The 'House of the Lord' is everywhere and, if one wished to construct a building worthy of his name, the dimensions of the structure will be found in the heart of the one wishing to undertake the task.
As to myself (despite my purposeful habit of demeaning myself in order to entertain others) I am aware that the only dimensions fitting the 'Glory of the Almighty' are quite unknown to mankind since the entire universe is the greatest measurement we are capable of recognizing and even that is not sufficient.
Imagination is the only source of greater dimensions, therefore, construct your 'Church' in your heart and you will receive the true blessings of 'The Almighty' and those 'Permissions and Archbishops' which are merely tools in the trade of forced subservience, will fade into the fog of insignificance where they truly belong.
The world in which we now live is testament to the truth of that, God Bless one and all in these helpless times. (imho)