Such wilful suspension of and attack on the act of 'critical thinking' in the name of 'loving ones country or culture' is in my view a root and requirement of extremism and should rightly be a cause for concern. For example GiG claiming that the reason, or probable reason or possible reason why Luxembourg does not appear on wikipedia's list of debtor nations by NIIP per capita is because they have not submitted figures, is not a 'mistake' on her part. She clearly has the intellectual capacity to know this is just not true. The decision to state something that she has every ability to know is simply not true is an active choice and represents not a lack of ability to think critical but an active assault on the very process of critical thinking. For me such behaviour demands challenge, not slack cutting.

Linda Elder wrote:Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. They are keenly aware of the inherently flawed nature of human thinking when left unchecked. They strive to diminish the power of their egocentric and sociocentric tendencies. They use the intellectual tools that critical thinking offers – concepts and principles that enable them to analyze, assess, and improve thinking. They work diligently to develop the intellectual virtues of intellectual integrity, intellectual humility, intellectual civility, intellectual empathy, intellectual sense of justice and confidence in reason. They realize that no matter how skilled they are as thinkers, they can always improve their reasoning abilities and they will at times fall prey to mistakes in reasoning, human irrationality, prejudices, biases, distortions, uncritically accepted social rules and taboos, self-interest, and vested interest. They strive to improve the world in whatever ways they can and contribute to a more rational, civilized society. At the same time, they recognize the complexities often inherent in doing so. They avoid thinking simplistically about complicated issues and strive to appropriately consider the rights and needs of relevant others. They recognize the complexities in developing as thinkers, and commit themselves to life-long practice toward self-improvement. They embody the Socratic principle: The unexamined life is not worth living , because they realize that many unexamined lives together result in an uncritical, unjust, dangerous world.
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Re: Slowly slowly my dear.

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu May 04, 2017 3:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:Or maybe you assume that by proving her wrong it’s gonna change her nationality and she’ll lose her love for Greece just because a bunch of crooked politicians screwed her country up.

Greece is NOT her Country.
She's a Cypriot expat.
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