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Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:25 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:But you will see that on June 4 2016, see the top post on this page:


You were berating immigrants to the UK, saying:

‘... 2m young immigrants .......he missed the that many would bring wives and children, many with no qualifications, many barely speaking English ...’

I.e. you are berating foreigners who come to the UK for doing just what you fail to do: speak the language of the country they are living in. A tad hypocritical, is it not. By the way, you will most probably not see the hyprocrisy because I have noticed that little Englanders usually don’t on that point.

But 'WE' are not looking for a job! As I said ..... if I was looking for a job I would learn Greek! But although we don't work or speak Greek, we are a financial asset to the country, NOT a liability. The Brits as a race are notoriously bad at foreign languages, I think it has something to do with our history? :wink:
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:33 pm

Robin Hood wrote:The Brits as a race are notoriously bad at foreign languages, I think it has something to do with our history? :wink:

Or poor genes! :P
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:29 am

Not sure if this article is relevant here... :? ... s-10823175
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:17 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:The Brits as a race are notoriously bad at foreign languages, I think it has something to do with our history? :wink:

Or poor genes! :P

Now stop being silly!

I have been around the world a bit and have been nowhere that uses the Greek language, except in Greece and here. But where ever you go in the world it is inevitable that there will be someone who speaks English. The reason is because in the days of Empire we ruled most of it or colonised it ...... not that we had any right to, but that is how history goes. My wife is Polish, when she was a child she was made to learn Russian ....... now English is taught in Polish schools because it is the international language of choice in most countries. I believe even Russian schools teach it.

So nothing to do with genes. :wink:
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:49 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:But you will see that on June 4 2016, see the top post on this page:


You were berating immigrants to the UK, saying:

‘... 2m young immigrants .......he missed the that many would bring wives and children, many with no qualifications, many barely speaking English ...’

I.e. you are berating foreigners who come to the UK for doing just what you fail to do: speak the language of the country they are living in. A tad hypocritical, is it not. By the way, you will most probably not see the hyprocrisy because I have noticed that little Englanders usually don’t on that point.

But 'WE' are not looking for a job! As I said ..... if I was looking for a job I would learn Greek! But although we don't work or speak Greek, we are a financial asset to the country, NOT a liability. The Brits as a race are notoriously bad at foreign languages, I think it has something to do with our history? :wink:

But you are talking about people bringing their wives and children in your racist rant. Perhaps some of those wives and children are not looking for a job, either. So, it is OK if they don't speak any English as long as they don't want a job, then?
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:06 am

I'm of the opinion that the English language, being widely used the world over, should be made compulsory the world over. Its the language of the skies, trade , communications.

Its a much easier language than say French, who have this nasty ....habit of ignoring letters used, why use them I say. I know that phonetic languages are more sensible in that if a letter is used it does not become redundant in pronunciation, English of course is nt a phonetic language and does include many idiosyncratic stupidities not least words introduced from other languages, mainly Greek, and absolutely murdered. I refuse to pronounce xenophobic as Zenophobic , WHY THE F..K use an X and then pronounce it as Z.
Talking about idiosyncrasies in spoken language I get so annoyed listening to the radio and being asked to visit Is it that hard I ask my self to pronounce UK ?

I love languages and have managed to learn even a few " pleasantries" in many languages including Indian , Spanish Italian and of course Russian. Davai ?
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:49 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:But you will see that on June 4 2016, see the top post on this page:


You were berating immigrants to the UK, saying:

‘... 2m young immigrants .......he missed the that many would bring wives and children, many with no qualifications, many barely speaking English ...’

I.e. you are berating foreigners who come to the UK for doing just what you fail to do: speak the language of the country they are living in. A tad hypocritical, is it not. By the way, you will most probably not see the hyprocrisy because I have noticed that little Englanders usually don’t on that point.

But 'WE' are not looking for a job! As I said ..... if I was looking for a job I would learn Greek! But although we don't work or speak Greek, we are a financial asset to the country, NOT a liability. The Brits as a race are notoriously bad at foreign languages, I think it has something to do with our history? :wink:

But you are talking about people bringing their wives and children in your racist rant. Perhaps some of those wives and children are not looking for a job, either. So, it is OK if they don't speak any English as long as they don't want a job, then?

I don't think what was said was a racist rant at all !

If legal immigrants want to bring their children to the UK (or any other foreign country) with them, no problem but if they want to take the opportunity to send them to a school in the UK, why should the UK teach in a foreign language? Is Turkish taught in Cypriot schools in the south? Because that is the sort of stupidity that has prevailed within the politically correct ideology. It is that ideology of bowing to the demands of immigrants (not all) that is the cause of much of the resentment.

The morons who insist on bending over backwards to not offend certain foreigners have created a society where it is 'offensive' to mention Christmas or Easter as it may upset those who are not Christians. You cannot even name centuries old University buildings after British historical characters as it offends foreign students. Bloody barmy!!!

Can you imagine the Cyprus government abandoning certain festivals because it upset the British or Muslims? :roll:
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:07 am

So as long as foreigners do not work or go to school in the UK, it is OK for them to speak no English.
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:12 am

If immigrants decide to live in the UK or elsewhere on their own accord surely its common sense that they must make an afford to integrate and learn the language of the country they have moved to. English is a widely spoken language the world over, learn it and make your life a lot easier.

England is a Christian country, the culture is of a Christian nature whether you beleive in god or not.
Christmas and Easter are"religious" festivities and must remain so. Dont like it then stay away.
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Re: Little Englanders, we tried to tell you!

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:26 am

Tim Drayton wrote:So as long as foreigners do not work or go to school in the UK, it is OK for them to speak no English.

YES! Many years ago I worked with a Polish guy whose mother was widowed in WWII. But her and her husband were refugees in the UK. Her children went to the local school and learned English. She never did learn English but she never worked in the UK and when she went shopping one of the children went with her. To me that is not a problem at all. She didn't integrate and preferred mixing with Polish nationals ...... but she didn't insist HER children were taught in Polish ...... the Polish she taught them. That's how it should be.

You have lived and worked Saudi I believe? Did you see any sign of Saudi society taking into account your sensibilities? How many immigrants from Muslim countries go to Saudi? NONE ..... because they are most often a different sect ....... and yet they will come to western countries and DEMAND special consideration because of their religion. Sorry, it may be racist, but in my book, if religion/culture/language means that much to any immigrant, then immigrate to a country that suits your requirements or learn to fit in! :x
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