Tim Drayton wrote:The term 'little Englander' is of course of charicature (as I am sure you will agree the term 'bremoaner' is unless you are such a fascist as to think that nobody who believes that the UK leaving the EU is a bad idea and will have seriously negative consequences for the country is not entitled to open their mouth and voice that opinion), but, as with all charicatures, it does touch on reality, such as the 'little Englander' trait of complaining about foreigners being unable to speak English but going to live in another country and failing to learn even a single word of the local language despite living there for years. So, given that it does charicature a certain set of traits that do very frequently coexist in the same people, I think it has a certain value in the argy bargy of boistrous political discourse. And there does seem to be a strong correlation between small minded bigotry, hatred of foreigners and dislike of the EU, but this does not meant that they necessarily always coincide.
Reverting to English for a while. It is of course "caricature".

Is being called a fascist ad hominem? I ask because some time ago you became extremely agitated about ad hominem. IIRC, to the point of invoking a response from ADMIN.
AFAIK nobody in here has complained about foreigners being unable to speak English. At the very least that would be somewhat hypocritical, given our situations.
When it comes to learning Greek, to my undying shame I admit, I did try but as I said earlier it just invoked perplexed looks and responses in English. At my age the inordinate amount of time required in learning such is spent much more productively in growing a fascinating but perplexing Mediterranean garden. You of course are much younger.
You are fond of insults Tim. Despite your complaints about such against yourself. "Bigot" being a common one. On my part I think you do come across as being something of a snob. Old fashioned term, I know, but pretty spot on.
The UK is leaving the EU. Get used to the idea.