Tim Drayton wrote:2325 posts and every single one of them supporting the Putin line 100% at the time. What with Putin having lined up with the racist, reactionary Little Englanders to engineer Brexit, it came as an astonishment to see the 180 degree turn that now involves lining up with UK progressives. It's not about ideology, though, is it? It's about spreading chaos in Western countries. Nice to see his little poodle still trotting along at his feet, wagging its tail. Pays well, does it?
I am sorry to say it, but you are as irrational as Paphitis ever was. "....2325 post and all Putin inspired ? "

I am sure it pays very well ..... but to let you into a secret I don’t need the money! I am really a multi-billionaire Russian Oligarch live in a massive house tucked away behind high walls just outside Limassol. I am constantly protected by a small army of ex-KGB assassins, have a bullet proof limo, a yacht in the Marina, a helicopter and private jet and am constantly surrounded by beautiful Russian women. I get daily phone calls from Vladimir ......... we are like brothers

That is about the same level off reality as your stupid post. If you believe that crap you spout you really should seek medical advice!