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what a u turn

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Re: what a u turn

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:33 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:2325 posts and every single one of them supporting the Putin line 100% at the time. What with Putin having lined up with the racist, reactionary Little Englanders to engineer Brexit, it came as an astonishment to see the 180 degree turn that now involves lining up with UK progressives. It's not about ideology, though, is it? It's about spreading chaos in Western countries. Nice to see his little poodle still trotting along at his feet, wagging its tail. Pays well, does it?

I am sorry to say it, but you are as irrational as Paphitis ever was. "....2325 post and all Putin inspired ? " :lol: :lol: ..... maybe I am just more capable of working things out from a broad spread of informative sources than you are! 8)

I am sure it pays very well ..... but to let you into a secret I don’t need the money! I am really a multi-billionaire Russian Oligarch live in a massive house tucked away behind high walls just outside Limassol. I am constantly protected by a small army of ex-KGB assassins, have a bullet proof limo, a yacht in the Marina, a helicopter and private jet and am constantly surrounded by beautiful Russian women. I get daily phone calls from Vladimir ......... we are like brothers :wink: ............but I am soooooo bored with all this ........... that I chose to come onto this Forum to try and subvert simpletons like you! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is about the same level off reality as your stupid post. If you believe that crap you spout you really should seek medical advice! :roll:
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Tim Drayton » Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:45 pm

Nobody could be spouting the kind of chauvenistic, racist nonsense you were while masquerading as Brexit-supporting LIttle Englander and a couple of months later be a Corbyn supporter. You were also raving about May when she first became Tory leader. What changed your mind there apart from the Kremlin line changing? Don't worry, there aren't many bright people left on this forum, so your secret is safe. I will have my little chuckle, all the same.
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:22 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:Nobody could be spouting the kind of chauvenistic, racist nonsense you were while masquerading as Brexit-supporting LIttle Englander and a couple of months later be a Corbyn supporter. You were also raving about May when she first became Tory leader. What changed your mind there apart from the Kremlin line changing? Don't worry, there aren't many bright people left on this forum, so your secret is safe. I will have my little chuckle, all the same.

You're right ..... this forum is all but dead ! Keep chuckling .... the men in white coats are on their way!
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:44 am

Just a flight of fancy now that Putin has seemingly switched his allegience in the UK from the most reactionary part of society to the most progressive. Previously Putin - with the motive of causing the greatest amount of harm to the West - and the right-wing press moguls along with other billilonaire tax cheats - with the motive of keeping the British tax havens where they stash their illicit loot going (and tax that money and you would probably get more than an extra 350 million for the NHS!) - combined to whip up a hysteria of xenophobia and racism among the masses to engineer the Brexit vote that suited their particular interests. However, I notice the right-wing tabloids are suddenly attacking Corbyn for being supported by Putin, which presumably means they will have to introduce an anti-Putin editorial policy in general. This in turn means that the Little Enlanders, who invariably dance to the right-wing press mogul's tune, will start to open their eyes about Putin. They may perhaps realise that one of the motives Putin has for trying to destroy the EU, apart from a more general wish to wreak as much destruction in the West as possible, is that he has his eyes on reconquering the territory in Europe that the Soviet Union once occupied and enslaving the people there again. They may also realise that if he succeeds in doing this, there is no reason for him to stop there and not try to gradually take the whole continent. Having become alive to the threat posed by a Russia under a dictator with expansionist ambitions, the Little Englanders may start thinking that it would be a good idea for Europeans, people who have a very similar culture, way of life and values, rather than squabbling and fighting among themselves as they did for many centuries, to unite in common purpose and thus be stronger and more able to withstand external threats. Then, the penny may drop that such a union in fact exists, the very one they voted to leave. Perhaps they will start questioning the wisdom of that vote and the clamour for a second referendum to reverse this disastrous decision may then grow. Pure fantasy at the moment - and I see the Daily Mail, which is running headlines branding Corbyn as Putin's stooge, is also describing Putin's candidate in the French presidential election in glowing terms as the 'second Joan of Arc', so I wouldn't underestimate the sheer duplicity of the right-wing press barons. Even so, bizarre things are happening in the world nowadays.
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:19 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Just a flight of fancy now that Putin has seemingly switched his allegience in the UK from the most reactionary part of society to the most progressive. Previously Putin - with the motive of causing the greatest amount of harm to the West - and the right-wing press moguls along with other billilonaire tax cheats - with the motive of keeping the British tax havens where they stash their illicit loot going (and tax that money and you would probably get more than an extra 350 million for the NHS!) - combined to whip up a hysteria of xenophobia and racism among the masses to engineer the Brexit vote that suited their particular interests. However, I notice the right-wing tabloids are suddenly attacking Corbyn for being supported by Putin, which presumably means they will have to introduce an anti-Putin editorial policy in general. This in turn means that the Little Enlanders, who invariably dance to the right-wing press mogul's tune, will start to open their eyes about Putin. They may perhaps realise that one of the motives Putin has for trying to destroy the EU, apart from a more general wish to wreak as much destruction in the West as possible, is that he has his eyes on reconquering the territory in Europe that the Soviet Union once occupied and enslaving the people there again. They may also realise that if he succeeds in doing this, there is no reason for him to stop there and not try to gradually take the whole continent. Having become alive to the threat posed by a Russia under a dictator with expansionist ambitions, the Little Englanders may start thinking that it would be a good idea for Europeans, people who have a very similar culture, way of life and values, rather than squabbling and fighting among themselves as they did for many centuries, to unite in common purpose and thus be stronger and more able to withstand external threats. Then, the penny may drop that such a union in fact exists, the very one they voted to leave. Perhaps they will start questioning the wisdom of that vote and the clamour for a second referendum to reverse this disastrous decision may then grow. Pure fantasy at the moment - and I see the Daily Mail, which is running headlines branding Corbyn as Putin's stooge, is also describing Putin's candidate in the French presidential election in glowing terms as the 'second Joan of Arc', so I wouldn't underestimate the sheer duplicity of the right-wing press barons. Even so, bizarre things are happening in the world nowadays.

You are ranting! You should DEFINITELY seek medical help!!!! :roll:
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:35 am

From the Daily Mail:

Vladimir Putin has launched a cyber plot to help Jeremy Cobryn beat Ukip in the Stoke-on-Trent Central by-election, according to an expert. ... orbyn.html

Of course, it was all hunky-dory when Putin was supporting UKIP and Brexit!
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Re: what a u turn

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:39 am

Tim Drayton wrote:Just a flight of fancy now that Putin has seemingly switched his allegience in the UK from the most reactionary part of society to the most progressive. Previously Putin - with the motive of causing the greatest amount of harm to the West - and the right-wing press moguls along with other billilonaire tax cheats - with the motive of keeping the British tax havens where they stash their illicit loot going (and tax that money and you would probably get more than an extra 350 million for the NHS!) - combined to whip up a hysteria of xenophobia and racism among the masses to engineer the Brexit vote that suited their particular interests. However, I notice the right-wing tabloids are suddenly attacking Corbyn for being supported by Putin, which presumably means they will have to introduce an anti-Putin editorial policy in general. This in turn means that the Little Enlanders, who invariably dance to the right-wing press mogul's tune, will start to open their eyes about Putin. They may perhaps realise that one of the motives Putin has for trying to destroy the EU, apart from a more general wish to wreak as much destruction in the West as possible, is that he has his eyes on reconquering the territory in Europe that the Soviet Union once occupied and enslaving the people there again. They may also realise that if he succeeds in doing this, there is no reason for him to stop there and not try to gradually take the whole continent. Having become alive to the threat posed by a Russia under a dictator with expansionist ambitions, the Little Englanders may start thinking that it would be a good idea for Europeans, people who have a very similar culture, way of life and values, rather than squabbling and fighting among themselves as they did for many centuries, to unite in common purpose and thus be stronger and more able to withstand external threats. Then, the penny may drop that such a union in fact exists, the very one they voted to leave. Perhaps they will start questioning the wisdom of that vote and the clamour for a second referendum to reverse this disastrous decision may then grow. Pure fantasy at the moment - and I see the Daily Mail, which is running headlines branding Corbyn as Putin's stooge, is also describing Putin's candidate in the French presidential election in glowing terms as the 'second Joan of Arc', so I wouldn't underestimate the sheer duplicity of the right-wing press barons. Even so, bizarre things are happening in the world nowadays.

Well thought out, Tim. One just has to wonder how Trump fits in with all of this, with suggestions he to may be another of Putin's stooges.
There is talk he had Russian bank loans - Oh I forgot. this is an MSM site so the news is likely fake.
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:24 am

It looks like Mr Corbyn agrees with those of us who think that the Brexit campaign involved the shameless whipping up of xenophopia and racism among the masses and is responsible for the huge rise in racist abuse and violence we are now witnessing in the UK:

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned there could be an increase in racist abuse and violence as Brexit takes place.

Speaking in Birmingham, Mr Corbyn highlighted predictions that quitting the EU could cause “a backlash” against ethnic minority communities.

But he said Theresa May’s Government was failing to tackle prejudice. Instead, he accused the Government of “actively stoked the fires of frenzied scaremongering” and stealing “the clothes of the far right”. ... d-12767270

I take it all Corbyn supporters stand by the great man in these statements.
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Re: what a u turn

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:59 am

Meanwhile, I am glad to see that the Liberal Democrats do, indeed, seem to be making a play for the votes of the abused and forgotten 48% who voted 'remain' and have placed a second referendum in their manifesto. This means that if the party performs well and ends up in a coalition government, it will quite legitimately be able to push for the holding of a second referendum for which it will have received a mandate from those who voted for it.
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Re: what a u turn

Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:13 am

Tim Drayton wrote:It looks like Mr Corbyn agrees with those of us who think that the Brexit campaign involved the shameless whipping up of xenophopia and racism among the masses and is responsible for the huge rise in racist abuse and violence we are now witnessing in the UK:

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has warned there could be an increase in racist abuse and violence as Brexit takes place.

Speaking in Birmingham, Mr Corbyn highlighted predictions that quitting the EU could cause “a backlash” against ethnic minority communities.

But he said Theresa May’s Government was failing to tackle prejudice. Instead, he accused the Government of “actively stoked the fires of frenzied scaremongering” and stealing “the clothes of the far right”. ... d-12767270

I take it all Corbyn supporters stand by the great man in these statements.

I think he is behind the times in saying it "could" lead to Racist attacks as within weeks (if not days) there were clear reports of hate crimes that referenced Brexit.

As I said elsewhere the Brexit campaign pandered to the Lowest common denominator...
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