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Beware the Dogs of War .......

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Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 16, 2017 4:31 pm

Makes common sense to me and appropriate to think about at this time of the year ........... puts the modern world into perspective. :x


This is the “.....unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex” that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us more than 50 years ago not to let endanger our liberties or democratic processes. Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, was alarmed by the rise of the profit-driven war machine that emerged following the war—one that, in order to perpetuate itself, would have to keep waging war.

We failed to heed his warning. :roll: :x

Yet as Eisenhower recognized, the consequences of allowing the military-industrial complex to wage war, exhaust our resources and dictate our national priorities are beyond grave:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse? By John W. Whitehead

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. — James Madison

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Re: Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:11 pm is not the first time, it is the second, this warning was made; Lest we Forget.
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Re: Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:44 pm

From somebody who frequently salivates over Russian military technology and proudly defends its use. :roll:

Informationclearinghouse. Another fringe website stuffed full of anti-western articles. As with all of these organisations, located of course in the despicable West, in this case California, where they can post this sort of stuff freely and without any harassment. Some of them actually making a comfortable living out of it, too. This embarrassing fact is it seems totally lost on the originator. Never gets addressed, because of course, it's unanswerable hypocrisy.

When we can see an Informationclearinghouse freely operating in the likes of Russia, Iran or North Korea perhaps we can regard it with something other than the contempt I personally feel it deserves.

A selection of articles to be found on the site:

A (US) government full of morons.

World held hostage by American military madness.

New Revelations Belie Trump Claims on Syria Chemical Attack.

Did Al Qaeda Fool the White House Again?

Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump's Foreign Policy.

Stand Down Mr.Trump Stand Down

The True Cost of Israel.

and, as presented here for your enlightenment:

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse?

Funny ole fing, I can't find a single article critical of Russia/Iran/North Korea/Assad, etc,

So, an unbiased, objective read then. :roll:

I appreciate there are some who also have no sympathy with the West; however, what you have here is a person who is totally paranoid in his views. It's mega, chip-on-shoulder and always totally prejudiced stuff. You will get no objectivity from this member. I could write his posts. Entirely predictable, rabidly anti-western but most notably US, scripts.
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Re: Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:52 pm

Londonrake wrote:From somebody who frequently salivates over Russian military technology and proudly defends its use. :roll:

What a dick-head you are! :roll: :lol:

Informationclearinghouse. Another fringe website stuffed full of anti-western articles. As with all of these organisations, located of course in the despicable West, in this case California, where they can post this sort of stuff freely and without any harassment. Some of them actually making a comfortable living out of it, too. This embarrassing fact is it seems totally lost on the originator. Never gets addressed, because of course, it's unanswerable hypocrisy.

When we can see an Informationclearinghouse freely operating in the likes of Russia, Iran or North Korea perhaps we can regard it with something other than the contempt I personally feel it deserves.

A selection of articles to be found on the site:

A (US) government full of morons.

World held hostage by American military madness.

New Revelations Belie Trump Claims on Syria Chemical Attack.

Did Al Qaeda Fool the White House Again?

Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump's Foreign Policy.

Stand Down Mr.Trump Stand Down

The True Cost of Israel.

and, as presented here for your enlightenment:

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse?

Funny ole fing, I can't find a single article critical of Russia/Iran/North Korea/Assad, etc,

If you want to read all about Russia/Iran/North Korea/Assad etc. stick to the MSM rags you normally get your news from, but where as many people are switching to alternative news sites, you remain faithful to your own completely unbiased sources. The sites above just give the other side of the picture.

So, an unbiased, objective read then. :roll:

I appreciate there are some who also have no sympathy with the West; however, what you have here is a person who is totally paranoid in his views. It's mega, chip-on-shoulder and always totally prejudiced stuff. You will get no objectivity from this member. I could write his posts. Entirely predictable, rabidly anti-western but most notably US, scripts.

Is being rabidly anti-western somehow different from being anti-Russia/Assad/China/Iran/Korean ..... as you are? The difference is I don't see any of them trying to take over the World by force of arms ..... even a blind man could see that is not the case with the Peace Loving Exceptional Nation that declares itself indispensable to mankind ....... whilst it is set on a path to destroy it.

Almost all your posts on here have absolutely nothing to do with the thread they are posted on ..... like this rubbish. They are simply an ad hominem assault on any poster that does not subscribe to the propaganda you believe and resists the promotion of your own firmly held and unshakeable opinion. But, you have no opinion, all you do is spout what you have been brainwashed to believe . You have no ability to see through the mist even though it stares you in the face every day.

The article makes a good deal of sense ..... but it is missed on an absolute moron like you. This guy thinks .... you just spout opinion, ill-informed opinion at that and of course yours is completely neutral, accurate and relible. :roll: :lol:

Do us all a favour and take your venom to another site ....... :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :x

BTW: GiG's I hope you don't think all Brits are as offensive as this one? The sexist comments he made about you were the lowest I have ever seen on this forum! He owes you an apology ......... but don't hold your breath!
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Re: Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby Londonrake » Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:18 pm

Informationclearinghouse is nothing more than a vitriolic anti-western site. Like most of those you present articles from. Anybody who actually takes the trouble to look at them will see that. There are no such sites in the countries so beloved to you and you have no answer to that other than the usual "MSM" tripe. I will always highlight the hypocrisy. It's no better than my continually presenting articles from the likes of Fox news/CNN, although even they tend to be considerably less partisan than your offerings.

As far as GIG goes. She got as good as she gives. First blood went to her. I tend to treat people the way they treat me. With no reason at all, other than pure spite and the desire to look a smart arse, she posted repeated insults, some blatantly racist and totally unrelated to the OPs, on discussions between myself and others which were in essence quite mundane. The last before my apparently so terrible response was to suggest that STUD and I were in some sort of gay relationship. So be it. Don't let it stop you sycophantically trawling for allies though (because that's what it's all about!). :lol:

With the departure of your friend all you are most likely to get in response to your attempts to find a platform to produce sermons on your obsessions will be the odd post in - sort of - agreement.

I can't imagine anybody taking up a contra view. There's absolutely no point, it always ends up going down the same old route. Ratta-tatta-tat!

Most are obviously avoiding you already. Hopefully, one day, you will simply wither on the vine. :wink:

Personally, I couldn't give a monkey's what people in here think of me. Unlike you, this stuff and the desire to be a "big man" on Internet forums, in order to service bitterly held grudges, (a mental problem) isn't a defining factor in my life. :wink:

Good luck with this attempt to drum up something allowing you to post another couple of hundred words on one of your usual anti-West obsessions. Well, it certainly beats "money creation". :wink:
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Re: Beware the Dogs of War .......

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:02 am

Londonrake wrote:Informationclearinghouse is nothing more than a vitriolic anti-western site. Like most of those you present articles from. Anybody who actually takes the trouble to look at them will see that. There are no such sites in the countries so beloved to you and you have no answer to that other than the usual "MSM" tripe. I will always highlight the hypocrisy. It's no better than my continually presenting articles from the likes of Fox news/CNN, although even they tend to be considerably less partisan than your offerings.

As far as GIG goes. She got as good as she gives. First blood went to her. I tend to treat people the way they treat me. With no reason at all, other than pure spite and the desire to look a smart arse, she posted repeated insults, some blatantly racist and totally unrelated to the OPs, on discussions between myself and others which were in essence quite mundane. The last before my apparently so terrible response was to suggest that STUD and I were in some sort of gay relationship. So be it. Don't let it stop you sycophantically trawling for allies though (because that's what it's all about!). :lol:

With the departure of your friend all you are most likely to get in response to your attempts to find a platform to produce sermons on your obsessions will be the odd post in - sort of - agreement.

I can't imagine anybody taking up a contra view. There's absolutely no point, it always ends up going down the same old route. Ratta-tatta-tat!

Most are obviously avoiding you already. Hopefully, one day, you will simply wither on the vine. :wink:

Personally, I couldn't give a monkey's what people in here think of me. Unlike you, this stuff and the desire to be a "big man" on Internet forums, in order to service bitterly held grudges, (a mental problem) isn't a defining factor in my life. :wink:

Good luck with this attempt to drum up something allowing you to post another couple of hundred words on one of your usual anti-West obsessions. Well, it certainly beats "money creation". :wink:

To get back to something like the context of the thread, as opposed to personal attacks!

Of course you are so patriotic ..... Queen and Country and all that loyalty...... but you fool yourself. When was the last time the British military fought for Queen and Country since the end of WWII? Most of them were futile attempts to hang on to Empire against the wishes of the people, the rest have been fought for the New American Empire. When was the last time the UK was threatened by a foreign power? I think once again .... maybe WWII?

What happened when the UK tried to stop Egypt taking back the Suez Canal ...... where was your American back up then? They turned their backs on the special relationship. They did the same in the Falklands ..... they were opposed to the UK's actions because it was not in US National interests.

What you fail completely to take into account is history.

You joined the US in Afghanistan for what, Queen and Country? No ..... US oil pipelines to Asia that the Afghans didn't want. Having destroyed that country you then moved on.

Remember Iraq II ?.... (at least Iraq I had some reason behind it even though even that was a bit iffy) ..... but all the lies that were told to get the UK to join the US to remove Saddam and his WMD's .... that didn't exist. You left that country in ruins as well and all to protect Queen and Country ..... I mean are you really serious?

Then on the orders of the US the UK and France bought freedom and democracy to Libya ..... well that was another great success. The reason .... Ghadafi was selling oil/gas for Gold and other currencies like the Euro and refused to give up his independent central bank and control of his monetary system to the US Banks. You destroyed that country as well on behalf of the New US Empire.

Then came Syria ..... again a war over US gas/oil pipelines. Assad would not bow down to the mighty US so he had to be taken down ..... and the UK lap dog was there again to help destroy that country. Those actions have led to the death of over half a million Syrians and millions of refugees and displaced persons .......are you proud of OUR country's achievements ?

The list is endless and on going and not one war was for Queen and Country. The UK was taken for a ride and successive Governments were only too pleased to be part of ..... that special relationship .... even though so far it seems to have been a bit of a one sided friendship.

As for your total reliance on MSM. A few months ago a Canadian journalist (Eva Bartlett) was on the same armoured vehicle being taken to Western Aleppo. In that same vehicle was Lyse Ducette for the BBC and her crew. They went to a temporary hospital where they saw the results of two gas canister rockets fired by US supported 'moderate' rebels, into Western Aleppo where they landed close to a school. Several killed many wounded. Both saw the same scenes and spoke to survivors. That night Bartlett went back to her Hotel and watched BBC World News ...... and there was Lyse recounting her experiences. A liberal application of 'The Regime'; 'supported by Russia'; 'innocent children' ; the indiscriminate bombing of schools and hospitals'..... you know the routine the Trump 'beautiful little babies' scenario? She finished her report with "It is not known where the bombs came from." She knew, but it was against 'company' policy to tell her audience .... it would give the wrong impression.

I realise your prejudices would prevent you from even considering that to be propaganda or encourage you to seek confirmation ..... but propaganda was just what it was and the western sources repeat it over and over again. And people like you just soak it all up.

How much coverage was there from the MSM after Aleppo was liberated (even then the MSM description was 'the fall of Aleppo') I'll tell you ..... very little and certainly not in detail. Again, as always, the truth started coming out from those that had been trapped and mistreated by the US supported terrorists and the stories were the exact reverse of all the crap thrown out by the media you rely so much on to get the truth. Another Saddam's WMD...... all lies to present the US side of the argument.

If you want to ignore the independent news outlets, then go ahead, all you do is create an illussional scenario. I don't think you will be too happy when the UK runs out of volunteers to fight US wars of Empire and your Grand children get conscripted to go and fight for Queen and Country in someone else's back yard on behalf of their US Masters !

Do you not wonder why people like me, with an interest and a capacity to reason, think the way they do? Do you not question why these independent sites that you hate so much are now the primary source of information for more and more people and the MSM journals are haemorrhaging readers to them, so much so they need mugs like you to pay them for their services? We can't all be as stupid as you seem to think .... you are just like Paphitis ....... only he was the one marching in step!!!! :roll:
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