Get Real! wrote:You come across like there’s a Cyprus salami wedged up your arse...

You come across as somebody who thinks he owns the Forum, gets pissed out of his brain and ..........................
"RH, you need to watch and learn from the more experienced how to crush a hypocrite in like two posts instead of running around in circles till the cows come home!"
"1. You're all British.
2. You're all lying hypocrites.
3. You have criminal imperialistic tendencies."
"Has Paphitis ever touched you at all... in places mommy said men shouldn’t?"
"Of course to a racist British CUNT like you they’re just “muzzies” and thus expendable."
"It’s unfortunate that your country is a global criminal on a mass scale having committed heinous war crimes............."
"Anyway, I reckon you’re finished in here ...................."Actually, I would have been finished in here some time ago, because this is a very cliquey and often racist Forum, where Auslanders and their views are obviously not welcome.
However, I wouldn't wish to give the impression that arrogant asses like you have "crushed a hypocrite". Although, it was quite clear that to you the word means anybody who dares to disagree with your POV.
You might be surprised how much I know about you M. Small island.