repulsewarrior are right, i am not wealthy, but i have hired thousands. And when i work it is to solve the problems of the millionaires, who work to solve the problems of billionaires.
You must be a c*cksucker then.
repulsewarrior are right, i am not wealthy, but i have hired thousands. And when i work it is to solve the problems of the millionaires, who work to solve the problems of billionaires.
Get Real! wrote:AlphaM wrote:Why do you think its stupid for someone whos as broke as me to want to become rich one day and surround himself with rich successful individuals as he is???
Ooh i know
Because you are a broke motherfuucker sitting in your mums filthy badement probqbly 12 years old who never worked a day in your life to see the strughle thats out there
And going online putting people down
Good job little man
Oooh and btw i will NOT stop asking this Question until i know every bit of what each rich individual do in this island to have everything in their life and you can just coninue thinking that my Question is stupid
Psss... Whats a retard
As if you can go back to school now to start all over again and change you fate around!
You weren’t listening to anyone when you had the chance and now you’re running around counting your pennies and crying all the time!
Live with it… you’ll live a poor and shitty life because you made your bed early on and now you're sleeping in it.
This is what you’ve set yourself up for and this is exactly what you’re going to get.
PS: And judging by your numerous spelling/grammar mistakes above… you’re gonna die a pauper.
Cap wrote:Having a high paid job doesn't count for much if you're gonna spend it on a high end lifestyle.
The philosophy of the rich is to keep the money, and use it to make more.
Sotos wrote:Here are the 4 ways to be that rich: (1) Inheritance - you were born rich. (2) Highly Educated + Hard Work in large corporations, gradually (some decades) getting a very high salary. (3) Being Innovative, taking risks and having good luck (for every success you hear about there are 100 failures you never heard of) (4) Criminal activities (but there is more chance to end up dead or in jail than becoming rich)... or even a combination of 2 or more of these. So lets see about your case: You are not 1. because if you were you wouldn't be asking this question. You are not 2. because you just have a high school diploma. So it leaves you with 3 or 4, both of which have much higher chance of ending badly for you than making you rich, especially in your case because to be honest you don't seem very smart.
My advice: Forget the Ferraris and all that and put some small aims for your life. E.g. Aim 1: Get a job based on the skills you have now. Aim 2: Study in the evenings so you can get a college degree in the next 4-5 years in something that you are interested in. Aim 3: Get a better job based on your new skills. etc. This way by the time you are 40 you might not be super rich, but you will be a respected person. If all you can think of is how to get rich fast, then 99.9999% not only you will not get rich, but you will end up a big loser at best, in jail or dead at the very worst.
Tim Drayton wrote:The whole strategy of picking a person who became rich and then setting out to emulate them is flawed, in my view. I mean, whatever dislexic Harry Redknapp did in football to make his fortune, if you set out to do the same you would probably fail because he succeeded in part because of his particular personality, skill set, knowledge and experience, and partly just out of luck because he had the right breaks at the right time. The vast majority of new businesses fail in their first few years, but a tiny number of them flourish and go on to make their owners super rich. There is no guaranteed route to richness, I am afraid.
Cap wrote:When people realise cars are not assets. They're friggin liabilities. They don't make you money. They cost you money. And they drop in value like a mfu@@er.
repulsewarrior are right, i am not wealthy, but i have hired thousands. And when i work it is to solve the problems of the millionaires, who work to solve the problems of billionaires.
AlphaM wrote:You piece of shit motherfuucker
I trully hate people like you
You are broke mentally and financially
You lose an argument
And you blame everything on my grammar
Well guess what
I dont need fuucking gemmar to become rich motherfucker
And get the hell out of my post
AlphaM wrote:I am referring to high end expensive cars because i want to KNOW the people BEHIND these expensive cars and what they do for a living here in cyprus to own such cars ( GTR NISMO LAMBORGHINI HURACAN MERCEDES S65 AMG FERRARI 458 ITALIA) all these car are above €150,000 to get so if i know what the people behind these cars do to make their money it will open my eyes on what REALLY makes the money in this ISLAND called Cyprus and how they made it big time
AlphaM wrote:Sotos wrote:So it leaves you with 3 or 4, both of which have much higher chance of ending badly for you than making you rich, especially in your case because to be honest you don't seem very smart.
Why dont i seem very smart?
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