What a terribly disgusting exhibition of bullying apparently perpetrated by a savage gang of drunken yobs upon an innocent civilian in the dead of night.
Small wonder that there is such an outpouring of condemnation from the general public and you may add MY name to the long lists of those who recognize the cowardliness of such despicable actions, certainly NOT conducive to a nation which (through the many outlets of Social and Political reporting agencies) constantly maintain that the UK is among the most civilized nations upon the face of the earth.
Such savagery does not fit in with the 'Fair Play' for which the 'Brits' are notoriously fond of drawing attention to whenever they get the chance to 'Generalize' the characteristics of the nation (particularly English folk) and it is not surprising that there will be uproars following THIS shocking event, one could hardly expect anything less.
The poor defenceless innocent chap, outnumbered by about ten to one and in no position to fight back against such enormous odds, had no chance of protecting himself from the onslaught of such hateful aggression.
BUT, hold up a minute, the whole scenario is not quite the unusual event it has been cracked up to be, there are several comparisons that could be made here, I am sure there are many incidents where vastly superior forces have 'Bullied' the innocents to a far greater degree AND with vastly greater odds and weaponry at their disposal, furthermore, it could be argued with some certainty that the 'Bullies' hail from the very nation that condemns this action with such fervour.
In defence of the cowardly gang of perpetrators responsible for the disgusting incident now being howled down by the 'Righteous', one could easily offer the excuse that they were under the influence of 'Drink' at the time and are now deeply sorry for their actions.
Unlike the other 'Superior' forces who have committed far worse cowardly actions whilst stone cold sober.................Hmmm, worth a thought I reckon.