Interesting. Labour are ahead among the under-40s: ... 21940.html
Tim Drayton wrote:Interesting. Labour are ahead among the under-40s: ... 21940.html
Robin Hood wrote:Tim Drayton wrote:Interesting. Labour are ahead among the under-40s: ... 21940.html
Looks like the young educated and the Millenial's will win the day then ...... if they get up out of bed to vote on the big day?![]()
Russian Outrage? Where Else Would Britain's Trident Nukes Be FiredCommenting on the recent threat made by British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon that his Prime Minister Theresa May is ready to use nuclear weapons in a first strike attack in "the most extreme circumstances," Sputnik international affairs contributor Alexander Khrolenko looked at who the most likely targets of this warning are.
On Monday, British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon confirmed that his Prime Minister Theresa May "is prepared to launch Trident in the most extreme circumstances", as a first strike attack, even if Britain itself was not under nuclear attack....................... we should feel pity for the Brits and the residents of continental Europe as Vershbow and Rose are "hunting them into a costly anxiety" over a non-existent "Russian threat".
"If we leave behind all the illusions, it is only the well-being of British taxpayers which is being endangered by the UK's nuclear warning," he states.
Look at what the sudden Corbyn convert (whose conversion comes at the same time as Putin has decided to shift support to Corbyn) ...... I assume that remark is aimed at me?
Another source said some of Vote Leave’s pledges made Johnson a liability at a time when May was trying to reassure Remain voters.
“What are we going to put on the side of his bus?” the insider asked, in reference to the slogan saying £350 million (US$449 million) a week saved in EU payments would be spent on the National Health Service (NHS) – a figure that turned out to be baseless.
Tim Drayton wrote:Interesting. Labour are ahead among the under-40s:
Tim Drayton wrote:Yes, whatever Rupert Murdoch decrees will happen. Agreed.
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