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Living and working in Cyprus

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Living and working in Cyprus

Postby mitchmarshall » Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:11 pm

Hi All
My husband and I are planning on moving to Cyprus. He drives a lorry and I teach mainly health and safety and employment law but currently helping young people going into construction. We will have a little savings and a small income from a rental here in the UK but we would both need to work.
We are visiting in two weeks time to have a look around and get more information. Where would be the best places to have a look at in terms of finding work and considering settling down
Thank you in advance
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:39 pm

mitchmarshall wrote:Hi All
My husband and I are planning on moving to Cyprus. He drives a lorry and I teach mainly health and safety and employment law but currently helping young people going into construction. We will have a little savings and a small income from a rental here in the UK but we would both need to work.
We are visiting in two weeks time to have a look around and get more information. Where would be the best places to have a look at in terms of finding work and considering settling down
Thank you in advance

I could not currently recommend anyone to move to Cyprus unless they either have a firm job to come to, have an obvious marketable skill which is in short supply so would fill a gap, or do not need local employment. It is is otherwise a wonderful place (albeit with idiosyncracys) and for anybody who fits the requirements mentioned above, I would recommend it.

Firstly the economy is not in brilliant shape, so jobs are hard to come by. Most jobs are not well paid.

Secondly Cyprus is a small place and in many cases getting work is based on personal contacts. Driving jobs are likely to be hard to come by, as the local drivers will likely have everything already sewn up. As for teaching employment law and health and safety, here too I anticipate that is not a readily transferable skill. You would have to learn Cyprus law and likely be able to teach it in Greek. As for getting people into Construction.....see comments about driving being effectively a closed career without contacts. You will need to identify both possible employers and possible employees and that means contacts.
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby Get Real! » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:52 pm

I guess a foreigner’s best bet in Cyprus is to seek employment with the numerous offshore companies that are mainly based in Limassol so as to overcome the local language barrier, but keep in mind that it’s not a great time to be moving to Cyprus (like STUD says) which is only just recovering from a serious recession.
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby mitchmarshall » Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:02 pm

Thank you for your replies.
We may have to reconsider how we do this. We are keeping our options open in the UK if it doesn't work out. We have thought about travelling back and fourth to earn in the UK but still enjoy Cyprus. But it would mean tightening our belts and being really disciplined
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:47 pm

Apart from the other points, which I agree with, wages tend to be significantly lower in Cyprus than in the UK.
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:22 pm

IMHO, I don't think the above posters, both permanently residing in Cyprus, know how bad it is in the UK at the moment (and with the promise of about to get much worse).

If you can get out and start afresh, I would suggest you do - that is until the UK/UKIP/Conservatives sort out the mess they have created (unlikely) from using taxpayers' money to reward corrupt banks, overspend on weapons and support oil companies abroad and by neglecting the NHS to the point where babies are dying, old people are uncared for, schools have barely any teachers, the mentally ill (increasing) are thrown onto the streets etc etc etc.

To top it all, the weather is shitty no matter how you dress it up! :P
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:48 am

The question was about living and working in Cyprus, where I am sure the OP's can form their own views on living in the UK, which they do at present, without your assistance, and where your tendancy to negativity about the UK is well known, and where you have not in fact provided any thing practical which might assist in answering the questions about finding work in Cyprus.

Perhaps the lady can find some construction workers, who can work on your little vanity project to build a "church" in your bit of wilderness.

Otherwise Is anything we have said about the problems of Incomers finding work in Cyprus, in particular in their current fields incorrect? I wish it was different.

The Grass is not always Greener.... In fact in Cyprus in the Summer it is brown...
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:00 pm

It's perfectly apt to provide some background for such a move to those posters who may not know why anyone would consider moving to Cyprus when Cyprus also has problems. I also gave my long-term perspective (and I've not been wrong in the past about the economy).

Plus, for sure, the grass is always greener but that's cos it's always so damn damp in the UK!
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Re: Living and working in Cyprus

Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:07 pm

We can only speculate as to the poster's reason for wishing to come to Cyprus, but if it is to escape the disaster and turmoil that looks likely to accompany Brexit, then perhaps lorry drivers could consider migration to Australia. I put up a reference on this thread to a person in Perth, Australia who says he is always on the look out for qualiied and experienced British lorry drivers:

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